Friday, May 17, 2024

General Hospital 5-17-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-17-24 Full episode 17th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Who does Sonny think he is ???? Can't stand him he had NO right to ruin the end of Brooklynn & Chase's wedding day . Hope Anna puts his butt in jail and someone finally takes him out . Also hope he sends Kristina into early labor

    1. Sonny needs to be arrested. Dex is a Police Cadet. Ava needs to be exposed.

    2. Hope Sonny gets locked up, he is totally out of control. Really don’t like what they are doing to his character. Too bad his new girlfriend didn’t witness this. Might make her head for the hills, instead of thinking he’s such a prize to know!

    3. @lindasavage Wo did Sonny ruin the wedding day for? Most of the gurst already left for the after party at the Qutermaines. Also Brookelyn and Chase had already left as well.

  2. Have a good weekend Bob, and thank you!

  3. Holy sh*t what an ending! For the first time in a long time, can't wait till Monday.

  4. Thank you very much, Bob! Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh no, oh no, oh no, it was JORDAN who caught that bouquet, COME ON GH, stop teasing and make someone amazing happen to her!!!! Geesh. NOT Drew, he can keep Nina, lunatic.

    Who is this Gio kid really, and why are they setting him up this way...

    Dex and Joss, just like old times again, sigh. Man, Sonny was laying into him. Why does everyone treat him with kid gloves. Dex or Jason could have laid Sonny out if they really wanted to. Guess Kristina finally sees the truth though, that baby better be OK!

    Brooklyn and Chase are growing on me.

    Sam with another 180, now she has to help Jason no matter what because that's what he'd do for them? Some of this writing has been really bad.

    1. The speculation is the Gio kid Will possibly get to know Trina, etc etc.. partially because Nicholas Chavez (Spencer) has said he's not returning to the show, and it's not clear if Spencer's character will be recast.

    2. I hope they are not having Gio get with Trina. Why don’t they hire a new black kid for her to pair with?

    3. rose i am black and i agree with you about trina....and some other could just hire a black actor to be trina's new boyfriend.....but as long as this new woke stuff is going on in hollyweird...they will continue to force black and white romance relationships....where i live i do not know of any white men who date or marry black women...also white men are usually not interested in black least not the rich polished ones like spencer...which made it hard to believe that spencer would ever get into a love relationship with trina...but since woke is going on we will see bitchy leading women on tv and in the movies and they will be in charge of everything look at gh....not a man in charge of anything....not even the police department...we do have a MAN named terry in charge of the hospital...but HE wears a dress and thinks he is a woman....we will also see weak beta men who sit and do nothing but let the women have control....i really do not like this and wish that woke and dei would one can call me a racist because i am talking about my own race...but this is how i feel....and white liberals are causing all of this chaos to happen

  6. Jordan and Curtis or some new guy. Portia and Trina could exit. GH needs to somehow keep Gregory.

    1. gregory needs to die off before he starts fuc----- tracy and i do not want to see that

  7. You would think GH would've brought back Chase's Mother for his wedding but then again they didn't bring her back when they thought he was dying from being poison. Come on writers you've got to do better, I know it's a soap but come on!!!

    1. Chase's mother is having some health issues in real life that's why she wasn't there BUT think they should have at least said she wasn't feeling well and not just leave her out !!!!

  8. That wedding dress would have looked better on a tiny petite girl. It made Brooklynn look as big as a house, not flattering at all.

    1. I agree that wedding dress looked terrible on Brooklynn made her look fat and she's such a beautiful girl !!!!

    2. Absolutely agree. Brooklyn is gorgeous but that dress wasn't the best choice. And then there's Portia that looked like she was at a beach party instead of a wedding. Rude!!

  9. Good grief Sonny, he can't tell he's out of control. Sonny knows better than that behavior. Since when did Sonny use his fists instead of his henchmen? Being so mad at Jason especially should have been a red flag for him the moment Jason returned. He's off to the slammer now & in walks Cyrus's accusations as well. I still am not a fan of Dex but I don't think he means to take Sonny down. Now he won't have too, Sonnys going to do it to himself.
    Sams now team Jason because hes undercover for the FBI? NO she just wants to know what they have on him.

  10. Just a question, I just started watching GH when Harris (Jason) left Days. When Finn took a snip of that drink at the wedding he look definitely scared was he battling alcohol misuse???

    1. no he is an addict but a drug addict remember he had black wood disease and was abusing the drug he created to cure the disease you know addict and enablers of such but he isnt an alcoholic

  11. ok sasha was invited was wondering she is brooklyn some what friend ex coworker and chase friend

    brennan with a shank stabs himself the guy is planning an escape when they take him to general hospital or is he going after cates that would be dumb

    three days of this wedding three days too many

    sam is up jason ass about putting himself in danger but her sam i putting her self in a situation where who knows what will go down, so sam is the only one who can be dangerous situation but dante and jason and danny who has done nothing she complaints about

    what the hell is an esplanada if that how its spelt drew and jordan keeps mentioning thats what they're planning on doing

    that lady in blue patty everyone seems to be afraid of her michael ran away from her, now dante, olivia trying to avoid her

    kristina please girl she knows who her father is whatever drama queen

  12. Hi can you put fridays episode back plz & thank you!

  13. Why has the video been removed? Could someone please upload the video?
