Thursday, January 12, 2023

General Hospital 1-12-23 Full episode

General Hospital 1-12-23 Full episode 12th January 2023

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  1. Again , I hope Nina realizes how she is and does the rt thing and not make this about her and just b grateful for once in her life , don’t care what the haters say glad Carly is doing the rt thing ! Proud of her !

    1. lol that will happen never, becasue her enablers will always tell her and reinforce that everything nina does and says is right and nina can do no wrong even when she wrong all the time worse of them is maxie who knows carly michael longer than she has know nina

    2. Be grateful that the identity of your child was withheld from you twice by the same person out of spite and almost cost said child their life. Yall talk about enabling Nina but she's the only one that made an effort to make amends with Carly whom was the initial conflict starter between the two.

    3. Ya she should be grateful because she doesn’t deserve to be willows mother , she treated her like a piece of 💩 from day 1 she fakes being nice because there’s always an agenda with her , she thinks it’s ok to but her nose in other people’s business because she’s related nooo f-ing way she needs to know what boundaries are , she was in Wiley’s life but she screwed that up herself y , nor because if Carly but because herself and not knowing boundaries, ya nelle is Wiley’s bio mom but he crazy a** has never been a mother to that boy she only used him as a pawn to get back at Michael and Carly , nelle was just like her bio mom Nina who fakes it around Sonny and plays victim all the time so ya she should be grateful anyone gives her the time of day because if this were real life she would still be in a mental institution or Ava would have took her out already ! She needs to stop the me me me already

    4. Lmao you're proud of Carly doing the right thing ?!?? This is Carly doing the right thing in your books ? Really?
      If Drew didn't know about it and Carly heard willow did have a donor she would 💯 keep it to herself. Only reason she isn't is cause she knows Drew will blow her out of the water if she doesn't speak up

      What is wrong with you ppl actually seeing Carly doing the right thing ! Never without a motive
      She's a terrible person

  2. in yesterday episode nina told michael that willow should have let her unborn child die, that unborn child is sonny grandchild, just realized that once again needs does not care that she hurts sonny children and that she hurts sonny grandchildren

    that is the same way she acted with the whole dipshit nixon falls crapola story, she saw sonny's children grandchildren which includes wiley grieving their but did not care one iota about their loss or their pain

    she just prove again that she does not care about sonny family no matter what the scenario is yet the so called family man protector of his family sonny has this woman in life and holds this woman to some great standard lol lol lol🤣🤣 what a dope sonny is now

    when will sonny see nina for the person that she is

    1. forget about avery how nina prematurely brought this kid sonny daughter into the world then kidnapped her he has forgiven that

      nina made lulu and dante lives a living hell because she wanted charlotte, dante is sonny son and charlotte is his grandchild via marriage and still his grandchildren regardless

      so sonny has to forgiven nina for the torment she caused dante

      there is a pattern here with sonny children and grandchilden regarding nina, poor donna better watch her back

  3. fine sonny told josslyn becasue he thought she knew why are they still telling people willow business it is not nina nor sonny place to say anything about it and way sonny looked to nina like he needs her permission to speak what

    now these two fools are going to the hospital where they know they are not welcomed just to aggrevate the situation more

    yeah cameron speak your truth

    is elizabeth really that sad that josslyn and cameron are over, yes she feels for her son heartbreak but is she torn up about josslyn not being with cameron i think not

    would it not be great if chase turns out to be the donor for willow anybody other than that witch nina

    what the hell is going on between sasha and cody me no likey the vibey run sasha run away from cody

    1. Agree, Unfortunately, if Carly doesn't tell Nina, Drew will. She should have never told Drew. He came back as a character to look forward too & now I really can't like him.

  4. Nina to Wiley: "I'm always with you." That's a scary thought. 🥴
