Tuesday, May 28, 2024

General Hospital 5-28-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-28-24 Full episode 28th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. This would have been the perfect time for Jason to tell Anna that both he and Carly think Sonny is manic and there could be something wrong with his medication. Why are Carly and Jason just sitting on their suspicions?

  2. Sam absolutely dragging poor Spinelli into this mess, just leave it alone! You hate Jason now, remember? I can't handle all these character 180s. Spinelli is already on the FBI's radar now because of the rooftop video and Cates discovery. Not a good idea. Just be happy with Maxie and let Jason handle his own business!

    Anna is just getting annoying. No idea why anyone with decades of experience around Sonny isn't putting 2 and 2 together and investigating his meds right now.

    Tracy was brilliant with Chase today. Very touching. Chase's comment about Gregory knowing he wasn't alone to deal with the grief after marrying Brooklynn was sweet too. Brooklynn is being pretty great for Chase right now.

    Love Carly and Brennan's dynamic, more of that bad guy, please! I see he learned Anna's trick by telling Carly to stay away. Now she's sure to be back, LOL!

    1. can understand why no one is making the connect between sonny behaviour and his med, sonny has been acting like that before valentine started messing with his medication the man has been all over the place since returning from nixon falls and being manipulated controlled by nina

  3. This show is just lagging, i'm bored.

  4. Good morning Bob, would you be able to fix the mail.ru links from February? I am behind on the show and was looking forward to watching but unfortunately cant.

  5. i bet after Alexis getting a call from Chase and him telling her that his dad has died, she'll probably do what Finn did.

  6. Trying to pull pikeman out sonny Jason cause Jason knows when sonny spiraling out

  7. its bad enough that other brother of neil, fergus is trying to destroy alexis career but to approach her like that to futher harass her the nerve

    so sam one minute is all jason puts everyone in his orbit in danger now jason needs to be saved because he does not want people involved in his fbi drama ok sam pick a lane
