Wednesday, September 21, 2022

General Hospital 9-21-22 Full episode

General Hospital 9-21-22 Full episode 21st September 2022

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  1. I won't be watching until tomorrow morning, but people on Twitter are speculating that it could be Mrs. Wu. Could that be what she's been grooming Brad for?

    1. And that's she targeting those close to Sonny? And that Kristina was actually the target because she's known to use the back door and Brando just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, although it ended up being a win-win anyway because of his association with Sonny. Actually makes some sense to me.

    2. Janis I have that that it was Miss Wu for a while. I think she want to take over Sonny territory as well as Curtis club.

    3. Mrs. Wu didn't even occur to me until I saw it mentioned today. I can be a little slow at times. 😄

      But it actually makes a lot of sense. And if she also targets Curtis, that could put everyone connected to him in danger, too.

    4. I love Ms Wu as a character, not sure this would be her style (hardly mob-like, too flamboyant and ineffective), but fun to throw her in any storyline! I can believe Ryan/Esme (the drama!), maybe Dex since they keep throwing the clues that way. I do think there is more to Rory as well, but not this. That would be crazy.

    5. agreed justlaugh, mrs wu is too cunning to go the serial killer route, if she wants to take sonny out there are better ways of dealing with sonny not going after his family, don't see ms wu involved in this hook drama

    6. where the hell is my picture at the start of the show! Also Chase cannot sing and Ms. Wu looks hideous...very ugly woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Well, Mrs. Wu might be too cunning to get her OWN hands dirty but could she be using Brad to do it for her? I've never really understood her attachment to him anyway. They're not even related by blood, are they? I just find it a little suspicious how she latched onto him the way she did, making him dependent on her the way that she has. But who knows? They're going to drag this out for months and we're only a couple of weeks into it so far.

  2. Yeah the poison aspect is Wu's calling card, and she has been entrenching herself in Port Charles more and more.
    So now the list has grown
    .Brad (Through Mrs Wu)
    I would put Mrs Wu but she doesnt personally get her hands dirty she sends people.

  3. I can't believe people seriously think officer hot cop is capable of serial murdering! 😁

    I don't want it to be Selina but she's a total possibility.

  4. Thanks Bob always appreciated! Didn’t think of her either but I guess anything is possible, I don’t think Christina was target though I do still think it was Joss , also she said herself she only goes through the back sometimes and there’s know way the killer would no if she was going that specific day , also don’t forget the clanking jewelry and I also think even if she were grooming Brad I don’t think k he would kill people

    1. Yeah, I don't know. They brought Brad back and he has never really had a story line except as Wu's errand boy. And why would she be so intent on bringing him into her organization and demanding total fealty from him? We're still early into this mystery, so anything is possible, but today I'm kind of learning towards Mrs. Wu, with Brad doing her dirty work. I might think something differently tomorrow. 😁

  5. Esme, under the tutelage of Ryan. Ryan has a hook hand in his history and poison too , I think, why not he has everything else...he's after Ava and Nicholas, I can't figure out th3 Corbin kid yet ,..but he probably got a bunch of lifetime movies, ..

    1. I'm certainly not ruling out Esme,' although I'm not sure what role Ryan could play without some red flags going up somewhere. But Kevin just appeared after some time away, so it is possible we'll also start seeing Ryan again, too (actor must have been on vacation or something 🙄). I don't know. We're still so early into this thing, it's hard to tell yet how it will eventually play out. I guess all we can do is to give the producers what they want and keep guessing. 😂

  6. The way Jordan had those gloves on and that hook. If this was a lifetime movie, Jordan would definitely be the killer 😆
    Victor's hungry for lunch! And woohoo, Kristina's still around!😊

  7. I am hoping they don't have Esme turn out to be the hook killer. I like the idea of her returning and with the help of a good lawyer beating her possible charges. After that, maybe get in a romance with Cam. Now that Dex is in the picture. Also not a fan of Selena Wu being possibly involved in that mystery. There is so many potential storylines with that character. Such as, is she married. Is she interested in Curtis personally. Will she try to take over Port Charles. One last thing, I am not really a big fan of this version of the Nina character, but she and Sasha click. They should have just made Sasha her daughter.

  8. what the hell was chase wearing in that fantasy of brooklyn i hope thats not the look they went with for his so called singing career give chase his badge back

    halloween came early to port charles the hook killer upping their game if my hook don't kill you my poison will

    what is with lucy wanting to fire everyone at deception first sasha now brooklyn

    anna blackmailed lucy to help her knowing victor is dangerous now she has a crisis of conscience when victor is fully invested in lucy, if anything happens to lucy thats on anna

    curtis taking money from the mob that will end well lol

    1. sonny always blaming his baby mommas when his children act out, its never his fault

    2. Right??? Sonny is such a dog. Carly and Nina are so stupid for hating each other over this piece of sh###T!

    3. @Gen Fanatic Well both Michael and Joss are acting out because of Carly being their mother. Kristina and Dante have moved past it and have been cordial and more mature. Sonny slept with Nina and Michael slept with Willow who was married to his supposed friend Chase. Isnt that an example of blatant hypocrisy.

      @Rookie Cee Nina has reason not to like Carly and vice versa. Lets not forget how the animosity started. Carly chose to play god and keep the identity of Nina's daughter a secret. Carly's reasoning was to protect Nina from the truth. Nina develops a relationship with Mike (Sonny) and her reasoning for not saying anything was to keep him away from Violence. Fast forward, Nina tries to make amends repeatedly only to be verbally assaulted each time which is compounded on the fact that once again Carly is playing God by withholding Nina's daughter from her. And I know people are going to mention Harmony but that doesn't matter. You can't stand on this pedestal of virtue signaling and at the same time withholding life altering information from someone you feel your better than.

    4. Joss and Michael acting out is just the result of lazy storytelling by the writers. They are just making Joss a mini Carly, with her so called good guy Jax type boyfriend (Cam) and now a possible new relationship with a bad boy, Sonny, Jason type (Dex). The whole Michael, Willow and Chase thing is just silly. Group of people pretending with each other, thinking they are helping and all things will return to normal later. As far as Nina and Carly go, they should have never been in each others orbits. Sonny should have fallen for a completely new character in Nixon Falls and Sasha should have been Nina's daughter. Now we are just stuck with a bunch of characters being petty with each other. Also are we going to start having more characters end up in a new city for solo storylines? First Sonny and now Carly. Maybe they have it in their contracts.

    5. sonny takes responsibility for nothing kristina is defiant he blames alexis, micheal is seeing sonny for the two faces person he is he blames carly when we have seen carly say to both michael and joss to let it go she is over it, michael is angry about more than just the nina keeping sonny in nixon falls thing, nina actively came after michael and willow and nina continues to disrespect and undermine both michael and willow as individuals and parents

      as for michael sleeping with willow while married to chase that is not the same thing, willow only married chase because she thought he was dying she and michael were already a couple and were still a couple when she married chase, they thought he was going to die so they thought they were giving a dying man his last wish. things turned out different, chase and willow never had relations when they were married because she and michael were seeing each other

      sonny on the other hand cheated with nina because his ego was bruised all becasue carly need time to deal with constant lying about how he wanted nina

      gh unkown i agree please no more scenes with nina and carly, let nina drive sonny insane and let carly have a story with drew or whatever

  9. Hi Bob can you please put episode back up. Thanks
