Wednesday, June 5, 2024

General Hospital 6-5-24 Full episode

General Hospital 6-5-24 Full episode 5th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. general hospital is so BORING i have been fast forwarding it for the past several days....they need to end this pikeman storyline and write better stories ....bringing jason back was a huge mistake....he makes the show so boring....there is nothing special about him...i will continue to fastforward until mac and felicia or lucy come back on...i will only stop and watch for those three...everything else is a bore..i sure miss the good general hospital from the 70's 80's and early 90's which had good storylines and characters like actress mary o'brien as heather...jeff...rick...leslie...bobbie....mac...feclicia...lucy...alan...monica...audrey and steve

  2. Is it just me or does these Blaze songs suck?? Very lackluster....

    1. Always--same for Chase, for Brooklynn, for Ned, I feel like everyone does WAY better at the Nurse's Ball than when they're in a studio... ;) There are some really great performers on the show, they have some talent, but they are actors, not professional singers. I think TJ and Valentin are better singers than some of the actors that play singers on the show, lol!

    2. And Liesl has a surprisingly good singing voice too, very powerful, she knocked my socks off when they had her sing on the show! Epiphany had a gorgeous voice too, may she rest in peace. :(

    3. Agreed Blaze & Chase were bad together & apart. Liesel was great! Epiphany as well. Ned is horrendous.

  3. Loved the memorial for Gregory, it was so small though! As a professor, I feel like he would have had a network of colleagues at least, if not students, who would have liked to attend. :( Everyone who spoke, spoke beautifully, though. Loved the surprise kiss dish Alexis served at the memorial, everyone deserves to have something fun like that come out at the end, lol... Man that would have been a killer love triangle, Alexis and Tracy already hate each other. Why, Gregory, why?????? Best new character introduced in a long time, and he was gone before we knew it. :( I've always said it, in a soap show with all these big personalities you need some more of these even-keeled, normal, level-headed people mixed in, that the audience can relate to when the big personalities bring the drama. I really liked Gregory, great balance for the show.

    Bwahahahahahaha, Natalia's face when Kristina looked at Blaze, I'm dying. Can't believe Kristina spent a morning sitting and waiting for Molly at court just to lambast her for two seconds, lol. Finally a mention of that center she's "working" on though, hahahahaha...

    Elizabeth has such a handsome group of boys. Bring the teenagers back onto the show in a real way, especially for the summer, they're all so great!!!! Looks like the Metro Court pool is back for the summer too, perfect hangout for the young-uns, come on GH!!! I wish she was being more supportive of Finn, they've been together for years, and now that he's struggling, for the first time, she's being all judgy and bailing. Fizz needs to fizzle out already, they are not what they each need. Excited for tomorrow!

  4. gregory gets a bench in rice park, how many memorials do they have in that park oscar, gregory who else

    kristina always opening her big mouth putting everyone's business out now its done to her she cannot see why blaze spoke to molly girl get over yourself

    is natalia a producer why is she changing blazes song

    no finn no think of violet she does not need to see the drunk version of her father yikes

    1. The only time I'm entertained by Kristina and Natalia is when they are snarking at each other, lol! Both selfish, obnoxious, two-faced, inconsistent, self-pitying know-it-alls. With blind spots for Sonny. Don't tell me what to do, but do what I say and when I say it and I live by a different set of rules...and everything radically depends on my mood at the time!!!! Heehee.

    2. you described these woman perfectly, maybe thats why natalia hates kristina probably see herself in kristina

  5. why do i get neighbours background noise
