Tuesday, June 18, 2024

General Hospital 6-18-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-18-24 Full episode 18th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Wonder which crime John Cates would have Carly charged with and sent to prison?

    1. The changes ageist Carly would be Rico charges when she was running Sonny business when he was presumed dead.

  2. John Cates is an idiot anna has nothing to do with Pikeman.

  3. I was waiting for Sam to slap Carly and Geo had to show up when Sasha and Cody wanted privacy

    1. 100% right Vincenzo ridente was so looking forward to Sasha & Cody having more time together and YES wanted Sam to slap Carly so bad already sick of her & Jason

    2. if sasha and cody wanted privacy they both have lodging at the resident not the boat house where the entirety of the of the quartermaine household frequents just saying lol

  4. Can’t believe they have made Sam be so boring. Why does she have it in for keeping Danny away from his father? Carly should have hit her to knock some sense into her. She has totally become so self-righteous a little to late. I really think Dante has ruined her character.

    1. Sam is such a weenie anymore. Her character isn't worth watching. Jason is Jason, Carly is Carly, at least they provide some flavor to the show. Sam just whines & complains constantly. I wish Carly would have thrown her in the pool. They should have got rid of Sam instead of Britt, her & Jason made a great couple. This show is getting more boring daily. If Sasha & Cody are the highlight, I just can't see it. Their like watching paint dry. The only one left to stir the pot is Nina? That type of crazy is not great entertainment. Drew seems a bit crazy too anymore with his political agenda & name change. He & Nina deserve each other. Willow needs to back off this Drew thing or she's in for trouble.

  5. Really, Sam? What did you expect?
    You should know by now Carly's religion is Jasonese and he's the god she worships! 😂
    Did you really think it was a good idea to ask her for help to separate Jason from his own son?

  6. OMG Sasha in YELLOW, sooooooooooo pretty.......... Cody, you one lucky man. Hahahahaha, Gio blocking them with a private concert, this kid.

    Whatever Cates, why is the show bringing in another incompetent cop/investigator... Can we get someone who is good at this job, ever????? Though it does look like Anna is actually "in bed" with the real head of Pikeman, lol...as Valentin's actively double-crossing her. But she seemed to really like that too, hahahaha, those two are nuts as a couple now. I hope she just hits him with a sleeping potion or whatever in his house, how else is she going to have the time to track down incriminating evidence, he surely wouldn't just have it lying around for her to glance at.

    Sam is so lame now, I can't stand it. Get your house in order yourself, why would you presume Carly of all people would help you, take your side over Jason, what a waste of screentime this conversation was. You LOVED that about Jason when you two were together, hopping on motorcycles and jumping out of exploding buildings, you can't be mad about it now. You chose it. Now you have to make it work. With Jason. No idea why she tracked Carly down for this, they've always just barely tolerated each other. Pointless conversation, Carly bears NO responsibility for your son's choices, they barely know each other. Dumb. Surprised there was no slapping involved in that confrontation, now that would have made it worthwhile in some way, lol...

    Honestly, Blaze (and her mother, especially) is not worth all this trouble she is causing Deception, Port Charles is full of beautiful people, come on, find someone who really wants the job, in its entirety. Deception is still recovering, they need someone who is going to help. Get Tracy on this.

    Bwahahahahahaha, Lucy and Scott reliving all their old scheming days, these two. Scott is chugging the Laura Kool-Aid I see, deluding himself into thinking Heather couldn't possibly get off scot-free because of the poisoning, whatever. I'm fine with her terrorizing Port Charles again, so go ahead and go for it, out of sheer greed, Scott.

    1. yeah scott is cracked heather made scotty life a living hell now he want to save her because he poor poisoned hip made her do it biggest eyeroll

    2. Yeah, I get Scott's still sentimental for Franco, since they developed a good relationship before he was murdered, but that should in no way extend to crazy Heather, that is retconning their history together something fierce...

  7. what rico charges she wasnt running drugs did not kill anyone, was there any embezzling think not there is a long list so which one did she violate, there was the kidnapping of martin and cyrus mother but even martin's mother would say she was happy to be away from cyrus not that there was any proof of the kidnapping still do not understand them rico charges

    sam is back to being a judgy mmmph, confused she is now hacking into fbi sites, following cates all to save jason a situation where she is putting herself in danger but jason is the danger to their lives ok

    and there we have it sam is just mad at jason for leaving even though she knows both times it was not jason choice to stay away but ok sam

    what the hell is anna doing with valentin girl stop yup valentin and brennan are going to make anna their fall girl

    what is scott talking about hasnt heather tormented this man for years now he wants to defend her are scott and laura smoking the same hallucinogens

    did carly trim her hair a little god just love this woman beautiful full head of hair

    1. Carly has some of the most fabulous hair ever!!! And it is always on point...
