Friday, September 20, 2024

General Hospital 9-20-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-20-24 Full episode 20th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Just what you needed tonight, whatever Portia, after a long day of committing hospital crimes and violating your oath...ugh. Didn't like those ominous statements from Curtis though, lol, what is this show fixing to do to Aurora / ELQ... speaking of which, it's about time they dealt with the Valentin issue, overthrow him already, Qs!!!!!!!

    OK, Sonny can be quite generous with people with his ill-gotten monies, but he is in NO WAY loyal, Lois--he is as moody and flighty as they come. And I'll cut him some slack for his bipolar disorder, but all y'all need to stop pretending like Sonny is someone you can always count on, with some epic moral code he follows, he's not. Stop propping up this myth.

    Anna, telling Jason to use Sam's strategy if he starts to lose, whatever, she would seduce that guy, lol, don't think that would work for him!!!

    Man, Hallucination Elizabeth is ripping Lucky a new one, good! Should not have left the kiddo behind, all these boys on the show have deserved better from their fathers... But St. Elizabeth is no saint, she's made well beyond a person's fair share of mistakes too.

    Nina, stirring stuff up with Michael, as usual. Drew, traipsing after Willow, as usual. Gross.

    So Molly and Dex are random friends now, lol! And more Carly/Brennan time, yes!

    1. more like lucky is critizing his own self for being a deadbeat father and partner and yes elizabeth is quick to judge people but in lucky case can you blame the woman she raised all her children on her own jake and aiden were suppose to be lucky responsibility he adopted jake aiden is his bio son boy did he fail epicly at that

      nina drew and willow are so sickening to watch really wish michael wasnt part of this cuckold crap say what you want about michael hate him love him he does not deserve what these three are doing or how this will affect michael when he finds out

      and yes when will ned get rid of valentin its like the man made a tremendously bad decision siding with valentin and he does not want to admit it so he trying to keep face, michael should take over both elq and aurora to spite them all

    2. I'm so looking forward to more Q drama!!! :) It's about time. Michael doesn't deserve what's going to happen, but I'm hoping it makes him stronger. I hope this all blows up together (ELQ and the Willow/Drew emotional affair) and sets Michael on the path to becoming the next Edward Quartermaine...

  2. Very long episode but I rather have a full episode without Kristina or Molly in it. (2 days without those 2! What a treat!)

    Get rid of Gio, he is stiff as a board and boooorrriiing as hell.
    He's also a nosy one, just like Lois.

    I never watched the Sidwell scenes he was boring... up until today.
    Things are starting to get good. Drew is the next We1ner I'm sure his pics will be leaked just before Election Day 😅

  3. I read that Gio will end up being a product of Dante and Brooklyn's trist, years ago. So... Sonny, Ned, Lois and Olivia's grandchild.

    1. Wow, that is pretty weird, wouldn’t Brooklyn remember if she had a kid?

    2. Yeah, nothing weird ever happens on the show. Lol 🤣🤣

    3. Im with you I think she would know... Is she really old enough to be his mother? 🤔 He spoke so well of his mother I think it's more the dad who's the one everyone is trying to figure out.

    4. that what been thinking brooklyn and dante have been sharing some weird looks between them like they have a secret yikes

  4. I can't imagine Jason going along with Anna's always half-baked ideas. If Holly & Anna make the rules, Jasons dead. Those 2 talking in plain sight where any of Sidwell's henchmen can hear, only shows the stupidity of both women. And if Sidwell was such a big money man, how is he broke & gambling away a diamond bracelet? And how was Jason so easily undetected in a club where he's betting thousands? Not likely in the corrupt gambling world they don't know who he is. Just a bit questionable GH writers. Portia hates Curtis's time in Aurora but now its ok because he's CEO. Another one that is hopefully going down when Rick finds out who changed Heathers results. Willow is so ridiculous, so what now she's going to become jealous of Nina, because of her schoolgirl crush while she's a married woman with a wonderful family.

    1. Yes, it was really strange that Anna and Jason were using their real names, wouldn’t anybody know that she was WSB? And talking in the public! Such a bad idea! In the trailers for Monday, why does Portia care if Brad is back?
      I hope she doesn’t pin the lab error on him!!!

    2. Oh I never thought of that. Brad is no doubt going to be blamed. And yes I would think they would know who both Jason & Anna are. Jason had to get credit to gamble like they wouldn't know his back history.

    3. Oh, I hope they don't pin this on Brad, good night, that's just the worst! Wouldn't put it past holier-than-thou Portia though. :( And agreed, Jason needs to ditch Anna as a caper-partner, she's going to get him killed with her foolishness!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. is nica or marshall now running the savoy

    finally the quartermaines are addressing the valentin size hole in elq is that why valentin is still ceo he has a significant bigger share thought when lucy gave up her shares voting power reverted back to the quartermaines

    ned truly is a shit business man

    nina and drew are just wrong these two are delusional drew wants willow and nina knows it but she is still like drew i want you that will never stop being nauseating

    another thing nina has some shady as past and present how does nina being with drew benefit his campaign or profile
