Tuesday, September 3, 2024

General Hospital 9-3-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-3-24 Full episode 3rd September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Listening to Ava say how she is so tired of people using her made me want to puke. Woman that is all you do to other people.

    WTF was Sonny thinking, killing Cates there?

    Willow and Drew also made me want to puke. This is not the way Drew should take after his grandfather.

  2. Since Ava is still alive, hopefully Ava will go to prison.

  3. So Kates IS out... 👋 adios.
    This is the Perfect who-done-it.
    So many people at the Q mansion.
    There is NO security video footage (conveniently of course)
    Jason has a provable alibi.
    Kristina has Sonny's gun AND was missing for a period of time.
    Carly will have Sonny's back. (seeing him fiddling with his belt buckle was hilarious 😆 🤣 😂)
    Micheal is being loyal because he loves his Dad.
    Willow KNOWS that there is more to the story too.
    Now they BOTH have a secret their marriage 😆

    Jason & Ava working/ scheming together??? Yes, I love it. NOW they are semi-bonded to keep a secret.
    I liked when the tables turned and Ava grabbed the gun. She is tired of the bull rap and rightfully so

    I've missed Ric 😊.
    It's about time that Elizabeth gets more screen time AWAY from the Hospital and OUT of her uniform again.
    Based on the previews it looks like they are going to witness a body being dumped near the bridge.

    Willow... so the Lady in Red is almost ready to go to bed??? Little miss sweet & pure just keeps allowing herself to be "alone" with Drew. Only to end up kissing THEN apologizing.

    The Kristina scenes... 🙄
    OMG, I wanted to grab that white Teddy bear and beat her with it because I truly DO NOT CARE. The writers are torturing the viewers with her. AND she grabbed the gun to do absolutely nothing???
    It is beyond time for Shadypoint OR whatever the mental facility is named on PC.

    Good episode overall.

    1. Agreed, Willow is the epidemy of the nice ones always fool ya, so gross with Drew. Oh by the way willow why wasn't the 1st time locked in your heart not the 2nd? Yes, willow you're a wife that cheats! No other word for it. Heading toward a full-on affair. Kristina is needing a good beat down, but yes, Shadybrook is where she belongs. She created this entire mess with Cates being shot, Ava on the run with another Cates puppet, Molly & TJ losing another child & Alexis acting like Kristina is the only one suffering. Shut up Kristina, sick of her, enough is enough. Ava will survive she always does & such a great actress. Nina is still making me Gag! Tracy needs to slap that smug face of hers. Carly will always hopefully protect Sonny & Cates needed to go! A real slithering snake with a vendetta that's way past its expiration date.

    2. Right! It was Shadybrook.
      (Thanks for that)
      Kristina annoys me so much that I couldn't even remember the exact name of the place that NEEDS to be her next Home. 😆

    3. Yeah, no idea what Kristina's intention with the gun was, but now she is definitely going to be Alexis's #1 suspect in Cates' murder, and has no alibi! That kid is going to drive her to drink again, boo. And more Tracy vs. Nina, lol, love it!

    4. @TurquoiseCrystal, hahah. Shadybrook came right into my head because I agree that should be her next permanent home.

    5. Send Kristina away now!! She is such a disgusting whiney ass and betrayer. Everything is about her, she’s the most annoying and selfish character on this show and a waste of good airtime. Please send her to an asylum so we don’t have to see her everyday on the show.

    6. ava is as pathetic as all ways its never her fault the situation she get herself into she works cates to her side then goes and lies in an affidavit to protect herself all of this leading up to this hit woman trying to kill ava all of this is on ava and her lying deceitful ways wish the lady had pulled the trigger why did jason save that woman

  4. Bye Jagger it couldn't have happened to a better guy but the spot Sonny chose to kill him was wrong

    1. I'm glad that Kates is gone too.
      But why do you feel like it was the wrong spot?
      (I'm just curious to know your opinion that's all)

  5. Awwwwwwww, man, Michael is about to have a DAY.... And there is Carly, springing into action for Sonny, what a champ. He was a moron for leaving all of them for Nina. The things they keep doing to protect him. All because of his so-called "code". Whatever, he'd drop all of you in a heartbeat.

    I'd really like to feel bad for Christina, but I can't, she is such a terrible person. I'm just sad for the baby. Drew too, and now he's dragged Willow down with him. Just so many absolutely selfish people on this show right now... I mean really, Willow, it will stay locked in your heart? You two deserve each other now. :\

    Who is this new doctor for?????? Looks like he could cause some drama! And Ric, after Elizabeth as always, good golly some people don't change.

    1. Yeah, I agree and (like KB mentioned earlier) the funny part is her 2nd romantic encounter with Drew is 🔒 locked in her heart so I guess the 1st encounter was OK?!? Like c'mon.

    2. They are turning her into someone I really don't like now too. :\ Drew's ruination was a long time in the works, but Willow has just flipped the switch with this emotional affair, out of nowhere...her poor family. As she somehow pines for this walking mid-life crisis.

    3. right that whole nina and drew thing came out of nowhere that why its strange not believable dont buy for a second these two a madly in lust willow just wants and excuse to screw over michael and drew is right there and drew just seem to be enjoying the ride

      and nina the way she attending to drew knowing that drew as moment ago with her daughter willow just wtf

      and michael and carly so that son of bitch sonny just made up with these two so they can run away hiding his dirty little secret wish sonny had just stayed away from both carly and michael

    4. mean the whole drew and willow thing but the nina and drew hook dont work either

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Willow will sleep and making love with Drew. And she Batter do it and don't not turn me down.

  8. If Willow does sleep with Drew hope Michael NEVER lets her see those kids again HOW COULD SHE when she had it all ?????? Drew is not worth it he must be a sex addict and it's too late now !!!!!!

  9. oh shit why did michael have to see sonny murdering cates and now he is going to get rid of a body for that ungrateful so called father of his, no michael let sonny deal with his own crap for once and now he is roping carly into his mess a woman he called a traitor the nerve, a woman he treated like crap for the sake of nina

    here we go of course they show kristina having a full meltdown at the baby grave of course we are only being shown kristina grieving in an over the top epic way not even surprised they have that girl acting like that this entire baby story is has been about her

    oh my god drew is vile the way the man is trying to justify kissing lusting after willow oh willow i wish id met you first what the hell is wrong with this man this whole willow and drew thing is weird, its weird because this stupidity came out of no where drew before has never once shown he had any romantic interest in willow now the man acting like willow is some long love he has been pinning for so long and cannot have that was never these two dynamic and again he does not seem to care that what they are doing is going to hurt michael hope michael finds a way to take aurora from him

    so nina truly does want everything and everyone carly has the jealousy in that woman eyes at the thought of carly getting back together with sonny ugh, hope this does not mean thats how they are going to be put carly and sonny back that better not happen

    why is sam or alexis telling that girl kristina the child name is irene enablers, who is going to make kristina pay for what she was going to do molly and especially tj

    still do not get why cates and sonny chose the quartermaines for their showdown, and thought this place had gates and guards who monitored when people came and went they made a point when finn was coming to qs to take violet back to have the security stop him ok

    ava that manipulative woman thinks she can work anyone to do her bidding good jason did not fall her cohesion jason kill her good think jason told her to do it her self

    so alexis will think kristina shot cates please let it be
