Thursday, September 5, 2024

General Hospital 9-5-24 Full episode

General Hospital 9-5-24 Full episode 5th September 2024

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  1. 🤔 Hmmm, I'm all for Sonny getting away with killing Kates BUT WHAT IF Cody or Sasha somehow actually DID see what really happened!?!? Then that way they could actually be involved in something interesting for a change.

    Because weren't THEY missing/ not shown on that rainy night??? 🤔

    TODAY'S episode was O.K. overall

    The way that Dante walked right past Rick at the Hospital 😆 OMG

    And Excuse me??? WHEN were Rick and Nina ever married??? I must've missed those episodes or maybe I wasn't watching then... or I just flat out forgot. Oh well, Not a big deal.

    Sonny's facial expressions today were hilarious 😂.
    I wouldn't mind them doing another marriage as long as it's fake AND temporary. It appears to be the angle that the new writers are taking anyway!

    I'm glad that Ava and Nina are friends / frenemies again. They might as well be friends because outside of Trina and Maxie... no one else deems them worthy of friendship PLUS they're both single.
    So, they need each other..

    During all the drama with Kates shooting I completely forgot about Joss... Only for me to be reminded and annoyed with her on today. She is too much like her mother and acts like people "owe" her answers. No way!
    Trina was basically advising her to mind her own business in the kindest way. But of course she didn't listen...

    C'mon Doctor Gannon, wake up!!! So that Lucky can come back AND then Lulu can wake up. I don't want them to drag this out too long.

    Louis and Olivia are OK in "small" doses only for me.

    Tracy was funny today too.
    Oh and Ned decided to show up.
    Now... WHERE is Monica???

    1. Yes the other Nina was married to Rick for a short time, because Nina found out he had been sleeping with her Mother Madeline. Can not understand why she thought Rick would represent Ava when Molly is his daughter. Pretty stupid really but hey its Nina.

    2. Oh ok!
      Yeah, she should've known better but then again Rick said that Nina purposely withheld details.

      It was cool seeing the two actors in a scene though... I guess this was their "way" of letting Ava know that Rick was back in PC since she just got back too.

    3. i am only watching this show for holly....i stopped watching a few months ago...but heard holly was coming soon as holly ,leaves i will stop watching the way rick is so fine even with his white hair.

    4. Michelle Stafford was playing Nina back when she married Rick.

    5. Yeah, Sonny can get away with this one as far as I'm concerned, this Cates was no fun, what a waste of casting. I hope this alibi thing doesn't mess up Carly/Brennan, and I REALLY hope they're not trying to put Carly and Sonny back together. Dante/Ric was hilarious, Dante looked at him like, nope, not today Satan, LOL. Great extra random scene. Ric was used by Nina's evil Mom Madelyn in an effort to steal her fortune through marriage years ago. It was all kind of lame, but Michelle Stafford was rockin' the Nina character back then, so I didn't mind. Nina and Ava kissed and made up in record time, lol, guess they both realized they're better off without Sonny and both have had satisfying trysts since then x) LOL. Always great to see Ned, need more of him (and Tracy) getting ELQ completely out of Valentin's clutches, whatever happened with that?????? :)

  2. Tracy is just epic; OMG I love her! Hilarious scene, burn the bed, call an exorcist. Ava is clearly still on the radar. Ninas that stupid to think Mollys Dad would represent her. Lois's accent is cute, what's the problem. Lois doesn't seem the type to fall into that type of scrutiny. Lois this is nonsense, you don't need to be taught how to speak, this type of hocus pocus is stupid. Glad to see the writers putting a bit of levity back in the soap this hocus pocus is not needed. Tracy/Rick/Lois & Brooklynn can bring it. Kristina seriously needs help. Please make her stop & go away. She's lost her marbles. Diane is always great as well. The best attorney ever. Joslyn grow up. Dex is not the best option either.

    1. Yeah, Ric as Ava's lawyer never had a chance, the writers really whiffed that one. This Lois accent story is completely unnecessary, agree with you there too! There is so much better stuff on the table right now, don't waste time with that. Or Kristina anymore, hoping they ship her off-screen to Shadybrook! Tracy was hilarious today, loved it. This alibi for Sonny is so TACKY I can't stand it, LOL! Poor Tracy's imagination...

    2. JustLaugh yes its very tacky & not believable. I don't understand why Sonny just didn't leave but I guess that would have appeared obvious too. I'm sure Sonny could have figured out a different place to off Cates. So Now its going to appear Kristina did it? Alexis is going to lose her mind, if she hasn't already dealing with Kristina.

  3. Why does drama queen Kristina have to be in scenes everyday? No one likes her and she is getting on everyone’s last nerve by bad mouthing everyone and thinking she’s always right. Such a worth less character!

    1. "1 down 1 to go" yeah the only one left is you Kristina. Hopefully you'll go far away and go away for good

      Josselyn: "She's reading my texts but not replying back!"
      Shouldn't it be the other way around? You are the daughter not the parent
      How ironic that Carly's the teenager not answering texts lol

      Diane: "Oh no!" (not this again)

      Tracy's face when they told her they "did the deed in her bed" was pure gold though!🤣🤣

  4. josslyn and trina apartment is so cute love that blue colour its so chic

    these two cackling witches nina and ava are "friendly" again yuck upside at least nina will not be filling maxie head with her dirty nasty life choices

    that lady the dialect tutor from snl what gh has fans everywhere

    oh my the qs and tracy that scene was hilarious the thought of sonny and carly messing around in tracy bed, get josslyn outrage she saw sonny put her mother through hell with this break, even diana is appalled at the idea these two may be back together what

    wait just realized nina was married to both sonny and ric brothers woman and how she is with a guy drew whose trying to sample sorry all the ews mother and daughter

    1. tracy is pretty rude hiring that dialect coach without lois consent

      no carly shut that down do not let carly life be sucked up once again by sonny drama why why writers why

      yup here we go everyone accusing everyone of killing cates would sonny let kristina take the rap for his crime wonder now alexis is added to that suspect list

      cannot take the ms finch serious everytime she speaks keep seeing her doing an snl sketch lol

    2. If you remember like a week ago after that home and heart Lois did make a phone call about being interested in a dialect coach.

  5. Rewatching Thursday and Friday's episodes since I missed a few moments of each. Ric is so handsome and omg I hope he stays permanently hopefully
