Wednesday, September 11, 2024

General Hospital 9-11-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-11-24 Full episode 11th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Between Ric sending the cops after Alexis and Molly sending the cops after Kristina; Ric and Molly have created enough suspects and reasonable doubt to help Sonny get away with it.

    Ric and Molly can say whatever they want about their motivations but they both did it out of spite. Before someone replies with justifications for why they did what they did; whether or not you believe they were justified in doing what they did does not change that they did it out of spite.

    1. They each totally did it out of spite, but I'm not even mad! Alexis and Kristina can squirm a bit for what they were going to do to Molly and TJ. :')

  2. Man, Anna, why you have to burst in and ruin the vibe, lol. I could watch handsome Brennan charm Carly all day, hahahaha... Glad he seems to have an inkling of why Carly/Sonny supposedly happened, don't ruin this new relationship over some dumb plot point GH! Love that he always has good liquor handy at his place of employment, LOL, can't imagine his superiors would be real happy to see what Anna walked in on, but whatever...I'm here for love in the afternoon!

    Speaking of which, glad Dr. Gannon got immediately all googly-eyed over Jordan, she deserves it. Girl, you fine, let these men fight over you! Just leave Drew out of it, lol...

    Can't fault Molly for what she did, the situation is sus, and merits investigation. She is an ADA. If they find the gun, everyone will be cleared anyway.

    They got Willow back in that hospital in a hurry, lol. And she's already telling coma patients her whole story, girl, you're doomed. A chip off the old block. Glad Nina and Ava are buddies again, they do need each other, lol. If they can forgive the baby thing, they can forgive the Sonny thing. Pariahs need friends too!

    1. At this point im starting to Wonder if brennan isnt related to carly. Maybe john durant son?? It seems more like family than it does à man trying to woo à woman

    2. Wouldn't that be something!!!
      If GH made Brennan her brother that would be interesting too.
      Maybe you're right.

  3. So it's Rick & Molly verses Alexis & Kristina! Let the family infighting begin 😆
    Things are about to get messy omg.

    Willow being a nurse is not a smart idea BUT I see what the writers are trying to do.
    Having her tell her secrets to comatosed Lulu on her FIRST day back at work??? Really....

    Good to see Jordan in flirtatious mode.
    This guy Isaiah has personality too.
    Looking forward to his scenes with Portia AND.... Curtis 😆 Stir up the drama.

    I KNEW that Rick was going to take Ava's case because there is no other lawyer in PC who could.
    Alexis can't be a lawyer & a suspect.
    Dianne has her hands full.
    Scotty is out of town/ missing.
    And Laura's brother skipped town a while back.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm starting to think TPTB at General Hospital are video game fans
    specifically the Legend of Zelda.
    First there's "Linc Brown"
    then Zelda, the "face of society setups" during the Spinelli hack the world arc.
    Now it's Isaiah Gannon?

    Yeah that's more than a coincidence for me at this point

  6. geez trina, cannot tell by now when ava is spinning a web, ava was using cates as much as he was using her, cannot take the way trina hero worships this woman, ava does not deserve the kindness trina shows her and ava is the reason she is suspected of throwing that girl kristina out a window the woman mess with an accident scene rather than just tell the truth, the woman knew sonny meds were being tampered with instead of doing the right thing she further placebo up an already erratic sonny, trina needs to seriously open her eyes about who ava is

    so ava gets away with all of her current evil yet again that woman better lose custody of avery that kid deserve better than ava as a mother

    that smile dr isaiah gave jordan what the what the man is so smitten by jordan get it jordan

    so brennan has still not told carly he got that evidence to vanish into thin air, and carly has yet to figure this out ok

    and the list of people who knows about drew and willow keeps growing again how long before this two lusting for each other reach michael ears the knowers: sasha, nina, cody, james, lulu sought of, maxie, curtis

    elizabeth and her shitty baby daddies lady should have made better choices about who she wanted to father her children lucky is indeed a deadbeat father so aiden when lucky get back will he too be shipped off to culinary school over seas just like jake was made to leave for spain as jason returned

    all for kristina having a full mental meltdown let it happen maybe that girl will finally realize she was wrong about may things

    1. Yeah, regarding Carly and Brennan, that is NOT the sort of thing Carly would just lose interest in and stop investigating, lol, take the hint Carly! :) And YES to Jordan having some fun with guys who get all googly-eyed for's about time! And it would be the epitome of hilarity for James to be the one to reveal the Willow/Drew affair, just make it all as absurd and embarrassing for those two as possible, please!!!!! :') Nathan's namesake, yes, irony for Nina as well!
