Wednesday, February 1, 2023

General Hospital 2-1-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-1-23 Full episode 1st February 2023

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  1. Esme's face again with Nikolas, LOL!!! "You can trust me" nuh-uh...he was so cringey today...actually made me feel sorry for Esme. Giiirrrrllll, you better run!

    And they legit put Harmony in black among the clouds, I can't take her cameo much longer... Willow giiiirrrrrllllll, you better run, away from the light!

    And NO WAY is Stella keeping this secret, they can stall the reveal all they want...but Portia giiiiiirrrrrrllllll, you better run back up that aisle!

    And for once, Elizabeth's mother doing her a favor--Nikolas is no longer your friend and he just gets you in trouble and sabotages your relationships...giiiirrrrlllll, you better listen to Mom and run!

    And Yay to four generations of Spencer women!!! That was the scene of the episode :)

    1. Years ago, the original Roseanne did that when Darlene had her baby daughter - did a four generations scene of Harris women. It was really sweet, too.

    2. I remember that! I don't know why those scenes always make me so happy, something about soaps and sitcoms have always just made me feel less like a spectator and more like part of the family, and when you watch for decades you feel like you watch everyone grow up. I felt that way about Robin, and really miss her character sometimes because she'll always be that cute and spunky little kid to me. Her daughter on the show, Emma, was precious too and I always hope that family will come back in some way or another someday. Her dynamic with Spencer now would be something to see. :) But Bobby Spencer (I'm so glad they brought her in for this) has been a legacy character on the show for soooo long, it makes me happy when her contribution, over the generations, is recognized this way. :)

    3. i know right harmony in black in a good place as if all the horrible things harmony did we all know she is in hell if there is such a place if willow had gone with her it would not be to a better place that for sure lol

  2. Thank you Bob ! Much appreciated!

  3. Lol looks like some people made some good decisions today ! Hopefully Portia gets the memo ! The baby is so cute ! ♥️Ed that scene with the 4 generations too ! Wonder what Spencer is going to say to Jordan and aunt Stella’s faces you could so tell she’s mad trying to be nice , so do we all think Nicholas is going to jail , get hooked by Heather or taken out by victor ???? Any other guesses ? Hope they don’t kill his character off so hopefully one day they bring bk Tyler Christopher ! Harmony “ I was there when we went from house to house “ or whatever she was saying wth kinda crap was that 🙄

    1. Harmony definitely didn’t go to heaven, she was trying to take Willow with her to hell.

    2. LOL to Roseam, yeah, no way did Willow want to go where Harmony ended up! And @Michelle, yeah, Harmony all trying to rewrite history like dragging Willow from commune to commune as a kid was happy memories?!? Nice try...
      There are so many believable ways they could take Nikolas out. Pretty sure Viktor (after that taped confession) just sees Nik as a liability, so I can see him removing that liability. He really just wants Spencer and Valentin and Alexis now. Ava could lose her cool and take Nikolas out with not much prodding. Spencer could easily get him arrested and sent off to a real jail, especially if Esme remembers something and corroborates a kidnapping. And if Heather hears that Nikolas pushed pregnant Esme off the parapet and no one can correct it in time, she kills him, no question. I could also see them putting him in a coma after an attack, gives them means to completely change him. Nothing would surprise me at this point! A Tyler Christopher recast would make anything worth it, to me though :)

  4. Lol the way you explained todays episode @ JustLaugh was hilarious! 🤣

    1. Thanks Michelle! I do my best. :) Sometimes these plot directions are so silly and these characters just tie themselves in knots so bad I'm just hollerin' at the screen, lol...

  5. Oh let’s not forget joss’s funny comment today “ she’s so tiny “ had me cracking up that baby so adorable and cute but not tiny as far as newborn and nothing close to premee 🤣

    1. You are right Michelle, that baby was not a newborn and not premature either. Newborns are not moving and kicking that much either. It looked more like 6 months old at least. And don’t they usually have newborns swaddled in a blanket, they aren’t moving their hands or legs like this one. Made me feel the hurt of Willow pushing that one out in labor. LMFAO!!!

    2. That was hilarious. The actress deserves a Daytime Emmy for being able to say that with a straight face. 😂

    3. LOL to all, that baby was cute but not a newborn premie! It's like, I get it, you certainly can't exactly plan for or steal an age-appropriate baby to use in something as silly as a soap, but it does make their lines so hilarious! I'm going to try to figure out what the rules are these days for baby appearances in TV...

  6. Super impressed that Stella mustered the ability to not say anything... that's a first. I know soaps are historically dependent on people keeping unnecessary secrets, but they need to do a better job building this stuff up and convincing us... lol. I can semi-understand Portia not rocking the boat when she first got pregnant and all that. However, it's years later. Taggart is going to love Trina no matter what because he raised her, and Portia is about to marry Curtis... so what's the real problem? LMAO. She should have at least gotten a DNA test to verify the information for herself... and quite frankly she could have played dumb and said she didn't know and that she only suspected it when Trina had the genealogy project. Taggert would be hurt (of course), but he'd get over it... I mean he already knew about the affair so it's not like it'd be that unbelievable. Trina would also need a minute, but once she realized she has two awesome dads I think she'd get over it. Curtis would be happy to have a daughter and Portia would have the happily ever after she wants. But this lie is of course going to change the outcome... The wedding won't happen, everyone is going to feel betrayed, and that's going to drag out the hurt... while Portia loses big time. I mean... these soap peeps crack me up with how they really be getting in their own way for absolutely no reason.

    1. Yeah, the right time to break the paternity issue to Taggert was when the affair was discovered in the first place. Just rip off the bandaid all at once! This is going to hurt everyone so much more, and it's going to destroy Portia. She's going to lose everyone and experience so many I told you so's, it won't be fun...and I have my hopes on a big dramatic wedding reveal! Come on GH, bring the drama!

  7. Also... I like Portia as a character, but I really hope there's an epic reveal when the truth comes out... so tired of the writers dragging this stuff out, making us wait for the truth to finally be exposed, and then givings us these anti-climatic lame-ass reveals. Like... I need a freaking wedding crash and a ton of gasps... like really GH... amp up the drama.

    1. LOL, someone needs to slap someone!!! ;') When Ava did it, I died of happiness...

    2. That slap was EVERYTHING! I watched it a ridiculous amount of times. Shoot... gonna watch it again!

    3. carly is a hoe...straight up!

  8. Once again Nina opens her mouth but now adds something new. “My NEW Daughter and My NEW Granddaughter”. And I am sure all the non-fans of Nina are really disgusted hearing this everyday since she found out about it. Thank God, Willow didn’t inherit her disgusting cow eyes look too.

    1. Well, She is her daughter, so what is the issue?

    2. The problem is that she uses "my," etc. as a form of possessiveness. Like she owns Willow just because of an accident of birth. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if we weren't all familiar with that behavior from her in the past - Charlotte, Sasha, even Nelle. I'm just surprised she hasn't gotten her claws into Avery yet.

    3. No, she uses "my", because Willow is "her" daughter. What else is there for her to say, Willow is her daughter, Willow does belong to her. Any mother would refer to her daughter as "my" daughter. It is normal and accurate.

    4. It is okay to say it but not over 100 times a day to the same people. I agree with Janis, it is possessiveness not really true caring for her as a person only her thing. She should try using her name, everybody knows it’s her daughter by now.

    5. Sure. I have five sons. I refer to them as "my son" (or sons) to people who don't know me but I recognize the fact that they are also all individuals and I almost always refer to them by their individual names otherwise. Like Roseam said, we all know that Willow is her daughter by now. Why not call her by name? Besides, there is always a strong emphasis on her use of the word "my.' As well as me, me, me...... There's a very definite pattern.

    6. So what, Willow is still "her " daughter, and she can say it 35 billion times a day if she feels like it, because it is true, it is not possessive, it is fact. Ridiculous statement, Nina doesn't have to say Willow if she doesn't feel like it, she is her daughter, and she can call her that as much as she want to. She can have a strong emphasis on "my" because she is "her" daughter.

    7. Nina has known Willow for years and couldn't care less about her, except when she wanted to get something for her... why should she suddenly be able to claim her just because they are blood? She needs to earn that right because it's not like they were two strangers ... Nina had many years to be kind to Willow.

  9. I guess Nina is going to be so offended because Carly got to see the baby first, and no one told her about it.

  10. G.H. often disappoints when the writers forget history, so I'm hoping when Liesl goes after Carly for keeping Nina from Willow, that Carly asks her about holding Robin hostage for YEARS! I'm looking for a really low-key burn, no shouting on Carly's part. This could happen at Britt's memorial. Carly should slip in to pay her respects, before it begins, to thank her for saving Joss. Before she can slip away , Liesl confronts her and is destroyed by the truth. This could be a powerful storyline of grief and regret and Kathleen Gati could definitely pull it off.

    1. That would be a great call-back, and would further push Liesl's evolution as a character! She is definitely one of the most significant redemption stories in the history of the show, you don't get a much bigger turnaround than she's displayed, first after losing Nathan, now Britt. We can hope. :)

    2. when did lisel have a redeption story lisel is still the same aweful vindictive person she always was

  11. @ Love good tv that would be good , but gh writers are not that creative lol but would love to see that

  12. Just want to say ...
    Loved reading all the comments today. You guys are hilarious and interesting and wonderful.

    1. Awwwww, the feelings are mutual @Unknown42! I just love hearing everyone's ideas and takes on the show, and everyone remembers so many different past plot points, always gets me thinking! It's so nice to find folks who love and have loved GH for as long or even longer than I have! Honestly, a forum like this would be great for the writers to have access to on a regular basis, they could find some great ideas and remember some of the really important history of the show, at least see the pieces of history that really resonate with the viewers.

    2. 👍🏼😊 @ unknown42 & JustLaugh

    3. LOL... I have to get in on this to @Michelle & JustLauGH & Unknown42... it's been nice returning to this blog and reading the great comments (even when I don't agree with them). I've been posting on and off here for years... and this is the most fun this blog has ever been.

    4. Same. Have also been here on and off for years and the current crew is the most fun it's ever been.

  13. spencer you fool ava is playing you she pushed esme off the parapet once again ava screws over spencer

    i hope aunt stella is equally as cantankerous with portia as she was with jordan regarding lying about a child parentage, remember how nasty aunt stella was to jordan for lying about who Tj father was for a long time she hated jordan, portia better get the same treatment

    nicholas is so gross but thats what esme deserves, so is nicholas trying to get esme to sign over her parental rights lol

    does curtis know how nina tried to destory tj and molly relationship but using him to get at willow and michael i just cannot take curtis he forgave nina for trying to hurt tj assuming he knows and if he does what a hypocrite of epic proportions, nina matters more to him than tj, then again he wanted tj to put his career on the line to wake oz out of his coma, then again he could not understand why jordan kept him in the dark about cyrus because cyrus had kidnapped tj, he really could not understand that jordan was trying to protect save tj life, i need tj to cut curtis out of his life curtis does not have tj best interest at heart no matter what he ways his actions says another thing
