Tuesday, May 14, 2024

General Hospital 5-14-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-14-24 Full episode 14th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Thanks Bob !!!! Looking forward to the wedding starting tomorrow think Ava is in trouble since Cates knows she went to the pharmacy she will be blamed for Sonny's meds liked Nina standing her ground with Ava today and PLEASE let Gregory stay on the show don't need Stellar or Marshall here take them off instead !!!!

    1. i agree greg is hot....get rid of chase.....brook....marshall...stella...porsche....trina and tracy

  2. Wow, Jordan is brilliant and should have every job, lol. And a real romance storyline, come on GH!!!!! All the times I'm telling you to hit the brakes on relationships, and emphasize friendships, but this woman deserves an incredible MAN in her life!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it happen, she is fire!!!!!!

    Valentin and Anna still have chemistry. They are doing quite the dance together...

    Drew in Congress, are these new writers for real?!?!?!? What the what?!?!?!?!? And one meeting and this guy is all in for helping Drew get elected...what kind of bizzarro-land is this... Drew Quartermaine, lol, I'd rather see Michael and Jason change their names back to Quartermaine first. Sigh.

    Looks like Ava is in trouble...she should have come clean, but just can't stop getting herself in deep! Valentin will be happy to help pin it on her too, lol...

    1. no jordan cannot run everything....no more dei...the senator was giving trump an endorsement......telling drew felons can hold office.....trump 2024....yes....i hate brook and chase....boring....please no more cougar moments with cody and old hag tracy.....gross

    2. a land where drew is a manchurin candidate being controlled by someone

    3. @general fanatic Oh my gosh, that's the only direction they could take this silly storyline that I would actually want to watch!!!!

  3. Nina saying to Ava " First time you have a chance to take something that was mine?" WHAT Nina, remember when you tried to cut Avas baby out, taking something that was actually Avas?" Sonny is not yours. OMG she truly is delusional. Every person she comes into contact with she eventually undermines & destroys. Shes a one-woman wrecking ball. Drew in the house is another Stange turn of events. Politics at its finest, I'll get you elected. GH appears to have nothing left to delve into. The show has been boring of late.

    1. but that is not the first time ava has taken a man from nina, silas willow father nina husband, nina mother paid ava to have an affair with silas which resulted in kiki being born

      and like you said sonny is not nina, that possessive woman thinks she can own people run willow run said the same thing nina destroys people

  4. well nina ava, just took a page out of your manipulative book how to isolate, cheat with a married man and control sonny except nina did it better, sonny was a complete puppet under nina control

    ava letting nina come at her like that, thats the woman who ripped a baby out of ava and ava was big enough to overlook that to have some demented relationship with nina, nina has some nerve, let ava annihilate nina

    port charles is walking distance to canada explains why so many times these port chuck residence can so easily flee to that country ok that travel to canada finally makes sense

    anna valentin is trying to play with your emotions to get you to ignore his pikeman dealings, lets hope anna is wise to who valentin is and is successful in playing him right back work him anna work him

    jason hasnt gone to see his mother really jason

  5. why are these videos got deleted? Can you bring it back?
