Monday, September 9, 2024

General Hospital 9-9-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-9-24 Full episode 9th September 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. These new GH writers are giving viewers "Prime Time" show pacing and I'm enjoying it. 👏 👏 👏

    I'm all for Jordan getting more physical interaction with a man BUT not like this. 😆 She was in rare kick-butt mode and that guy deserved it!

    Alexis is being very disingenuous. She does NOT want Harmony between her daughters... she only wants "mental peace" for Kristina. I'm SO glad that Molly respectfully called her mother out on it.

    Why are the bad people such good actors on GH... Rick Lansing is so arrogant and overconfident YET he is the lawyer. Sonny is a crime boss BUT he has more humility in my opinion. Rick is clearly setting the stage to deceive & use both TJ and Curtis at a later time.

    Holly is NOT helping at all... she is just walking around looking pretty and focused on her own agenda. Lucky shouldn't even bother talking to her anymore. It's time for Dr. Isaiah Gannon to do all the talking now!

    Michael is the best brother to have in PC. Kristina and her mother are in big trouble. (for now for their part)
    Granted once the gun IS recovered the ballistic won't match... so Case Closed and everybody walks.

    YES to Jason properly DESTROYING the murder weapon. I loved it!!!

    Ana really tried to flex her power today at Sonny's penthouse. I'm so glad that Diane shut her down.

    Like Diane said "take Jason's lead and zip it" 😆 🤣 😂

    1. I'm just glad it seems like they're giving Jordan a meatier story for once!!! :) And yeah, that scene with Jason at the barrel, he is back and at it again, anything for Sonny and the "organization"! It's nice to actually see part of the criminal enterprise for once, lol!

    2. Yes, but then why is he trying to become friends with Anna?

  2. Alexis 💯 deserved everything Molly said to her and Kristina

  3. Lucky won't do it but after the callus and selfish way Holly dismissed Lucky's life threatening situation, I hope Laura punches her in the face.

  4. Molly and TJ made a horrible choice making Kristina the surrogate. why didn't they adopt instead?

    1. Seriously right? Guess there would be nothing to watch and no excitement with that story though

  5. OH LORD, please don't tell me the writers at GH are digging up the Ice Princess Diamond yet again! I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to think when Holly starts talking excitedly about a "specific" diamond.🙄

    1. Yeah, maybe another chunk of that diamond... If they bring it back, hopefully it's for a good storyline!

    2. but that diamond necklace was presumably blown up with victor how did it reach africa in a mine nah its some other blood diamond holly is after

  6. Sick of both Kristina & Molly the baby is gone so they need to either make up or hate each other ( know they are mourning ) but lets see something happier

  7. kristen needs to be in jail or in sike ward even if they find the gun it was never shot it dont match

  8. Christina is literally, as AWLAYS, a piece of garbage. She has always been a train wreck. Selfish and ignorant. I hope Alexis gets arrested and Christine has to come clean. I hope ballistics show it was the gun she stole that killed Cates. I want her to be punished so badly.

  9. I also would like to have just one day without Kristina and her whining. Why can’t the writers see that no one wants to keep on hearing my baby constantly. She betrayed her sister Molly and glad Molly finally told her and Alexis off. What mother would side with one daughter over the other. And just saying, no man in their right mind would touch Kristina’s dike ass without it being sperm in a test tube.LMAO! And then she uses the excuse of “if” Molly and TJ would break up, when she is the real cause of any of the arguments.

  10. Wait until Molly finds out it was Christina that has the gun and her dad that reported to the cops

  11. I was all like NOOOO, not perfectly pretty Jordan, then I was like, dang girl, running him down and kickin' his ass in heels?????? Get this woman her own show, LOL!

    REALLY, Alexis, this was a terrible idea. Glad Molly let her and Kristina have it. Ssssssoooooooooo tired of the great entitled one being on the show every day...

    TJ looks hot as all heck, man, put him and Molly on track to giving us real love in the afternoon, dang it GH!!! They give him the worst lines too, come on, spend some amount of time on his script, at least.

    Curtis, with the most oblivious walkaway from Portia, lol, she is clearly NOT OK, lol...what is her play here. And what is Ric's play, he never does anything for the right reasons.

    Dex jumping right into his new role at the PCPD. Alexis is in trouble now. Love that they're making this murder a who-dun-it. Rope in Ava somehow too!

    Anna is no match for Dianne and Jason, love it! She deserves to be stymied, every word she says lately drips with hypocrisy. Dianne has the line of the episode, per usual, make like Jason and ZIP IT!!!!

    1. loved that scene jordan chasing down a perp in her heels like bad ass that cop instinct kicked just right that man was no match for her gorgeous and a lethal weapon that jordan

  12. Hi. Can you repost this episode please?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. so that is the new wellness center drew was building sonny gym got competition except there is no boxing ring maybe not that much of a compete

    damn tj let it out and you should not forgive that baby stealing lying bitch kristina neither should molly, molly should cut both alexis and kristina out of her life molly has a family with tj and the ashford has been more than supportive and welcoming of molly

    yeah molly tj is not even a thought or the reason for irene existing in kristina head that selfish girl virgin mary that baby into being get her molly get that that....

    so curtis is drinking the laura juice so what heather so called mind was poisoned by her hip as if, she knew exactly what she was doing just like franco knew and enjoy every murdering evil thing he did that tumor did nothing to formulate his action nor did heather hip why is that story not going away leave heather in prison

    damn dex really in a heated moment where alexis was frustrated because cates was using his power to hurt sonny through kristina a mother went off on a horrible guy and that is motive enough for thinking alexis would go kill cates after just getting her law licence back these cops are so dumb

    why does that woman holly love diamonds she risked everything and everyone to get that fractured necklace with that diamond from victor and here the woman is again literally in bed with a mercenary strip mining land that is not theirs for its diamonds good golly how is this lady holly still alive

    oh really anna you will bring cates killer to justice where is justice for all the people valentin hurt you did not care about justice then

    and here alexis goes kristina is allowed to grief without care for anyone but herself but molly has to be the empathetic one the kind one the considerate one is alexis for real how is kristina grief more than mollys

    1. The wellness center was completely oversold, lol, it's a glorified low-rent hotel gym, hahahahaha... :) I get it though, it's just a set, they don't want to spend too much money on that.

      I am team TJ and Molly all the way--what Kristina planned to do to them was terrible, and her reasoning that their relationship was rocky (because of her own selfish actions), is downright psychotic. They never should have trusted Kristina, just a sad, sad story. :( Kristina made this experience as uncomfortable and awkward as possible for them, beginning to end.

      Touche on the Anna/Valentin point, she does only care about justice when it suits her!

    2. That wellness center looks like an updated "Yoga Room" at the Hospital BUT I still actually like the idea of it. The guys need a place to meet up sometimes. Because Sonny's gym has limited "memberships." 😆
