Tuesday, May 21, 2024

General Hospital 5-21-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-21-24 Full episode 21st May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Sooooooo tired of the Sonny kid gloves everyone wears. Just get the man the professional help he needs, or stop enabling every terrible thing he does. Michael better not be talking Dex out of filing charges. Let there be accountability. If Sonny's in custody they'll figure out his medication needs soon enough. And he needs to be there. The gumption, to try and drag Dante into his mess. Glad he's putting his foot down.

    GREGORY!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooo... Oh, poor Finn, handling it all on his own. :( Man I'm going to miss having him on the show. Sigh. So much grief to come...

    Man, Blaze is a champ. She is crazy about Kristina, for some completely unknown to me reason... And Michael has always been an amazing brother to all of his sisters.

  2. I kind of have mixed emotions concerning the exit of Gregory from the show. Like others, I hate to see him go, but being a character in a daytime drama, how he exits the show is pretty much determined by the writers. I guess what I'm trying to say is, wouldn't it be wonderful if all victims of ALS could just pass away peacefully and painlessly in their sleep.🙏

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I absolutely hate that Gregory passed...I' mean good job touching on the als story line ..but Gregory and Tracy that was evolving into what could have been epic I mean he truly brought the best out of her

    1. That's one of the worst parts, Gregory brought out the best in Tracy. I'd kind of like to see her go back to Quartermaine fierce for a while, maybe even get ELQ back from Valentin. She needs a real storyline now. Gregory can be the literal angel on her shoulder for a while. :')

  5. Poor Chase, having to remember his dad died the next day after his wedding. And hope they put Sonny in jail, that’s the only way he’s going to get the help he needs to quit spiraling downhill!!

  6. Hope Dex puts Sonny in jail can't wait to see those bars in front of his face . Really hated to see Gregory go wanted to see the outcome of he & Tracy NOW Tracy is not needed on the show and now that the wedding is over Lois is NOT needed either. You writers take good actors like Gregory away & leave Marshall & Stellar I just don't understand

  7. I just can't believe they played Gregory off like that. 😢💔 I was hoping he was misdiagnosed with his condition and could stay on General Hospital. He had a good role and a great actor. I'm going to miss him on the show. Some storylines on here are boring. I think him and Tracy could have had an interesting one.

  8. Have to agree, they were so wrong on getting rid of Gregory so soon. He became such a great friend of Tracy and Alexis

    1. I hope it was the actor's choice. If the producers of the show did it, that was a total whiff on their part. He's a total fan favorite, and made every actor/actress he worked with better.

  9. cousin patty is a dangerous woman seems to know how to party

    there is no better way to go peacefully in your sleep knowing you lived a great life poor finn, chase and violet that kid loves her grandfather

    whaat the hell is finn doing taking that drink at the reception that was an accident now he is intentionally making a choice

    and this is the problem with sonny, he expect everyone of his family to compromise themselves for him but he would never for them, the moment his family friends do not fall in line he calls them disloyal going against him, asking dante to lie for him, glad dante is finally drawing that line back to clarity with him being a son and a cop
