Thursday, February 23, 2023

General Hospital 2-23-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-23-23 Full episode 23rd February 2023

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  1. Ugggggghhhhh, 0/3 for me at the start--I just can't get into Sam & Dante, don't like the idea of Cody with Sasha, and can't stand Dex & Joss together, all the yucks at once!!! :) And Dante talking about being clueless, lol, that's just par for the course at the PCPD, don't beat yourself up too bad! That officer just let Sasha talk to Heather, no credentials needed! Not sure what the end game there was, besides giving Heather grounds for a mistrial, lol.

    Sonny was despicable today. Michael's right. Willow gets to spend her last days the way she wants. It's not up to anyone else. What's ironic is that Willow's the forgiving type (just look at her with Carly!), and if they would just back off I'm sure Willow would eventually reach out. It's ridiculous.

    And so is Sam just forgiving Cody out of the blue. They could have built up to that, instead of doing a quick 360, since they do have some common background. That needed to take more time. Something is in the air in Port Charles...

    That baby is sooooo cute, I don't even care about the casting deception anymore, lol. Best part of the episode, until the preview that showed Heather with Esme. What?!?!?!? How in the?!?!?!? Yeeeesssssss!!!!

    I want to know if Liesl is a bone marrow donor!!!!!!! :)

    1. lol the pcpd is so incompetent its becoming a joke lol if heather wants she can probably just walk out the front door fo the pcpd and not one these cops would be the wiser for it

  2. LOL... that baby looks huge in Carly's arms. Wow.. this kid actor playing Wiley is pretty impressive, because I have no idea how he's able to deliver those un-kid like lines, LOL. Nina is unbelievable. I'm just not even gonna waste words on her. I'm convinced the writers purposely aim to trigger our nerves with every line they assign her. At first I was mad at Drew for evening entertaining that conversation, but I'm glad he told her about herself. Sonny is just absolutely gross. His son is thinking he's about to lose his wife and the pain that'll cause his children, and Sonny cares about is Nina. I'm a full believer that any character can be redeemed, but Sonny's behavior is not only a betrayal to his family... but to all the loyal fans who've supported him decades. Like, Eew. I have no idea how I'll ever have any respect for Sonny again... unless they pull a Franco and tell us that he actually had brain damage all along and that was the root cause to his hypocrisy. I just hope whatever this pike plan is doesn't end up being as anti-climatic as all these recent reveals. I want to see real drama with real consequences.

    Heather is a trip, LOL. I'm excited about Sasha. She's an actress whose grown into her character and her acting skills have improved greatly. I'm looking forward to seeing her go after Heather.

    1. so much truth sonny and nina a beyond vile with their actions and words maybe these are meant for each other

    2. I agree, Queen T. During that whole conversation between Drew and Nina, I kept thinking to myself "why is Drew even talking to that vile woman?" But then when he called her out, it was ALMOST worth it to me.

    3. And, rather than taking Drew's comments to heart and trying to learn from them, she is now going to double down on him and Carly and will be out for revenge even more than she already was. 😡


  3. oh great that screeching banshee nina and stockholm sydrome sonny is back could have done without them for the week there has been some good episodes without them in it

    why cant sonny and nina leave willow and michael alone willow is going through so much right so is michael yet these two only want to stress willow and michael out more, now why does sonny think its ok to try to force nina on willow leave these two people alone my god

    can nina go one episode without mention carly name why does nina think everything is about carly and her, oh my god nina you horrendous soulless witch you lied to children sonny for months and you did not give two shits that innocent people were hurting what is wrong with this woman why cant this woman hear the words that come out of her mouth f it to hell shut that bitch nina up please someone

    so sonny is all torn up cares that nina is all hurt that nina did not know for months that willow was her mother that carly did not say anything but he did not care that carly his children were hurt grieving for months because of nina and her lies and deception cannot stand sonny michael end that man please

    ok drew yes tell that witch off nina hurts when people throw truth in her face

    the nerve of sonny and nina the call people unfeeling and uncompassion where are these emotions for others what

    nina and sonny just cannot respect willow and michael or have the foresight to realize that willow and michael are adults who can make decisions for themselves, really hope sonny and nina are not part of willow and michael wedding day they will make that about them give willow and michael something that is just about them wiley amelia their family only

    all these prisons where heather has escaped from needs to be investigated the warden and guards need to be investigated sasha was right how can a person who is known for escaping be continually allowed free reign in these facilities these prisons need to do better and when heather goes back to prison put her under constant surveillance

    wait cody still on the show yikes. and there cody goes with his lies he knew about the ice diamond he recognized it when britt opened the box in the vault now he is telling sam he does not know about the necklace will never like this guy

    now that heather is the hook killer she did nix britt with the hook she did attack joss that second time on the docks, kill the snake vemon guy, officer rory is her doing but the rest (complete bull crap but you go with what is said) need lisel to come at heather and i want heather to annihilate liesl

    1. and there sonny goes threating michael rather than understanding where he is coming from hope micheal never forgive sonny never

      and look nina is threating drew, drew owns crimson, crimson is under the aurora corporation banner, so when nina turns drew and carly in for insider trading wont that affect crimson becasue an investigation would be done to all of drew cooperate holding which includes crimson also carly was owner of the metro court she use the metro court as collerateral wont that mean trouble for the metro court, also nina bought carlys share of metro court before that was made public wont the investigators be interested in how nina came to know that metro court carly half was being held up as collerateral so nina stupid revenge will affect nina also lol

    2. The screaming banshee and Stockholm! I agree, I did not miss them at all. Drew actually standing up to Nina was a nice change of pace, he's usually just super nice and she walks all over him. And he does have some leverage to work with--should use it. And I just can't wait for the Heather vs Liesl matchup, that's a whole lotta crazy and hatred heading on a collision course. There are definitely at least two hook killers. When the killings stopped when Nikolas kidnapped Esme is when the trade-out happened, I'm sure of it! That's also when Heather was out of Darkham...she says she's ready to confess, let's see what she has to say!

  4. I just noticed today that the actress who plays Sasha is very pregnant. I wonder how they're going to work around that. I wonder if she'll be leaving the show for a while

    1. I didn't notice that myself (I'll have to go back and look), but that makes sense since I had read something awhile back that Sasha was going to have a "miracle baby" - that it was going to turn out she was very early pregnant when Brando died. And then I never heard anything more. They might have been able to pull something like that off awhile back, but I don't see how it would fly now. But then when did that ever stop the writers? 🙄

    2. Awwwwww, that would have been nice. I'd suspend my disbelief for that, but it's really too late now. :( It's something that should have been worked into the script by now for sure...

  5. Was going to ask that she did look pregnant , wish they would have said that it was Brando’s but it’s been too long ! As for Nina she is so full of it all about her again nothing new , glad Drew told her she had no one else to blame but herself , although I’m sure it went in one ear and out the other she needs to stop with her narcissist , sanctimonious self making everything about her when poor willows dying , she could be asking her so called family to get tested but she’s still mad because she’s not a match and sonny I have no words he really needs to see a psychiatrist cuz he’s as delusional as her he must have Stockholm 🤦🏻‍♀️ and Wiley today so cute and your rt Queen T he’s talented for being so young , and baby Amelia so cute even though she looks 6 months already lol but she’s so adorable , say what you want about Carly but I’m glad she’s there for Willow , and gh taking forever with Liesl’s test pick up the pace we want to know if she a match , when is someone going to ask for Wiley to get tested are they waiting for Wiley to offer himself to save his mommy geeze and joss too , even Maxie’s son Gh is wasting time ! Thank you Bob ! 😊

    1. I can't stand Carly but I've always thought the best side of her has always been when she's being a mother to Joss. And now she's being a mother to Willow. And someone Willow desperately needs right not.

  6. Seriously, after over 30 years of watching GH, I felt like I was watching a comedy and I was waiting for one of the character to wake up from a dream. This writer is really horrible, my year 6 student can do much better and they are ESL. First, they leave you hanging forever on a cliffhanger, then a new born baby looks like she is 6 months old, Willow goes home and you feel like you didn't watch gh for 1 week because you have no idea what happened from the hospital to home. Next, Shasha is obviously pregnant in real life or she picked up weight overnight and the cover up is really cheap. These love scenes between couples are so fake. Carly gets away with any thing and there is no compassion for Nina losing 2 children that is beyond her control and its a little too extreme to behave so childish for Michael and Joselyn who are supposed to play a smart and mature role to behave like "oh sonny did mommy wrong" the revenge is so stupid. Sonny raised them and their behavior is conflicting with their "independent" way of doing things when they are all thinking brainless kids who cannot hurt their mom yet they do whatever they want.

  7. Everyone is acting like poor Willow, she’s going to die. Why aren’t they all volunteering to be tested to help her. I was so glad for the few days we had to not see Sonny and Nina and then here we go, harass the dying “my daughter”. Enough all ready, Nina everybody knows by now she is your daughter that does not want to be associated with you. How dare Willow not want you around after you keep on harassing her. Leave the poor girl alone with the only family she will ever have. Sonny needs to leave everyone alone and quit shouting at Michael. Get Sonny’s character to be in prison so he can’t harass Michael while he’s worried about losing his wife. Sonny needs to get hit on the head again and maybe he’ll lose his memory of Nina. He’s not that good of an actor anyway, force him to retire. Don’t think many fans of GH watch anymore to see Sonny getting as cra cra as Nina. His character is way to pussy whipped.

    1. I know. It was a really nice few days of no Sonny and Nina. And then right back back to the same old shit - "MY daughter" - and push, push, push. She terrorized Willow from the very first moment she met her. Hell, she was terrorizing her right up to that scene where Willow got so stressed out, she fainted. And Willow now is supposed to forget all about that and throw down the barriers and say, "Mommy! I've missed you!" And then it's all kumbaya and they automatically become a loving mother and devoted daughty? F**k that shit. And then Sonny pitching a fit about Willow not being as accepting as Nina wants her to be? Where is his concern for his daught-in-law, who despite everything has been anything nice to him, and the mother of his grandchildren? It's all about Nina and what Nina wants. Ugh. Those people are so disgusting. 😡

    2. * daughter, not "daughty" - whatever the hell that is. 🙄 I got a little wound up. Lol

  8. I've been watching General Hospital for a while too off and on when I leave it for about at a time go back to it like I never miss anything and I just watched that Nina talking talk to Drew did Lisa tell Nina that she talked to Willow? Nina still blaming otheres beside herself

  9. upload past the hour like another hour after soaps come on perferably.

  10. Sonny and Nina. UGH!!! Sonny is absolutely sickening. Nina: "Carly, must be loving this". Again, Nina makes it all about Carly "winning". She's as obsessed with Carly as her psycho daughter, Nelle, was. So, if these two don't get their way, instead of backing off and showing some compassion for Willow (who's been very nice to an underserving Sonny btw), they want some sort of revenge? Their way of supporting Nina's dying DAUGHTER/CHILD is by going after her loved ones?

    LOL at Sam telling Cody she and Dante were just in the shower. TMI, girl!

    And now whether or not Sonny goes down is all up to Joss? Really Dex?

  11. Sonny sounded like a fool when he threatened Michael. "What happens next is on you". What's the plan, kidnap a dying woman and force her to be nice to a deranged woman?
    I really hope the writers are not going to put Sonny in position to be the one who can save Willow. I still haven't forgotten when Sonny told Michael that he would make him BEG for forgiveness. The way he is behaving, I think that he would actually leverage help for Willow, especially if he finds out about Dex.

  12. I agree with Michael it is Willow's choice to decide whether or not she want to spend some time with Nina but from day one when will it was a school teacher Nina was down that girl's throat for no reason and then it's not even thinking about everything what she had did in the beginning it's all about what's Nina wants now sad
