Thursday, January 5, 2023

General Hospital 1-5-23 Full episode

General Hospital 1-5-23 Full episode 5th January 2023

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  1. thank you :) sorry for being moody yesterday:(

    1. mmm....cody looks good...maybe that woman who writes on here named roseam could share cody with me. I am sure roseam has shared her men with other men...she just does not know

    2. Oh gay joe you are such a sorry excuse for a fag. None of my gay friends watch soaps, they are too busy living their lives.LMFAO!!

    3. Keep dreaming gay joe, maybe your wish will come true in another life!!

    4. by the way rose...I do not sleep with gay I said...I only go after the men women want...and I get them everytime

    5. you call your gay male friends fags,,,,you are no gay man's friend

  2. I felt sad for Brad today :(

  3. I feel so bad for Brad .don't tell me Lisel killed Esme

    1. glad britt is dead....brad go and find a man...stay away from those jealous women

    2. Joe you r as crazy as your namesake Brandon

    3. Roseanne, it doesn't help to say anything to that crazy as@@@@le named Joe or whatever, it just gives him satisfaction

    4. we are related aunt liz...or aunt bitch

  4. If Nikolas knew esme was pregnant & it was his kid, how would he know if he hadn't seen her? The police can't be that stupid. He admitted it in public it was his kid. Really GH?

  5. Brad did such a great job today. Loved their dynamic duo, will miss their genuine friendship. Esme is killing it too, she's such a good actress I would believe her, geez. And Heather's got some crazy logic when it comes to motherhood, LOL. Crazy grandma face too. Portia is going to go down hard when all her lies come out, sigh. And here comes LIESL, as predicted.... :)

    1. I loved their friendship and always looked forward to scenes between them. Britt must have a pretty sizable estate thanks to Faison, which will make Brad very wealthy. I wonder if that will affect his employment with Mrs. Wu. For some reason, she wanted to keep him close and now he will no longer be financially dependent on her. Hopefully he tells her to go f**k herself, although that might get him a bullet between his eyes.

    2. I will so miss their friendship, best one in the soap world. Real. Brad will definitely be wealthy enough to be fine without his Aunt, but I wouldn't cross Ms. Wu for anything, she's seriously fierce. :) He saw first-hand what she did to Cody. I think you're right, it sadly won't change their dynamic much because Brad does value his life. If anything, Ms. Wu is going to want that money...

  6. How can anyone survive two jumps off a ledge that's crazy 😧 and even if Heather bribes a guard what about their partner it doesn't make sense also she has a case on her hand so I'm guessing that her doctor at the facility doesn't care to ask her about and neither the medical staff there where did she go to get that case maybe Amazon 😂 one last thing there's cams in every room so I guess the lazy doesn't watch them to see Heather with ease come in and out of Ryan's room with him talking and moving this show makes no sense that's it sorry no periods but whatever

    1. The PCPD have always been pathetic. Apparently that also applies to the state prison system as well. It was stupid when they did this before and it's just as stupid now. Even more so actually. 🙄

    2. Seconded--I couldn't believe, with all of Esme's demonstrated creativity and craftiness, that that's the escape strategy they wrote out for her. Completely unbelievable, and boring.

  7. Story line is too ridiculous. Wondering if the Xmas ornament they found on Esme even had a crack. Writers insulting us now. Sure we're loyal fans but alot less .

    1. Right! The entire storyline is ridiculous. The hook killings were going on before Heather was in the facility with Ryan, going in & out of his room like staff. And yes, the ornament looked completely intact.

    2. Ha, I hadn't even thought of the ornament! It really is completely ridiculous :) I wish the writers had put a little more thought into her escape.

  8. Things I wish would happen: Esme's "memory" loss continues for awhile and her and Cam, becoming a couple. Could happen if Elizabeth feels guilty and decides to take care of Esme. I also wish that maybe Brit's body disappears and maybe Victor saves her, but holds her somewhere. Would be nice to see the character return one day, with the Jason character.

    1. gh unknown, you should be one of the writers! That arc would be worth watching. Esme always did seem to have a softer spot for Cam. That would drive Joss and Spencer absolutely insane.

    2. what no way that would be like nina manipulation of sonny, do not want to see that again that has been done and we continue to see brain damaged sonny strung along by nina and her crapplease writers do not saddle good cameron with that aweful monster of a woman esme hell no, after all that she did to cameron, joss, spencer and trina for her to get a win no all the nos and why would cameron want to be with someone who violated his privacy and put it on public display

      bring emma drake back to pc she and cameron hell yes

  9. Heather is too old to have a daughter the age of Esme.

    1. How old is Heather supposed to be? I was almost 41 when I had my last son. And Hilary Swank (the actress) is in her early fifties and pregnant for the first time (with twins).

    2. Allie Mills who is now playing Heather is 71 years old, that means she had to be about 51 when she birthed Esme. Change of life baby? After all, Franco would have been around in his forties.

    3. Yeah, while possible, that's pushing it. Of course, the actress that plays Jordan is only ten years older than the actor who plays TJ. GH has a tendency to play pretty fast and loose with reality. 😆

    4. the other heathers were younger...they hired the new woman because she is a well known actor

  10. In the preview, when Sonny went after Nicholas, I was screaming POT&KETTLE over and over! I then decided that it just couldn't be about Esme and Spencer. I saw the beginning of Friday's episode before the news conference and it is! Has Sonny forgotten that he made a baby with Ava, while she was involved with his son Morgan? And on the grave of his other " son's" bio dad who he had just murdered! The hypocrisy is staggering!

    1. Sonny is a hypocritical piece of shit.

    2. omgosh yes sonny is beyond a hyprocrite so is ava, so is nicholas, liesl, nina i cannot root for these people because they judge without remembering they have done the same things

    3. The hypocrisy is staggering, they need the good characters giving the lectures, for sure :)

  11. britt pulled a mark twain she came on new years eve and went out on new years eve how poetic

    after all the stuff britt has done who would have thought she would have such a send off and have so many people hurting over her passing testiment to how the character changed

    cannot wait for curtis and portia wedding i hope its huge disaster where so many secrets are revealed and curtis get knocked off his high horse lol

    esme and her crapola bullshit is getting old and tiresome, if she really has memory loss dont care that girl better not get away with all her evil on some amnesia technically fuckery
