Tuesday, February 21, 2023

General Hospital 2-21-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-21-23 Full episode 21st February 2023

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  1. OMG, I didn't think it could happen, but I felt so bad for Esme today. What parentage!!! Couple of real psychos. Heather's smile at Austin, LOL. And setting up Ryan and Ava for a fight/fall...what's Heather's game... I have a feeling we don't know the whole truth about who Esme's parents really are at this point.

    And yes!!!, to Spencer being a gentleman, knew Trina would be out of her head. So glad they ended up heading toward the drama at Wyndemere!

    So much yeeesssssss to Ava having Ryan in her murderous crosshairs, looks like she just ran out of ammo though! I could watch round after round of those two, so looking forward to what's next...

    If Curtis just ups and forgives Portia I'm going to lose my mind. I can't believe I'm saying this, but there is just too much easy forgiveness on this show lately!!! Everyone has short-term memory, lol.

    1. Agree! Curtis better not go back to Portia! And why?? Did Heather let Ava go and just wait there to be arrested?! I don’t get it! Thought she wanted to escape with Esme!

    2. Maybe, even as batty as she is, she's (Heather) finally realizing the safest out come for Esme, and the baybay is as far away from Ryan as possible.

  2. Love Heather, Esme and Ryan’s characters. The actors are amazing!

    1. They all make great crazy people, lol--loved Ryan's face after Ava told him she killed Nikolas, he was so genuinely happy, like all his dreams came true!

    2. Heather & Ryan actually are pretty comical at times. Esme's scream is dang good. Bone chilling.

  3. I'm speculating that someone (?) grabs Ava's hand at the last nano-sec before she can get the shot off. Lord knows the writers aren't gonna kill off Ryan.. Or WILL they?

  4. Ava is all talk if she wanted to kill Ryan she would had done it the moment she saw him

  5. does nica live at the savoy even if curtis wasnt going on his honeymoon she sure spends alot of time there yeah its her job but she seems to do so much for curtis hope he pays her well

    yes spencer did the right thing trina is not thinking clearly did not let that be how her first goes or theri first time together make it romantic not like this trina is very confused right so glad spencer see trina as more just a girl he want to be with yeah spencer proudest moment this episode with trina yes her really loves her

    damn gh love having pregnant woman give birth in the most rugged of places in the woods side of road, some outdoorsy place lol

    isnt there a dead body aka nicholas corpse rottening in the stables did austin have time to move it, the cops are on the island how will ava explain ahem lie about that

    based on a letter that heather may have wrote that does not make heather the killer will never buy that heather started the hook killings makes no sense esme started it heather is just covering for her daughter as a psycho mother does

    heather trying to get ryan killed lol still dont get why she followed him to that island how many more people will ava murder on that island

    1. If Ava's smart she'll try to pin Nikolas on Ryan/Heather, but for all we know she won't need to, if Nik is actually running around on his own somewhere. And this hook story can't be finished, there must be something else to it. Heather seems to be focused on saving her own and Esme's skins right now, even from Ryan.

    2. but how would that work assuming nicholas did die that body has been in the barn for weeks, days now an autopsy could easily give a time of death then again the pcpd has proven to be very inept at their jobs ava could get away with making ryan the killer

    3. Lol, ineptness could do it I guess. I was more thinking that if they think Heather, at the behest of Ryan, is the hook killer, and she's been escaping on the regular, why not Nik too? Ava could say the hook must have been after her again (Joss has also been a repeat attempted victim), and Nik was just in the way, hence the non-standard death (blow to the back of the head is totally an inconvenience/in-the-way kill, lol). It's just how I'd play it if I was Ava...what's one more body attributed to the hook? ;)

    4. justlaugh it the pcpd these cops believe anything they really write these cops as gullible

      and there we have it esme was the mastermind behind spencer stalking ava she put the thought in spencer head he did the deed but esme was the one who drove him to do it spencer was her mark from day one

      trina does not want her mother to find her so spencer takes her ava the first person portia would think trina would turn to

  6. Trinia being a bit forward? The girl has never experienced that yet & acted like shes ready to undress him? Come on now. I get shes a tad upset but not in her character. Now Ava on the other hand is definitely in character. Go get em Ava.

  7. How does Alexis know the hook is heather? The letter was written before she was in Springridge. They all seem pretty easy to jump at conclusions without all the facts. Of course it is a soap opera . :)

    1. Yeah--there is something missing in this hook story, and I think it has to do with Esme's parentage, I don't think we have the full story there yet, want to see what else Maggie nanny has to say. Trina totally out of character, girl needs to calm down lol, super handsome stepson strikes again...can't wait to see the rest of Ava and Ryan's face-off!

    2. Right, the super handsome stepson becoming even more endearing. lol
      I'm hoping too Ava can blame Nikolas on Ryan as well. Seems fitting. But wondering if hes still in the barn or already escaped. Would of thought the good Doctor might of checked his vitals before just assuming he was dead.

  8. I think most, if not all, of us have been rooting for Trina and Spencer but am I the only one who thought that kiss was awkward? I don't know. It was missing some passion for me. I get that Trina is inexperienced, but Spencer isn't (thanks, Esme').

    1. Ha, I noticed that too. :) 1) It looked like a significant height difference might be throwing her off 2) I read many years ago somewhere that kissing on soaps or TV in general is supposed to be more difficult, or just super different, than how one would kiss in real life. It's meant to look more telegenic (for us, giggle), and they're probably getting coached in that respect. It could just be a learning curve there throwing two young actors off. :) 3) Or the actors could just be struggling to find that rhythm, happens to the best of us, I'm willing to be patient since I like them both, and together!

    2. Oh, same. I'm just glad to know that I wasn't the only one who saw that. Hopefully they get the kinks straightened out and proceed to have a beautiful relationship. I'm also hoping that Trina helps Spencer find his best self and he doesn't revert back to being an entitled little prick. I do love this actor and would much rather see him be a good Spencer, rather than.......a Cassadine.

    3. Definitely not, it was totes awkward. :) Feels weird to say, but practice will make perfect, lol... And I go back and forth on the Spencer front, I just like watching him struggle with his demons and angels. If he keeps acting with the skill he has been, I'll be happy no matter what direction he ends up going. He's so good at being bad (his suave, severe scenes are his best-acted, in my opinion), but he wants so bad to be good...it's a rough life he leads. :)

    4. He is a very talented young man. I remember when he first came on the show. He was a little awkward and probably a little unsure of himself. But he's sure grown into the role. Unfortunately that means he will probably be onto bigger and better things before too long. I doubt GH is his life's goal.

    5. @Janis I will be very sad when that happens! :')

    6. I wish we could've seen Spencer and Original Trina in that kiss. They had real chemistry.

      But first, it is completely and totally out of character to have made Trina act like the first kiss was going to be the first time too. That is NOT her. The writers just threw that in to give Spencer his "aw, a good guy" moment. (I hate when writers have any people behave out of character, but it's extra blatant with Trina in this case. And not being a great actress, she couldn't even make it feel true.)

      Also the Spencer-Trina pairing reminds me very much of Nikolas-Emily. Soaps don't have a lot of really kind, upstanding, all-good characters of the Trina and Emily type. And the repeat themeline there didn't hit me until that kiss. They'll take Spencer down the path of vacillating between his better and darker angels, and Trina will be the voice of kindness and reason pulling him toward the good side. They practically made Nikolas into a whole different person when he was with Emily. But one difference between Nikolas and Spencer is that as "mischievous" as Spencer has always been -- ie, rigging the vote for Laura -- he largely has not been malicious or ugly mean (outside of Esme's plotting). And he's powerfully loyal. With Nikolas, especially in recent years, the writers just took all the complex nuance out and made him all the bad things, including flat-out unlikable. Real Nikolas (in true character) would never have done Elizabeth dirty like just happened.

      So ... the kiss ...
      I think it was hella awkward and a passionless disappointment -- and I am NEVER disappointed in this kickass Super Handsome Stepson. He is phenomenal.

      I do think the height difference added to the awkward, but I also think the acting skill of new Trina is just not great. And whenever she is in a scene with Spencer, the difference is extra glaring, because he's so darn good.

      Here's to hoping that having to do scenes with Spencer elevates Trina's acting game.

      I mean, the other person she's with a lot is Ava, and again Trina is just at kindergarten level acting compared to both of her foils.

      All that said, I think Spencer and Trina have all the makings of a real Super Couple. Like Luke and Laura level awesome. Spencer can pull it off. We just need Trina to start holding her own (PLEASE!)

      Two more thoughts:
      1. Those scenes with Trina having it out with her mother -- good grief, just so acted, she has such a long way to go.

      2. Putting a rift between Trina and her family sets things up for her to leave that house and live with Spencer. And I suspect they'll end up raising Esme's baby together for a while -- which reminds me of another classic GH parallel ... the Jason-and-Robin-raising-Michael storyline. You could see how Esme plays a bit like the Carly role in that situation.

    7. A lot of great points @Unknown42! I do think new Trina has some acting skills to develop, and she spends so many scenes with pros like Ava and Spencer that it stands out more. Even her more recent scenes with Joss were a bit stilted to watch--they don't feel like friends at all. I think she has potential, but she does need to really work at it to keep up with her coworkers. Even Joss has her moments, like I don't feel anything she does with Dex, it's terrible, but she has a total rhythm with Carly and Cam, no question. They are young actresses being given pretty grown-up storylines though, so I'm willing to give them leeway :)

      And I love the comparison of this Spencer to Tyler Christopher's Nikolas when he first came on the show, they are dead ringers for each other. The manners, the suave, the confidence, the occasional savagery, and that loyalty you mentioned too. You could tell Nikolas immediately fell in love with his little baby sister Lulu when they met, and that bond would never break. Viktor hammers on family a lot, and in their own weird and twisted way Cassadines are all about family loyalty. As evil as she was, Helena valued family above nearly all else. Even her husband's cheating never even close to drew her away from the fold. And I always loved Stefan and Nikolas together for that reason too (I'm going way back now, lol), it was actually one of my favorite relationships on this soap of all time, how he could care so much about his nephew, treated him much more like a son. I think that was a huge loss for Nikolas. As was Emily. His perfect love and muse. And you're right again, Trina will be that to Spencer, and we'll see how that all works out! Esme has Carly potential in that scenario for sure, lol!

    8. I'll also bring up @Janis point about new Spencer being awkward in the role at first too. It took him a while to get there, but when he landed he LANDED! :) It was like a switch went off and he became one of my favorite actors on this show EVER overnight. Hopefully we all get that with Trina too! Then it will be a supercouple for the ages...

  9. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Bravo Spencer so proud of him for doing the rt thing I think he took the words out of everyone’s mouth when he said he didn’t want to take a advantage of her , and what happened did Alexis remember her time in spring ridge or the typewriter? How did she figure that out ,and I agree I don’t think Heather is the og hook killer something is definitely missing , loved Heather , Ryan , Esme and I’d course Ava today , hopefully another good episode today , as for Curtis he better realize how wrong he did Jordan and apologize, he really owes her that , he seems like he’s softening to Portia her excuse she was protecting Trina’s feeling but here Jordan was protecting her sons life I’m sorry but no comparison Portia was protecting herself just saying ! And again thanks Bob your the best ! 😊

  10. Yeah... I agree Trina's acting is not the best, but she still has some good chemistry with the actor who plays Spencer. It definitely stands out the most when they have the actress do things that are out of character for Trina. We've seen actors grow into their roles before, so I'm all here for Trina... just wished the writers had a better handling of her. It's like they're trying to change her overnight. There are some actors who are talented enough to step into a role and revamp the role while keeping the essence of the original... we saw Tamera Braun do that when she took over the role of Cary... but you have to be at the top of your game to do such heavy lifting. They should give her more time to settle in the character before trying to do anything too crazy... or else it's just a betrayal to us as the audience to change a popular character so drastically.

    1. Yeah, the writers definitely need to workshop exactly who they want Trina to be, so we have consistency. This actress has brought a much softer side to the character than what the original had (I thought original Trina was more fun and spunky!), but aging a character can do that, it softens edges and matures you. I just wish she had kept some more of that original / youthful flair and the assertive point of views. Like original Trina would not have put up with how Spencer can issue commands at her, lol, and that would have been a good thing for both of them! Oddly, original Trina also seemed more innocent than this one, at the same time. If they can nail this character down with great scripts, she's one for the ages.

    2. I completely agree on the differences between the two actress. I support this one, but the original was more assertive and it did make the dynamic between her and Spencer interesting. I also agree that the other one was more innocent somehow... I think it's because even though she was edgier, she was also an idealist in a way that only young people can be. I think they softened her up for complicated reasons I don't want to get into, but now they're getting weirdly flip floppy about it... like how Trina approached her mom at the wedding. Old Trina could do that, but this Trina could barely raise her voice... and when she tried to have attitude, it was like a little kitten trying to purr for the first time and being all extra about it.

    3. Ha, that's a great summary, and I agree with you there--they are trying to walk a fine line with Trina for reasons that should not matter. :) I'm wishing the actress nothing but the best in trying to find that sweet spot / groove for the character! Plenty of young actors on this show alone have really hit the mark when given the opportunity. I'm hoping she's next!

  11. Soap logic just cracks me up. So Heather was just sticking around to get arrested,?! LMAO!!

    1. Heather is just legitimately crazy. :) Like you can have a Nelle or an Esme, who are really thoughtfully evil, but Heather is just insane. When she "escaped" from that prison transport, she just went to Kelly's and had a BLT. Waiting to be recovered, giving Cam a good scare while she was at it. Just a murderous lunatic who wants a good sandwich every now and then, lol. I loved her art streak story from a few years back, just more creative crazy on top of crazy...
