Thursday, May 9, 2024

General Hospital 5-9-24 Full episode

General Hospital 5-9-24 Full episode 9th May 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Good going Sonny put Ava in her place and when Alexis call Gregory about dinner I would have asked how she knew he wasn't going to the party for Chase & Brooklynn

  2. Wow did Jordan remind me why I like her so much today, lol, the whole time Laura was talking about Heather she was looking at her like she was crazy too, hahaha... Leave Heather in jail, or you will all regret it! All that trouble Jordan went through to catch her, time and time again, Laura wants to undo it and wants Jordan to approve, whatever. And recruiting Alexis to help. That makes no sense--Heather nearly hook-killed her best friend Diane, how in the world is that going to go over if Alexis is practicing law in her office?

    Sam going off on Jason for no reason, whatever. He should not have confided in her about his informant status, he can't trust her.

    Olivia giving cold shoulder for GOOD reason, yes!!! Somebody on this show finally remembers they're supposed to hate someone, LOL. Ava killed Connie in cold blood, for really no good reason, she deserves more disdain from Olivia than she received there, and certainly should NOT go to that wedding. Picked out an outfit and everything, lol, Ava, you crazy. Glad Sonny showed good judgment there, but the way Ava walked away, she wants to do some real damage for her hurt pride. He will suffer. Love it!!!

    And DANG, Gregory laid the smack down on Finn today, ouch!

    1. laura and sam are such disappointments

      and ava thinks because she forget the things she has done everyone has, shes still a dangerous person and people should never forget that

      and sonny should remember those words anytime he gets the urge to go the quartermaines

  3. Wish they would quit making Sam so whiney and trying to control Dante, Danny and Jason. She’s becoming such a bitch here lately. She is finally turned into her mother. She’s getting a taste of her own karma coming back to bite her ass! When did she become such a great parent?

    1. lol that comment had me laughing so hard cause its the truth sam is acting like danny is some troubled kid the kid has shown good jugdement up until now when he has done some teenage stuff big deal, as long as he not into drugs or doing the crazy thing charlotte did the kid is fine

      and the lady acting as if jason would not immediately demand the danny went straight back to school drive him there himself like he did when danny showed up at his apartment he promptly brought the kid back to sam apartment

  4. Someone also needs to take Natalia down. Can’t believe she is trying to control her adult daughter life. Looks like she likes the prestige and lives for it and is always shopping, probably using her daughter’s money. That has to be why she keeps flirting with Sonny, because he’s rich, she sure doesn’t like Kristina.

    1. I think part of it is Natalia thinking that dating Sonny will cause issues in her daughter's relationship with his daughter. I do think she is that much of a control freak. She seems like a smart lady, but she is definitely way too busybody with Blaze's life--thinks she knows best for everything, and won't listen.

    2. general hosptial is so boring...must i keep fast forwarding this needs to get like days of our lives and be more character driven rather than plot driven....meaning the pikeman storyline needs to end and quick...i know the gh writers would never listen but here is what needs to happen to make this show better...end pikeman....put more focus on jason and dannys father son relationship and the conflict it brings to sam....bring back mac even if he has to be a recast and start his storyline with cody being his son ....also this will involve felicia and gives her something to she tries to bring mac and cody closer as father and gregory already....his story is done...there is no cure for als and it would piss off anyone who has this illness if a fake cure happened on up get sasha out of the quartermaine house and back to deception as spokes model...get rid of lois....make it be revealed that sasha is cyrus's daughter...that ought to be good....break up willow and michael and let her go back to chase...brook needs to end up with cody and sasha will deal with the cyrus story until a new guy comes along....let sonny date blaze's mother and explore that storyline of her trying to dominate and control him...while fatal attraction ava is messing with his medication...that would be interesting....send tracy packing there is not a man old enough on the show for her unless they pair her with robert....explore aiden's bullying storyline...this will put elizabeth and finn both in the center of that storyline...let carly date jagger...those two would be good together and to make things interesting....bring brenda back to cause trouble for the two of them...just kill off monica...i doubt leslie charleson is coming back for good...split up sam and dante....sam should just leave the show...tired of her already and she has already been with so many men...bring back jax ....even though he will be a recast ...he can interfere in joss and her boyfriends storyline....put heather with cyrus.....bring back lulu and put her back with dante....keep maxie and lucy fighting over deception and let it be revealed to lucy that brook is trying to give maxie deception...which leads to a courtroom showdown between lucy and maxie ....put valentin back with nina....and bring charlotte back...anna's character is too centered on plot rather than anna should just leave town...jordan should star a relationship with drew...and this could be a battle of the sexes storyline for them....trina has done her deal...send her away out of town to art school....nothing more for her to do....that is how i would write this show.....these are more character driven ideas which last longer than plot twists...

  5. Between Laura & Sam I'm about to scream. All Sam does is bitch, moan & complain. So, Jason has a tattoo? Really who are you? I remember Sam jumping off buildings with Jason, now he's the enemy with OMG a tattoo. Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. And Laura up to her neck with Luke in the same manner for years, now this Heather thing with her is actually stupid. Mothers or not, a leopard doesn't change its spots. What did they do with Sam & Laura? This Kumbaya stuff is getting ridiculous. Natalia needs to go away. But we know she's going to end up with sonny no doubt at the wedding & elsewhere. Not going to go well with Ava, she's now triggered.

    1. Yeah, Sam was a motorcycle queen and a scammer, she really has no room to talk. It's not like the tattoo is inappropriate, it's just a tattoo, and if Danny decides to get one that is his choice too. I have no idea when they decided to make Sam totally lame.

    2. agreed also cannot take laura and sam contant ridiculous about heather and jason respectively what are to doing two character i like now wished they would go away

  6. Woo will be back into the picture that will be interesting after what she blame sonny for Curtis shooting and Woo disappear after that she killed the 2 family in that bomb was for Carly and Jason and Woo recorded Carly at that meeting Jason will going to put things together I'm glad sonny is removing Ave she a maggot

  7. why is sam acting like this with danny, jason, dante, danny is a kid doing teenage things its not like danny is running around in a gang going on a criminal spree, this woman is so over the top all of sudden trying to police the kid very life and look the kid was doing nothing but being where he was suppose to be

    if sam keeps pushing the kid he may just end up getting into trouble because he is rebelling against sam

    good for heather that she is seeing the error of her violent ways but laura that is no reason to get heather released from prison she is still a serial murder, tormentor, kidnapper, what else this woman did, make this laura running around trying to defend heather stop

    yeah again sam issue with jason is that he was gone for two year and she want to make him pay for that by punishing him

    lol sam is worried about jason connection to sonny as his business partner, but she is in a relationship with dante who is sonny son, what is wrong with this woman

    olivia made a good point why would ava want to attend a wedding where the family of connie the woman she murdered will be at, ava may have forgotten what she did to connie sonny may have forgotten but pretty sure connie family has not, ava has no tact sometimes

    1. why does everyone and their grandmother want to go that endless never stop being talked about wedding

      send another cassadine to harass laura because this lady need to have her head occupied with other things other than freeing heather, there are people in prison who are actually innocent why not try to help if laura needs something to do

      damn laura listen to the wisdom of one looking good in all episode these days dupty mayor jordan
