Friday, May 24, 2024

General Hospital 5-24-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-24-24 Full episode 24th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

There will be no new episode 5-27-28 on TV on Monday.

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  1. Look at Neil's brother throwing dirt at Alexis getting back her law license doesn't look good

  2. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend!

  3. tracy will probably get it on with gio...she likes younger men...but tracy and cyrus are better love couple...gregory was much too handsome for her

  4. Enjoy your weekend Bob, and thank you!

  5. Awwwwwwww, Tracy with Stella, all the feels today...

    Oh man, that setup conversation, trouble is coming for TJ and Molly.

    Boy, Alexis is getting hammered at this hearing. I hope she's not heading toward the same path as Finn.

    Elizabeth, why in the world did you say anything to Portia. That was foolish, and if this is an aberration and Finn straightens right back up, now he's living under his boss's microscope. The man just barely got through a malpractice case. Boo.

    Yay, Carly back visiting Brennan! I don't know why I like those two so much together...crazy hot guy, lol. We don't have a "stab yourself to see each other" kind of relationship, hahahahaha...

    1. know right elizabeth should not have said anything its not like finn was going on a black out bender and portia better not do anything that information all elizabeth said was confidential and between friends, unless finn comes to work drunk and treat patients she has no ground to do anything

      and if portia does try to come after finn for that what a two face woman given she woke a coma patient to testify to save her daughter

    2. Elizabeth and Portia would be the worst to use this slip-up against him. He wasn't even an alcoholic before, he was a drug addict, and these are extreme circumstances. I do understand that sobriety is sobriety. But let his brother reach out and take a crack at it first. Normal doctors drink like everyone else, just not on the job, it doesn't affect them at work at all. Portia with her wide-eyed judgmental look...whatever.

      And yeah, given the crimes that Portia and Elizabeth have committed in their medical careers, neither of them has any right to be in leading positions at the hospital, they're both lucky to just be employed. Bwahahahaha, Elizabeth helped Finn drag a body around that hospital, for crying out loud, how do any of these people still have jobs...

    3. Elizabeth helping Nikolas hold Esme captive, Portia's role in stealing, the list of medical malpractice is long. They really should not be in charge.

    4. one of the reason not big fan of either portia or elizabeth they are too judgy of others without realizing neither of the two are perfect the halo they wear is always blinding them

      not ok with finn drinking elizabeth was right to call chase and call finn out on that but what she did next was not ok she betrayed finn trust

      but like you said finn and elizabeth finally made these two interesting hate them as a couple but now their dull relationship has some spice

    5. Dull is a good word for them. This relationship has dragged along for years, I mean, Chase and Brooklynn started after them and are already married, that should tell them something. I get a gradual build, especially when kids are involved, but there is just no spice otherwise to them. And they spend a lot of time on screen. This storyline is at least interesting, ha... And I agree with you there, Finn needed his family, and his sponsor. Let Chase work with AA to assess the situation first and see what's necessary. Not straight to his boss, lol... Portia was giving her BEST judgmental faces today, bwahahaha...

  6. I don't like nina character but she needs to be the one to serve Ava a sweet dish of pay back and Sonny go to therapy and Carly gets Avery with custody with sonny

  7. Jeez how many brothers does Neil have: 50?!?
    30 DAYS ??? This disbarment appeal storyline will drag for that much longer??

    Ava being the accuser was a bizarre twist; then again, with Harmony added to that Neil storyline the whole premise of Neil and his brothers is bizarre at best lol AND THEY SEEM TO KEEP ADDING MORE TO THIS TOO!!

    PLEASE ENOUGH OF THE DOOM AND GLOOM GH!! Mike (Sonny's dad), Willows cancer, now Gregory?

    You have me crying about Gregory and the fallout with loved ones and he wasn't even my favorite character.

    1. yeah about neil brothers that dude realize the reason he lost two brothers is because of a woman harmony who had a hand in both of their deaths

      all alexis did was fall in love with neil a crime in that man eyes apparently how dare neil, choosing a woman over his career choops

  8. I just read the the actor Johnny Wactor who played Brando Corban Shot & Killed Alleged Theft Gone Wrong.

    1. So deeply saddened by this news...

    2. Oh, my heart! He was such a sweetheart, what an absolutely senseless murder... :( What monsters, how is some dumb car part worth someone's life. This has been such a beastly year for GH, he was so young...I really hope they catch those scumbags, unbelievable.

    3. yeah heard that shocking and sad

  9. who exactly is ava to judge anyone for anything they do or did in their lives, ava gets away with all her evil murdering vindictive manipulative crimes but she want alexis to pay why because of julian a man who held a knife to alexis thoart because she found out julian killed duke

    when is ava going to pay for her crimes and loss as badly as she want alexis, carly, sonny partically everybody she comes into contact with to loss whether it be their family, their livelihood their lives

    why did finn have alcohol in his house in the first place he is an addict and such temptation should never have been so accessible

    ooh this is the molly and tj i love they are great partners to each other

    1. how will harmony kill fergus come to him and haunt him to death lol

  10. Alexis attacking Franco lizs husband but almost killed Dante sony and Olivia s son protecting Sam sent her to jail and she did put Neil and his brother in danger bringing Evil harmony in her home and Alexis should not be a da again that's so unrealistic
