Friday, May 31, 2024

General Hospital 5-31-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-31-24 Full episode 31st May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Hi Bob can you please readd from 11.14.23 and forward all say video have been removed

    1. I second your request. I went to watch this weeks videos and they have all been removed (even though the picture is shrunk down very small with all the advertising around it. Makes it hard to watch on a small iPod touch but it is better than nothing. ABC has this show on free tv, why are they messing with Bob's videos?

  2. Just another boring Friday !!!!!! THANKS BOB !!!!

  3. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend!

  4. Damn! I guess Sonny's got hit men from the hood on speed dial. Fortunately for Jason he's a lousy shot.. so far??

  5. OMG Laura, what is with that type of thinking? She's lost her mind too. Sonnys trying to kill his best friend & Lauras trying to free a psychopath. Maybe Laura needs some of the meds Sonnys on, only the correct dosage. Ones heading in one direction & the other is just as crazy heading in the other direction. Where is Gh heading with this nonsense. Basically boring storyline.

  6. Bwahahahahahahaha, Brennan smirking behind Portia while she's chewing out Cates, LOL! That's the first enjoyable scene including Portia in years. Has it been that long since she found out about Jordan and her brother Zeke, because that was hilarious too...

    Tired of Molly and Carly acting like Kristina is some little girl, that's a grown woman and she knows what a mobster is.

    Poor gorgeous Jordan, getting stuck dealing with Laura's mess that she tried to prevent in the first place. Enough paperwork, get her a man!!!!! Curtis made a GOOD point to Laura--if they release Heather and she goes after Trina over Esme, could Laura live with that? She should stew on that for a while...

    Carly should smack the heck out of Sonny. Might knock some sense back into him. The show is DUE for another soap slap! And that hitman missed Jason from point-blank range, what in the world??? Yeah, Sonny is not hiring the best people... Getting a little better at these Friday endings, lol!

  7. laura you are trying to get heather a get out of jail free card, she wants to vindicate heather because of some hip crap who ever leaked that story good on them maybe now laura will stop with heather was not at fault for the things she has done, hope rory family or cop is the one who leaked that story

    laura is full of crap heather did not think much of spencer she did not like that spencer broke up with esme or was trying to take ace from esme what the hell is wrong with laura

    laura when the son of sam went on his killing spree the dude said the devil through dog made him do it so he is not responsible for his many evils what is laura talking about crazy

    show carly at bobbies once in a while love how down to earth she is there so at ease and interacting with everyone

    how paranoid is sonny that he sees all his loyalist as enemies and his enemies as loyalist damn sonny recognize

    does jason have spidey senses the guy can sense danger lol
