Thursday, January 26, 2023

General Hospital 1-26-23 Full episode

General Hospital 1-26-23 Full episode 26th January 2023

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  1. The link is not today's episode since Britt is in it and she's been dead for weeks.

  2. Gladys you horrid witch! Cody stop her! And nooooooooo...who will save Willow now??? PLEASE don't let it be Carly ugh!!!

  3. Wiley is going to be the donor
    Nina and Carly shenanigans rd 3
    Cody is probably gonna warn sasha
    Mrs Wu is secretly taking over Sonny's territory

    1. i hope ms wu is taking over sonny territory so when michael annihilate him ms wu can fill the void that pathetic useless don will leave

    2. enough of the mob drags the show down...keep sonny and carly in realistic storylines

    3. I said before this that Wiley would probably be a match but he is too young to go through it. It will probably be Joss since she got a kidney match with Nelle or even Carly. I hope it is Joss, seems more likely. Somehow, glad it isn’t Nina, and make her be indebted to either Carly or Joss for saving her daughter. Already sick of her saying over again “my daughter”. Nina is scum.

  4. All they went through and Nina's not even a match and did you see Cody when Selena Woo said who Gladys is.

  5. Can't believe Drew slept with Carly she doesn't deserve forgiveness and after seeing Wiley in Willow's hospital room he may be the donor but still hope it will be Liesl

    1. It would be really sweet for Liesl to save someone's life after losing Britt, especially since she died a hero. I hope it's Liesl too, and that would make sense, since she's Willow's family! I'd love that.

    2. nelle will return...they did this same twin donor thing on another world years ago...marley and victoria...also spencers baby story was done by michael when he took avery...drew wanted the hot hoe carly...this is drews best way to get back at sonny...sonny told drew that he could never replace jason and that he was a poor substitute for jason....drew will continue to bed carly for spite....anyone else would have dumped carly after she pulled that stunt on nina

    3. Is Nelle coming back? What a twist that would be. Oh, man, poor Willow. And ha, awkward for Michael, to realize he made babies with twin sisters, lol.

    4. Nope no Nelle I hope not ! It will be Wiley it joss , and we already know that joss should b A match since she matched with Nelle , hope Cody tells Sasha Gladys what are you doing , I don’t think she’s being malicious I think this is how she’s handling her grief , she still doesn’t seem like the old Gladys but she’s making dumb choices and I’m sure sonny will get her out of this especially when miss Wu involved and knowing how she is and what she’s capable of ! Hope Cody comes clean to Mack , I also want it to be Liesl !

    5. joss is not blood related to willow....the best match would be a nelle...nelle will return

    6. I know she’s not and it doesn’t have to be , she matched with nelle y do you the ink joss has one of Nelles kidney’s do you even watch the show ? Joss having her kidney is the whole reason she came to town , she blamed Carly when she didn’t know anything about it ! Her father sold her kidney to Jax

    7. Nelle and willow should have same dna they are twins

    8. Michelle Nelle and Willow may be twins, but they are not identical twins. Just because Nelle was a match for Joss doesn't mean that Joss will be a match for Willow.

    9. Still 50% chance guess we’ll wait and see

    10. michelle I have been watching this show before you were born so stfu

  6. Man, I got whiplash on that Drew turnaround! Good night, Carly must have bribed the writers, everyone's just forgiving her (Michael and Willow were pretty soft-handed, and Joss is totally supportive). Except the ones she won't care about, Nina and Sonny. And boo on back-sliding Gladys, come on!!! Cody, do the right thing for once. And finally Spencer and Trina awkwardly getting somewhere, lol.

    1. someone posted that the actress who plays carly controls the show....they will write whatever she wants...I believe it now after drew bedded the evil skank carly

  7. I wish they would have let us see Chase go in the room and talk with Willow and let them have a sweet moment together and remind us how good there were together before she betrayed him..and I really hope Nelle comes back to the show I like her character she brought drama and excitement to the show plus I honestly want her to be apart of her son Wiley life and get her revenge on the people who stole took her child from her...I see everyone giving Carly like usual smh she was so in the wrong how would she feel if Nina would have kept her from knowing who her children were smh..I want Nina to get revenge on them also..

    1. How are you saying people took her son from her ??? How do you justify her using her son as a pawn to hurt Michael / Carly ? She traded wily for willows dead baby just to hurt Michael and you think she deserves to raise him and seek revenge? You sound as twisted as her ! Stop making her and Nina victims because they’re not !

    2. Let me rephrase stole ? Never happened
      Thank you Bob ! 😊

    3. nelle should return....cannot believe the dumb fans who side with carly...I guess they are just as evil as the carly character

    4. Thank you Michelle for telling how it really happened 👏🏻👏🏻 . Star must not have watched the earlier episodes of when Nell was on. Guess Sonny never told Nina that Nell tried to bed him, otherwise she would hate Nell like everyone else does. Joe above is just jealous that Carly bedded his fantasy man Drew. Like those muscles, huh Joe!!

    5. 🤣🤣🤣 lol your rt Roseam joe must b jealous he’s always hating !

    6. You are right Michelle, he’s always saying nasty thing. He’s either calling all the women on the show hoes and the boys and men gay.

    7. Joe is always fantasizing about the men on the show. 🥰😘

    8. I would not have drew...he is too ugly....and as far as carly goes she is as horrible as all of you bitches on the way most of the women on the show are hoes like you....and some of the men are as gay as all do not like people who tell the spoils your lusty fantasy for these closeted men....most women are dumb and blind

    9. I would never sleep with an actor...most of them are gay...I sleep with policemen...firemen....military men...get my point...and all of them are married to you stupid women

    10. I cannot believe how homophobic some of you women on here seems to me that you are jealous of gay men and not the other way around. I am glad I don't act like you all. Let each person have their opinion. And I have to say...Carly is trashy. Hopefully drew will come to his senses and date another woman character on the show.

    11. For all we know most of the women writing on here may be men pretending to be women...since most of the so called "women" on here sound just like homophobic men. There is no proof that all of you are men or trans women on here

  8. how is ned not making moves to take over elq and placing himself as CEO, valentin is absent in his role for months now that is a perfect time for the board to vote on the ground of no confidence, valentin isnt doing his job ned wants to be CEO its time for the man to rally that board at ELQ

    nina does not know how to change outfits she has been wearing the same thing for over a week now,

    lol thank the soap gods aka the writers for not making nina willow donor that leverage over willow is gone, oh look nina is throwing a tanturm it all about nina and how My daughter won't get my bone marrow, how nina is going to lose my child my daughter cry me a river nina fill nothing for that woman why cant she just let willow illness be about willow

    is sasha for real then again sasha did not have a first hand seat at how nina berated bullied and harassed willow and nina is again making the fact that willow dispises her ass all willow and michael fault,

    sonny dream on michael is no where close to forgiving him and willow should not press the issue with michael just like michael would never force willow to have a relationship with nina to each their own

    1. wonder how nina is going to make it carly fault that she is not a bone marrow match

      is cody going to blackmail gladys thats the look he has went bad thoughts comes into his mind

      drew and carly what did not think drew would forgive so fast ok aint mad at that they are spicy together

      go figure ava has some self respect 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Say it again GF, I totally agree 👏🏻👏🏻👊🏻

    3. Yep me too lol I totally agree GF always spit on

    4. I don't think Cody is going to blackmail Gladys. He seems to like Sasha, and if anything, I think he's going to try to protect her. Of course, that may involve blackmailing Gladys in some way. But if he does, I don't think it's going to be for his benefit but to protect Sasha. I think he's going to turn out to be a good guy.

    5. roseam and michelle 2 black hoes

    6. We’re 2 black hoes like you and Queeny are straight men.LMFAO at you fudge p@&er gay women bashers. Quit being so nasty! Have to admit just love riling you men??? up.

    7. I'm pretty sure that "Joe" is that rude, nasty ass person that used to call himself, "Shaun." Just don't feed the animals, they'll go away when they don't get the attention they seek.

    8. I do not have to prove I am a woman to your sorry behind rose...but that guy joe is making you look very jealous and foolish keep going back and seem like a sorry person who thinks men belong to only not kid yourself to that are making women look like possessive jealous idiots

  9. seeing the way nina has acted with willow and the way she makes excuses and tries to rewrite nelle story i think had nina raised willow and nelle they would have come out exactly the same

    nina would have favored nelle because nelle is a psycho like nina and because nelle was a master manipulator she would cuddle lie enable all of nelles bad behavior and nina would have treated willow exactly how she has been they would have had a toxic relationship where nina always bullied and harrassed willow and made her small like madeline treated her because willow actually have compassion and is a decent human being, something nelle and nina could never be and nina would be jealous of her daughter for having these traits which is so lacking in her

    nina mothering of these two would be a broken abused willow who eventually would overcome out grow nina and her upbringing to still be a kind woman and golden terror wrecking daughter who can't do no wrong nelle would be still be a murdering, baby switching, gaslighting, unholy hell, blame everyone for her shit nut case

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well said GF

    2. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏼

    3. hoes like michelle and rose stick together

    4. Ho! Ho! Maybe I’m Santa in disguise!! Someone really needs to report you for harrasing the female actors and fan. Are those the only words in your vocabulary?

    5. first rose ho...I do not do or get involved with anal sex like you do are very lucky to be able to hide your identity on here you tramp

  10. and carly and joss are hoes....there I said it

    1. Think you misspelled heroes gay Joe. Know you like Drew and Dex

    2. Michelle, you have to forgive Joe, I believe he is also dyslexic, in addition to being a female basher. LMFAO!!! He amuses me more than the soap.

    3. no dyke rose...I got it right

    4. For all we know most of the women writing on here may be men pretending to be women...since most of the so called "women" on here sound just like homophobic men. There is no proof that all of you are men or trans women on here

    5. Are you talking about joe who wants to be a ho so bad Roseam lmao I guess he or she I can give a shit less can dream , I really could care less queen T about what you think or say ,to each is own on your opinions , but people talking shit on here about an actors looks or the child actors well that isn’t acceptable at all , the ones hiding behind the screen are the haters talking shit need to grow the f up !

  11. Carly & Drew together, GROSSSSSSS! and I'm ok with carly but drew does not fit. I hope they just move this storyline forward. Nina & Sonny are making me vomit daily. Spencer has become fun to watch. Him & Ava will make a good team against Nikolas.

  12. Oh, Nina. Always the victim while never acknowledging the horrible things she has done. She terrorized Willow from the first moment they met and now all of a sudden she's all "poor me" and thinks she should be a "mom" to her. And even in that last scene where's she throwing a fit in the parking garage and it was STILL all about HER: "I won't survive losing another child!" Not about Wiley losing the only mother he's ever known or the baby Willow is carrying (her grandchild) being motherless, or Michael losing the woman he loves, or any of the other people who would be affected by Willow's death - just all about HER.

    1. Exactly. I can't stand Nina...seeing her with Sonny makes me want to vomit.

    2. That's the saddest piece of it right there, Nina is just pathologically selfish. I don't know how else to think about it. And how to wrap my head around Sonny falling head over heels for it. Baffling.

  13. You got that right Janis. At least most of us agree with you about Saint Nina. At least Carly was not stupid enough to have had an evil mother to put her in a coma and steal her babies. Carly owns up to her own mistakes not blame everyone else. One thing, Carly never ever ever plays a victim she is a strong woman, just the opposite of weak, woe is me Nina.

  14. I hope the donor is Sonny. That would be a hoot!

  15. Carly, get it girl! Drew is smokin' hot! Sonny who? Nina can keep that wimp.

    1. Carly got lucky, that's for sure! LOL

    2. LOL She realized how lucky she was when he mentioned the future. She wasted no time getting him in bed!
