Monday, May 20, 2024

General Hospital 5-20-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-20-24 Full episode 20th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Both Carly and Jason suspect that Sonny's medication is not correct. What is it going to take for them to get someone else involved in fixing this? This latest melt down was in public with other witnesses.

  2. Sonny is out of control after what valentine did to his meds if Jason ever finds out it's bye bye valentine

  3. I hope Carly figures this out & nails Valentin. I've always liked Valentin, but he's crossing too many lines now. No wonder him & Nina hit it off so well with Charlotte & their relationship. Their all-head jobs. Everyone turning on Sonny is not going to help him. Hés not this kind of monster normally, seems obvious he needs help.

  4. Was that Gregory's good-bye Sure hope NOT !!!!!!

    1. I thought that too, hoping not as well.

    2. KEEP Gregory on! Take Portia and Trina off. Put Jordan and Curtis back together or bring someone new on for Jordan.

    3. @lindasavage Today was Gregory;s good bye.

  5. Sonny needs to be arrested. Ava needs to be exposed for everything.

  6. Thanks Bob. So is Gregory going to pass in his sleep? Goodnight, Grandpa… :(

  7. This was beautifully written today I loved this episode. Especially with Gregory Chase Finn Violet Brook Lynn and Alexis in his thoughts of memories. It's so sad that he is dying on GH I was hoping for a misdiagnosis so he could stay l but I do believe he doesn't die this week though from spoilers but his health is supposed to be declining this week. The wedding was also very beautiful and I loved it

    1. The writer's certainly need to make it a misdiagnosis for Gregory.

  8. Can’t believe that after what 30 something years, Kristina just seeing Sonny like this. Come on, like it has never happened before. She is always so naïve!!

    1. She didn't used to be naive about Sonny. I blame the writers for her current denial.

    2. The character of Kristina used to be fun and fierce, mistake-prone but self-reflective, they've really messed her up.

  9. josslyn is once again tending to an injured dex wounds blah blah wash rinse repeat whatever just so these two can reconnect

    brooklyn and chase better never breed #free chase

    good finn called alexis about him drinking that champagne but the man acting like he went on a bender he realized he made a mistake and is doing something about it

    and kristina was giving tj shit for being worried about her being around sonny look fears now a reality and why is kristina shocked at what she saw sonny do to dex or threatening jason and dex, she was there when sonny shot dante kristina is not that naive wait the girl is so dense

    well dex one good thing may come out of sonny beating the crap out of him the cops at the pcpd will either think dex is genuine in wanting to be a police or they will think that dex and sonny staged that to make dex look credible

    carly even though sonny keeps treating her like crap is right there for him supporting him comforting him yet in his head he see disloyalty and he has been saying that before valentine was messing with his meds

    photos of yound gregory and finn and chase what

    dammit gregory why you making me cry that a man who has no unfinished business saw one son married and had closure with the other

  10. Blubber, blubber, blubber, "I have no choice, now is all I have," where has this writing been-- Gregory got me all in the feels today. Is he gone??????? :'( Great montage, but one note, would love to have seen a few of his moments with Tracy included. From the head-butt start to the sweet way they finished. Give him more time!!!!!!!!!!

    How in the world can this be so surprising to Kristina. Has she really always been this clueless about her father. It's been your LIFE, get real, girl. Why do you think you've lived the way you have?

    Hahahahaha, Brooklynn, I get they haven't explained Chase's Mom's situation on the show yet, but I don't think the marriage bed was the best time to bring her up, lol!

    Dex, still caring about Sonny, why?????? I get Carly and Jason have history with Sonny that makes it complicated, but Dex needs to get over it and move on. Sonny is not some pseudo-Dad for you, he's threatened and beat the crap out of you multiple times, despite you doing his bidding and saving his life repeatedly. You know he's a criminal to boot, and done other terrible things. With Dex coming from an abusive home, I'd expect him to steer clear of this psycho. Man they do a good job in makeup making him look terrible though, lol. I'm warming up to Dex--I think he could be adorable, funny, and a solid character, but he needs to jump off the bandwagon of "Sonny has principles" and find an ethos of his own. Be a good cop, the PCPD could use one.
