Tuesday, September 13, 2022

General Hospital 9-13-22 Full episode

General Hospital 9-13-22 Full episode 13th September 2022

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  1. Thank you very much, Bob! Now we will have to wait until tomorrow. I think it is the new guy, Dex, who is doing the killing. I think that is why Brando stepped outside because he must saw something too.

  2. I don't believe Jordan covered for Stella and it be Niklas who attacked Ava if Brando is getting attacked while Niklas is talking to Ava so who is that guy with the fish hook maybe Esme or Ryan Chamberlain

  3. It was obvious all along that Nicholas did not attack Ava; Nicholas loves Ava! In Esme's mind, she would want to get back at Ava and Josslyn. Trina could be next and then Spencer, even on prison. I could believe both Ryan and Austin's cousin going after Ava, but not Josslyn. Unknowns are Dex and wht Brando felt that he needed to go outside.

  4. Oh no! Not Brando! I hope he's able to fight off the hook person. There was a time when I hoped Aunt Stella and Gladys would be thrown into a volcano for being Karens, but I'm glad they're being helpful and supportive to their respective families now.

    1. Yes they both turned into very likable characters! Although I think I always liked Stella

    2. Gladys was an awful person when she first joined the show. And she can still be incredibly annoying. But she has been wonderful to Sasha. Very supportive and caring. Of course, that doesn't mean she doesn't have some ulterior motives. But for now, she's been a wonderful advocate for her. Stella I'm still not too sure about. She's done some pretty shitty things and I'm not convinced yet she doesn't think she was justified and that the ends justified the means. We'll see.

    3. Definitely not Brando! And they've done a lot to redeem Gladys' character, not sure I could ever like her, but she's not as endlessly annoying as she was in the beginning :)

  5. Aunt stella is the hook killer! So the Sin Stalker has now come to Port Charles from Another World.

  6. Omg! Not Carly and Brando in the sand episode! Finally some excitement!

  7. sasha did nothing wrong, she has been harassed by smoltz the sleazy for a while now the man has been preying on her mental state, if she went to court would that be the worst thing she could win maybe stay in ferncliff is that worst thing than signing over your life to someone else don't care if its brando

    `there goes curtis with his self centered, pious bullshit, that man only has understanding for his actions and noone elses

    from the moment they had phyllis say she gave up a child or something like she no longer has any ties with her family i wanted jordan to her family, make phyllis jordan mother aunt whatever and please for the sake of good tv do not involve sonny and nina in phyllis storyline, so donot like cheerleader phyllis

    they better not kill carly thats one of my favorite characters

    what is going on port charles has another serial killer, the target seemed to be josslyn is this person pissed josslyn helped ava, brando can take this dude he is ex military

  8. general fanatic...they should kill carly...worst character ever on that show besides sonny...you have poor taste

    1. nononononono love my girl flaws of all, you don't have to like carly but i do, to each their own

    2. If I were in charge of that show I would get rid of carly and sonny

  9. Ryan is at it again !!!!!!! Muahahahaha

  10. Just saying i called it the night Ava was attacked episode
