Friday, September 13, 2024

General Hospital 9-13-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-13-24 Full episode 13th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. I just knew Carly would involve Jason in going after Lucky. Please Anna & Felicia? Please stay home Felicia. Good God I hope they don't plan on putting Jason & Anna together🤢 And where's Laura? The great sleuth? Didn't Luke used to call Holly, English or was it, Robert? I'm a bit tired of Alexis & her anger toward everyone but Kristina. Why does Lois look gothic? Bring back the accent & the cheap Sheek.

  2. Have a great weekend, Bob and everyone here!

  3. Wow, the Lois accent bit is getting old in a hurry, just let the actress act.

    Guess Violet gets her wish, ha, we'll see if the new couple brings a baby into the Quartermaine mix! That mansion is packed with kids already, much to Tracy's dismay... Glad they're playing the Tracy thing as not a crush, but loneliness. That makes sense. "Losing" friends when they get coupled is a perfectly understandable feeling. I know not being as close to, or at least spending as much time with, my girlfriends as we all grew up and had families was tough. Tracy is at that age when she has lost many people she cared for to death, too. She'll work through it.

    Wow, that's a big reveal, so Kristina WAS going to straight up murder Cates, boy did that apple not fall far from the trees, lol. If I was Michael I would get her some serious help. Sonny won't do anything, he was practically giddy knowing she didn't plan on hurting herself at all. Even Alexis is disturbingly chill about the fact that Kristina is homicidal, must be that Cassadine bloodline at work!

    Jason and Anna on a caper. If they hadn't made Anna so unlikeable, this would be fun. Man, I wish they would throw more of Brennan in the mix.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    1. its kristina of course she has murdering tendencies would not put it past that girl to kill someone ava better watch her back cates and ava we both on her hit list

      from what ive noticed brennan is more of a planning guy, guy behind the scenes the schemer the man the guy talking into the ear piece giving instruction, do not see him going full action not that they have shown

      and here is the best part now jason is away carly will be spending less time around him so brennan can start making his move

    2. I'm here for a real catfight between Kristina and Ava, can easily see a head-to-head where one of them does not walk away... Crazy ladies. And Brennan is definitely more of the charmer James Bond, less of the Daniel Craig-style secret agent, lol!

  4. In today's epi, Chase and Brook Lynn while talking about Violet, and what's to come etc bring up Hamilton's rehab stent which is supposed to be over in about a month. This has me wondering if GH is going to bring back Doc Finn?
    and no, not Michael Easton. I'm pretty sure he's permanently parted ways. I do figure though, C&B can't keep Violet indefinitely, and I'm sure, or at least I'm hoping there will be a tearjerker reunion between the two of them. I mean, they're recasting Lulu. Why not get the good doc Finn and on the action too. 🤷

  5. Maybe they will have Finn come out and take Violet somewhere else?

  6. Wonder what new evidence they have on Alexis?

  7. does everyone know without a hint of doubt that sonny is the one who killed cates they all seem to be making their accusations at sonny, suspect #1 to all

    again please do not have chase and brooklyn procreate these two have been married what three months or less what happen to enjoying a marriage in its start and just no to that baby in general for these two that would mean chase is tied to brooklyn for life am rooting for that marriage to fail

    oh brennan, anna is so adamant about finding lucky because of her guilt of letting valentine take charlotte on the run unable to see her mother who may or may not die

    what the hell michael first he is keeping quiet about sonny role in the cates murder, then he is telling kristina hush about the gun she took now he want to pay someone to take the fall for cates murder nah michael is way too involved in this let sonny and jason handle their crap especially sonny

    isaiah the coffee importer jason got skills you cannot even imagine

    did anna pack a machete to go rescue lucky lol so anna rare blood disease is no more that woman just popping pills prescribed to others

    1. Michael is willing to go wwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too far to protect Sonny, given what he knows he's done and how horribly his "father" has treated him the past few years. You can blame the meds all you want, but Sonny was back on them when he murdered Cates. No excuses. Be better Michael. Jason the "coffee importer", lol!

    2. Yes, we know Sonny shot Cates. We watched him aim the gun and shoot and Cates fall and bleed. It's possible someone else could have been hiding and shot Cates over Sonny's shoulder but we also saw Sonny on the verge of taking the better make sure he's dead shot.

    3. glassyo was making a jest about the people of port charles and how they all know sonny is the one who off cates: alexis, carly, tracy, anna, josslyn, dex, jason even the deception ladies they were all trying to speculate but practically everyone in that town knows its sonny they just dont got the solid proof

  8. Hey Bob, the link is the wrong episode that aired on Friday, otherwise thanks for reposting the links, Ive been so far behind and finally able to catch up. Hope your weekend was great.
