Wednesday, May 29, 2024

General Hospital 5-29-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-29-24 Full episode 29th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Awwwwww, Willow's so sweet and encouraging, if eternally misguided. :)

    Poor Alexis, great acting, I could feel her pain. Are we inching towards a Finn and Alexis reunion????? I could get on board with that. Definitely already on board for Alexis vs. Ava, a lot of bad history there. Getting her law license back in time to litigate her daughter's custody battle and finally put Ava away for one of numerous crimes--come on GH!

    Oh, Maxie, worried about Nina antagonizing Ava. Nina's crazy and dangerous too, she'll be fine!!! Murder, mayhem, and poisoning, lol, Nina, who hasn't done that? Bwahahaha... Nina cut a baby out of Ava for crying out loud. I'd be more scared if I was Ava. Loved the tease about the new "boyfriend", and Ava's comeback with him being in Canada, LOVE these two as enemies. This is more like it.

    1. right about maxie hate how maxie choose what she wants to accepts about nina, hate that maxie is once again back to being nina sounding board, get maxie away from that polluting vile woman nina

  2. Saint Elizabeth needs to stop using Violet to control Finn. I hope he dumps her. Maxie needs to figure out Nina is bat sh*t crazy. Then we had to deal with Trinia & Jos again with Ava over Dex & Sonny. Let's see Alexis & Ava go to the mat. Drew good grief, your choices with Nina are disgusting, then he wants to run for congress. Hés right up their alley, phony as they get.

  3. Boy or boy was I hoping Alexis was going to smack Ava across the face hope Alexis takes her down maybe Nina & Alexis can team up and go after Ava she deserves whatever she gets

    1. I have been thinking the same thing.

    2. Too bad Alexis did not come in and confront Ava while Trina and Josslyn were there. Josslyn knows what Ava did to Morgan. Josslyn could join Alexis and Nina in exposing Ava. Nina and Carly have already talked about how bad Ava is for Sonny. Carly could join, also.

    3. Trina needs to take off the rose colored glasses and see Ava for who she really is.

  4. trina and josslyn with the noise line well trina can be funny

    cannot stand nina and ava want them to destroy each other but damn they play off each well that canada line about nina man what lol yuck that woman is dying to tell people she is hate sexing drew vomit

    nina is back to my daughter shit please no when that woman say my daughter it sound possessive and psychotic

    does maxie have selective memory when it comes to nina, nina as dangerous as ava, at least people know ava is a viper unlike nina who hides in the grass waiting to pounce then acting like she did not mean to do that

    why is ava being a bitch to josslyn the woman who saved her life twice the gratitude of one ava jerome, she knows bloody well what sonny did to dex is ava hoping that her defending sonny will get back to sonny make him more affable towards her

    when are nina and ava going to get theirs these two sins they never pay for, ava has some the way the woman think she can cast judgement on alexis when julian came to her ava for help after bombing the floating rib sent sonny after the man does she think hurting alexis will absolve her of guilt or whatever ava motive was/is

    and julian destroyed himself he was toxic abusive piece of crap when alexis was with, the man held a knife to alexis throat because she knew julian killed duke but alexis is to be blamed for julian crappy decision ok ava sure
