Thursday, February 2, 2023

General Hospital 2-2-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-2-23 Full episode 2nd February 2023

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  1. Okay... I have to say, I am actually excited about this new Nicholas. It looks like this actor is going to be able to add some emotional depth to the character. The other actor was good, but he played Nicholas as this very careless, moronic, pathetic guy without a backbone and I didn't feel sorry for him. This new Nicholas comes off as lost... and when Laura was talking to him.. I could actually see that his bad decisions pained him... there was actual regret in his eyes.

    I have to say I'm a little irritated that they didn't have Joss at the funeral. I really think she owes Liesal the story of how Britt saved her.

    The way Spencer asked Trina to leave the chapel really reminded me of how Sonny used to ask Carly (or whoever he was with) to leave the room, and they'd just nod and I just hope Spencer keeps Trina in the loop and doesn't lie to her her or his other friends about his plans. I think Nicholas started losing his way when he stopped discussing things with his friends, and he started lying about everything. Spencer needs to do the opposite.

    I definitely yelped when Finn yelled, "Get your hands off her!" --as if he was about to start something... loved it! So glad Liz told the truth about the baby and I really hope she tells Finn everything. She said she doesn't want to be this person... and she needs good people by her side to give her solid advice and anchor her.

    1. Definitely agree on the new Nikolas front after today, what a turnaround from yesterday (he was icky) and the old actor. Him with Laura was great to watch, now that's drama! She loves him so much, and he hates how much he disappoints her. Could feel the pain from both of them.

      Speaking of drama, that was Finn today!!! I thought he was about to throw down too, now we're talking! :)

    2. QueenT, I had to watch Finn's "Get your hands off her!" three times. Loved it!! Even if Finn and Elizabeth never get back together, I hope they remain good friends. You're right, she definitely needs good people by her side.

    3. @Soap Fan... same! Made my day. I think they'll remain friends, and when Liz gets her stuff together... I hope he gives her another chance.

    4. Loved that Liz decided to tell Finn. Agree Joss should’ve been there. Carly too at the memorial. New Nick better than the prior one they brought Tyler Christopher back, someone said he was available

  2. What a great episode today. Wonderful tributes to Britt--reminded me of what a long and incredible redemption arc she took. She (like her Mom, actually) did so many absolutely terrible things to people back in the day. It took years of seeing her dynamic with the likes of Brad, young Spencer, Nathan, Jason, even her pain with giving up "Ben," and her difficulties with her mother to win everyone over. Now I'm so happy her story ended in such a noble way. And I remember her setting Emma's doll on fire!!! Great reminder Brad! It was totally an accident, I had to look the clip up again and it did not disappoint. She used to be so bad with kids, ha! Awwww, I miss you Britt... Also loved how Liesl absolutely destroyed Brad with "praise" and a smile, heehee (she needed you to be pathetic, lol!). And how they put Britt on the wall, just terrific! :') What Spencer said about Britt to Trina after the service was extra sweet (he's suuuucccchhhh a great actor now, I can't handle it sometimes). I remember Britt with that precocious little kid, they were dynamite together back in the day! Speaking of being great together, Laura with the Nikolas fill-in today was the best Nikolas I've seen in a long time. And guess we can add Finn to the potential suspects list now! And really Elizabeth, just tell Finn everything!!! You already helped each other nearly murder a guy (Peter) and cover it up, you're fine!!! LOL Lots of great directions and acting today, just great!

    1. @JustlauGH... while Brad and Liesl were talking... I just kept thinking about how Liesl blackmailed him, and how Brad tried to kill her, lol. They've come a long way.

    2. I Hate this Nickolas, I hope they Recast Quickly. Previous Nickolas Has lots of Sex Appeal, This one has None at all

    3. Supposedly the character is leaving the show and this Nikolas has just been brought in to "finish out the storyline."

    4. You know @QueenT, last night I was thinking about how much the 3 of them remind me of Ava-Trina-Spencer right now, just because it's so amazing how absolute love for one person can wear down and defeat absolute hatred in others. To think of the things people can do to each other, but then find a way to coexist because they really are wanting and searching for something better. It made me deeply happy to see them (squeamishly) getting along. :)

    5. @justLauGh -- 100%. Love that dynamic! I mean... give it some years and the people who hate each other now could be bonding over a mutual love. Most likely that's what will happen with the Willow/Nina/Carly stuff... I mean, both Sonny and Carly are in respectable terms with Ava, when years ago they basically let her burn in a fire, LOL. We, as the audience shift as well. Back then I hated Ava because of what she did to Morgan. However, the actress is just so incredible and the writers really allowed her to suffer for her crimes... and she had to claw her way to her current status... and hence the difference between Ava and Nina.

      On the Ava-Trina-Spencer front - I've always respected Trina for being able to form relationships with people based on her own experiences and opinions. Although... I am very curious about what Trina's gonna have to say to Ava after Ava gave him that video. I don't think she approved.

    6. I'm definitely expecting Trina to give Ava a talking-to! She did say she had no illusions about the kind of person Ava could be. Trina is certainly an anchor for some of these characters that would otherwise be adrift. She wants to see the best in people. She even has pity for Esme now, that's just incredible. Ava has certainly spent time adrift, and she is very vain and selfish, but she just plays that tortured role so well, and she has suffered for her crimes. I never thought I'd like her so well after she straight-up murdered Connie and the games she played with Morgan and Kiki, her own daughter, but she has paid the price for her misdeeds in many ways. She's just the best actor on the show to me, because as much as I should dislike her, I can't. Now Spencer is that for me too, even when he's being deceptive or downright cocky, I just can't not like the kid.

    7. 100%... Maura West is the best actress on this show. It's surprising she's not doing more of the primetime stuff... l could totally see her on some CW show, or schemey drama. She must really like the daytime soap world, which is understandable. Soap stars might not be as prestigious, but they have the best of all worlds.

    8. Definitely! I saw Donna Mills guest star on an episode of The Rookie:Feds recently, and she played it like a soap opera star! It was great--didn't know if she was good or evil the whole time, classic. Maura West is a natural soap star in terms of her delivery, but I'm sure she could excel in other genres too. Glad she seems to enjoy the soap scene so much, I'll never complain about having her here. I just searched and saw she was in a movie a decade ago, I may watch that on my day off for fun. :)

  3. I agree about Joss and Carly. They both should have been there. I get they're preoccupied with Willow and the baby, but it seems they could have spared the twenty minutes or so to walk down the hall (or wherever the chapel is from labor and delivery) to show their respect to the woman who saved Joss' life.

    1. It was odd--the only thing I can think of is that it's not public knowledge yet who Britt saved, so maybe they're saving that "reveal" for a specific storyline, but yes, Joss still should have gone and paid respects, no question there. She owes Liesl a good honest talk. Not sure why they're continuing to keep her involvement quiet at this point, the police even know it was her, just leave Dex out of it.

    2. joss owes liesl nothing if it was lisel in the situation she would not have said a thing and would not care who it affected, why has the cops jordan told lisel that their responsibility not joss

  4. i found the other actor as Nikolas boring. and now this actor as him also boring. we need Tyler Christopher back as Nikolas

    1. Tyler Christopher said he's available. It's kind of curious how they they didn't snatch him up... usually these soaps love it when they can get the original actors back.

    2. I didn't know that!!! They need to sign him up, he'd be wonderful to have back!!! Pay the man!

  5. nina looking upon the child she said willow and michael should have let die infuriates me, when is michael going to tell willow that nina said that

    so the one thing nicholas the jackass did not do he will go down for aint that funny

    cannot believe dante came to britt memorial service that woman was the reason he and lulu missed the first few years of his son rocco life

    felt nothing for lisel not an ounce of sympathy that woman has done too many things to other peoples children and did not care about the hurt it caused sorry britt died she really did grow as a character but as for lisel cant even with that woman
