Wednesday, May 22, 2024

General Hospital 5-22-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-22-24 Full episode 22nd May 2024

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  1. Thanks Bob !!!! Guess Sonny will get away with yet another beat-up was hoping Dex would throw him butt in jail so glad Dante also told him off BUT now Kristina will save him know he's off his meds but even he should realize something is wrong glad to see Finn stand up to Liz (but she should take Violet if he's going to get drunk ) Hope he doesn't

  2. What is Ava waiting for to tell everyone that something is wrong with sonny's meds and I think Elizabeth is right about getting angry about Finn drinking in front of Violet

  3. gh is finally writing sonny without something mob related...i am enjoying seeing sonny spin out of control...maurice will win an emmy for his performance....sonny rocks right now and so does finn...finn will be nominated to for his drunken i said before gh is finally writing character driven stories....but unfortunately head writer patrick has quit and i do not know if that woman writing will keep this going with the male leads doing such a great job...she may stick to the man hating feminist storylines gh has been doing since woke.....and speaking of which....why is the panel in alexis case two women and one asian man...aren't there any white or black guys who are in charge of hearing panels...signs of more woke...just ridiculous

  4. Since when has Josslyn ever closed her big mouth? Sonny needs to be arrested.

  5. Heavy today. Finn spiraled quickly--for Violet's sake I hope Chase, Elizabeth, and Alexis get him back on the wagon. He was very good with her today in spite of his struggles. She should be with him, with Chase there to chaperone. Violet asking questions was so precious today. Great little actress.

    Kristina FINALLY doing the right thing, asking Dex to move forward with pressing charges, and he should. Just because she's pregnant doesn't give her carte blanche to do terrible things. She's right now, Dex deserves justice. Surprised to see Joss protecting Sonny, maybe just for Kristina's sake, but still, everyone stop handling him with kid gloves, he's a grown criminal man! Loved seeing Dante's struggle today, happy to see him coming to his senses and returning to his principles.

    Oh, Chase and Tracy about to talk, how sad! :'(

  6. Sonny needs to be arrested for beating up people, meds or no meds. Hope Dex turns him in, that will be the only way he can get some help. I can’t believe people enable him to keep threatening people and not be held accountable.

    1. Agree except it would be better if Kristina or Josslyn or Michael or some combination of them turned Sonny in. Sonny keeps LYING to everyone by saying that he was defending himself. Sonny was NOT defending himself!

  7. I read or heard online that the main writer is being replaced due to GH fans complaining of story lines and viewership decreasing. They say with the new writer coming storylines should improve by the Summer. I just returned watching GH after the arrival of Jason (Harris on Days) came back to GH. I think GH is very good. I used to watch it when Luke and Laura were the big thing and also Lila Quartermaine.

  8. of course noone recognizes that sonny is a bit bipolar this man has been acting like this since he returned from nixonshit falls, so that makes sense that the only people who suspects that sonny is acting off are jason and carly they have a more personal understanding of sonny condition seen him manic many times

    are dante and kristina for real expect that naivete from kristina but dante acting like he does not know who sonny and what sonny is huh, good on dante redrawing that line with sonny

    now ava truly has sonny all to herself lol, so not mad at the fall of sonny that what he deserves for treating his family like crap and going against them

    are all of neil brothers assholes, with an agenda against alexis, first the blackmailer one now this other brother coming for alexis lawyer license, these bro of neil realize that neil died because a crazy woman named harmony did not want him to spill the beans about willow true parentage, then another came to blackmail harmony about that, alexis just had the misfortune of falling for the guy and she keeps paying for it

    yeah elizabeth take violet home with you, then call chase to go be with his brother, finn is so spiralling, and given elizabeth has dealt with a partner who was an addict remember when lucky was popping pills its good she told finn to go get help

    1. I was very happy with the Dante/Sonny scenes today, it was tortured and it's clear they were both unsure of the boundaries of their relationship. Glad Dante was clear and blunt with his father's insane asks. Dante should know exactly who Sonny is, the man shot him.

      Yeah, Alexis is facing the consequences for a lot of other crazy people's actions (Harmony, Julian, Ava, even Tracy set her up in that car accident). She and Neil were in a good place before he was murdered. It's really too bad.
