Thursday, May 23, 2024

General Hospital 5-23-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-23-24 Full episode 23rd May 2024

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  1. Sonny, you were being as a crazy person who had to be held back!

  2. Can't Jason testify against Sonny instead of enabling Sonny?????

  3. I'm surprised Dex isn't going to press charges and what is Ava waiting for to tell his family something is wrong with his meds because when his family finds out Ava knew and didn't say anything it's going to be hell to pay

  4. this show is such b.s. how could the police commissioner tell a cadet not to press charges after a brutal assault...unreal...also so sick of that dei black woman on alexis she the main judge because she is a black joe the way joe biden never tells young black men that they can work in positions of power....look at the awful speech he did at moorehouse...if he has spoken to all black women he would have told them that they could be president....remember that black guys when you vote....democrats only favor black women...and i am saying this as a black woman....whew i got off the way both the women playing lois and brook are both jewish....not italian....notice how so many jewish actors play italian

  5. I really think that y'all are missing the point Carly and Jason have advocated for Sonby and his Mental illness from the day that they realized he was bi polar the actor that plays Sonny is also Bi polar. This storyline is about mental illness and how drastically different a person is when unmedicated

  6. Wow, they finally made Finn and Elizabeth interesting!!!! :) They sure did turn up the dial on that relationship, and I'm here for it...

    Now both Blaze and Kristina are talking her/my baby, boy oh boy oh boy..

    WHAT is Ava's end game? I don't get it, the writer switches are jerking her actions around so much it's going to turn into another Pikeman mess of a story. We need more info about why she's playing with Sonny this way.

    It's fun seeing Alexis be a lawyer again, her spunk is back! I hope she's OK when she hears about Gregory, hoping she doesn't join Finn in falling off the wagon. Looking forward to seeing Alexis vs. Ava in the future.

    Dex asking Anna about tarnishing the badge before he even puts it on, lol, dude, she is not the one to ask! :) And what a terrible answer she gave him. Seriously, EVERYONE has a family. Saying you can't prosecute Sonny because of his poor family is stupid and applies to no one but Sonny, apparently. People with families go to jail all the time. That's everyone. Their families are sad, that's too bad. It's the criminal's fault. It's called consequences, and it's on them, not officers of the law or the justice system. Ugh to that whole conversation today. Dex needs to make a real friend besides Joss. Anna sounded so corrupt to me today, didn't like it.

    1. the whole anna dex conversation was a head scratcher, that was terrible advise but maybe she needs sonny to take pikeman, valentine down

  7. Elizabeth needs to climb off that high horse & let Finn recover from just losing his dad, before telling him what to do or think. Couldn't keep her mouth shut for 5 minutes, had to make it about herself while telling his boss. Then there's Anna, such a hypocrite. Worst commissioner on this show ever. Laura is just as hypocritical by suggesting her to that position. Both those women are not stellar examples of enforcing the law, quite the opposite.

  8. did anna call brennan carly friend what

    anna knows how to manipulate carly she go see brennan cause carly hates people telling her what to do

    wow finn hayden walked out on violet, that piece of crap nicholas threaten hayden we still dont know if she is alive or dead, was the murder of hayden mother ever solved cant remember if they said who murdered her

    what happened to roxie the bearded dragon lizard

    kristina molly and tj baby will be raised by its parents, your role will be minimal if any, my baby shit kristina on, like molly and tj would let their kid around sonny they are barely around him now

    gio is moving into the quatermaine mansion tracy will lose her shit more bensonhurt murking up the place

    anna is confusing me she did not dissway dex from pressing charges but it sure sounded like she does not want him too yet she has cyrus file a police report about his beating from sonny

    1. Bwahahahahaha, Anna played Carly like a fiddle today, lol, Carly can absolutely not resist someone telling her not to do something...that's exactly why she needs a friend like Jason. And yeah, collectively, Anna will have a STRONG case against Sonny with both of these assault charges, what is her deal still protecting him? And I miss Roxie!!! Bring her back, she should be Violet's buddy!
