Wednesday, February 22, 2023

General Hospital 2-22-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-22-23 Full episode 22nd February 2023

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  1. What's going to happen if the cops find Niklas and how many times did they think Ryan was dead what about if he's not dead

    1. was just asking the same question about nicholas ava sure looks nervous

  2. Another reason heather cannot be the original hook killer, she did not know that esme was her daughter until she met ryan at spring ridge thats where ryan told her about esme how does it track that months before meeting ryan and him telling her about esme make heather the hook killer she would have no reason to go on a killing spree in the name of esme that story has so many holes

    ava was the first victim that happened in july that 4th of july picnic heather wasnt even a factor then

    esme is the original hook killer heather is covering for her by taking responsibility for the killings and so esme can get away with all she has done

    the reign of ryan is over like that anticlimatic much ok lol

    curtis will forgive and take portia back, proving that his outrage over jordan lying to him was an excuse to leave jordan so he could have hooked up with portia may they miserable together

    cannot wait for jordan to find out curtis is helping ms wu with her illegal gambling and his precious savoy is the where its all going down

    taggert dam trina is my daughter dna or not love this guy

    and the whitewashing of esme continues

    so nicholas body still a huge question mark did austin hid it, will the police find it

  3. Bwahahahaha, Taggert's face was the best, another strong start to an episode! A little anticlimactic with Ryan for me (just wish it was Ava), but I'll tolerate it. :) Good history with Mac and Ryan too. Love those final words.
    I'll miss Ryan and his special brand of crazy.

    Laura is the best human being, geez. Spencer rigging that election to get her elected as Mayor of Port Charles is the best thing to ever happen to the city, lol. She is just better to everyone than they deserve. Esme is totally getting a pass...

    Speaking of which, looks like Portia is the new Carly, ain't nobody really mad, lol. Trina will forgive her too, just like Michael did with Carly. Sigh. If I was Jordan I'd be miffed. Where was all this forgiveness back in the day, lol.

    And where is Nikolas' body!?!?!? And why is Austin so consistently weird, especially around Ava now? Grief, he's giving me new Ryan vibes...

  4. Damn, Esme, that last scream reminded me of my last childbirth experience. Elizabeth is delusional if she thinks that she can stay out of jail. For her kids sake, shut up!!

  5. Hey Portia, I think it's safe to take off those "Just married" sweaters now! And why are there STILL unused rose petals🌹 on the bed??🤣

  6. When will today's episode 02/23/2023 be uploaded???


  7. It’s ridiculous how they keep saying ‘real’ father about Curtis, I think a ‘real’ father is the one that raised you and the other is a biological father!
    Esme is a fantastic actress!
