Monday, November 8, 2021

General Hospital 11-8-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-8-21 Full episode 8th November 2021


  1. Guess Carly or Jason's life was too important because Sonny wouldn't get Mrs. Wu's nephew ( Brad ) out of jail. I think Sonny should have done ANYTHING since she saved Carly's life too bad she didn't get blown away maybe Mrs. Wu will get back at Sonny somehow

    1. Ingo R is leaving GH due to covid Vaccine and tweets. Well I am going to take Ingo's side on this one...I don't believe that people should be forced to take a he said...this will go on and on as long as people allow it. Also...I still think of men changing into women is wrong...the trans actor on gh is still a man in my eyes. Sorry...but that is how I feel. Ingo should not have apologized to "him." FUCK THIS WOKE SOCIETY! ALLOWING BLACK WOMEN AND TRANS PEOPLE TO TAKE OVER EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. You know I just have one thing to say on your statement this is God's world he created each and everyone of us although it is true men should not lay with men and women should not lay with women and pretend to be either or but as far as black women I believe you stepped outside of God's place with that statement has God placed us all here of all Races and when we die or when Yeshua returns to rule this Earth for a thousand years if that hate is still in your heart you won't be among those this survive because he will not put up with any gay tendencies but he will keep all of his children safe no matter what color they are I just pray that you can get past that I know I have and it's nothing new to me my wife is white I'm black and so is my son he's mixed between me and my wife and his wife is white and they have a beautiful child is what this world needs to realize that we have to come together as one race the human race

    3. So.....being black, good. But being gay......not good. Wow! It amazes me how people who they themselves have had to face discrimination and bigotry could they themselves be so bigoted and ignorant. You both need to just go fuck off. Me? I'm hoping there will be many more story lines for Terry in the near future. The actress who portrays her handled the IR bigotry with such grace and poise. She has more class in her pinky than either of you nasty bigots have in your entire bodies.

    4. And it is unfair that black men...white men and white women are being pushed aside in order to promote black women seem to be taking every high position now...while black men still suffer.

    5. mean the actor...this is still a man... I cannot stand to look at or hear the Terry character...this is a man trying to be a woman...and any woman who agrees with men changing into women and taking their jobs (as Ingo said) are very silly. By the way I am a black man who dates men (I don't like titles) ...and I don't agree with changing your sex.

    6. Yeah, I know who you are, Joe. You've been here under multiple names before (I think "Sean" might have been one of them?). And whatever name you are choosing to use now doesn't change the fact that you are nothing but a transphobic bigot. Cassandra James is an ACTRESS. She hasn't taken shit/jobs/whatever from anybody. She has earned what she has received. I read a beautiful article about her a few weeks ago. It appears she has had wonderful support from her parents. Her father even made the comment that he always wanted a daughter. Too bad others can't be as compassionate and understanding and accepting.

    7. By the way janis are you also one of these she-men? You seem very defensive

    8. What a nasty, nasty person you are. I'd block your nasty ass if it was possible. I guess I'll do the next best thing and just ignore you. You're worse than dog shit under my shoe and I'm done.

    9. so janis you are one of those trans!

    10. Gina you're ignorant as fuck. So it's ok white women were getting jobs just being on their knees but you now have a problem with QUALIFIED BLACK WOMEN FINALLY SECURING WHAT THEY WERE OWED? bitch GTFOH

    11. Oh Gina, Gina, obviously you are afraid of loosing your position in this world as a white person...because that is the only thing you have going for you.....marginalizing others gives you a feeling of superiority which you now feel that you're loosing. You are weak & feckless.....weak & feckless. We love it. Continue to be afraid, be very, very afraid, because we will walk/drive all over you. You on the choo choo train and we on the bullet train, we'll circle back and you will still be there complaining. We looove it, keep complaining, because it shows how fearful and downright ignorant you are. We are WINNING & love ppl like you....oh God, you're sooooo I thank God every day, that I'm not as weak as you and ppl of your ilk. In fact, you should get down on your knees and thank the African continent for providing the USA with free labor for 200 years. They were the backbone of this economy and made it a place where your poor arse ancestors would want to come. Are you ignorant on purpose...or you were born that way?? Are you sure you got your GED????

  2. What am I missing ???
    How did the episode jump right into Britt with Peter ...
    Did I miss an episode last week somehow of where Peter caught up to Britt ... and what about Jason, and obritt....
    So lost
    Anyone know what I'm missing ?
    Bob do you know by chance ? Lol

    Thanks for all ur uploads :D

    1. Friday the 5th's episode Peter caught up with Brit b/c he got Jason's twin to do some of Peter's dirty work.

  3. The dialogue between Cameron, Spencer and Esme was quite hilarious.

  4. I haven't watched this for so long because I just couldn't handle the writing around Nina. However, got the news that Jax is out and need to see what his last days are going to be like. Jax has been pissing me off for sooo long!

  5. happy birthday baby McCall
    Aimee price

  6. Oh please let Carson be responsible for Jaxs death and let Josslyn find out, I wanted a bigger reaction out of Drew finding out Jasam split wt actual f dude so she ended things with me because I wasn't you then left you because you can't fully commit to your family the way I did? Just take me back to my cell 😒

    1. I don't think they had time to plan anything elaborate because the decision was last-minute and I believe his last days were already recorded. I just wonder what reason they're going to give the character for leaving.

  7. nicholas is acting like alexis asked him to get her a pardon, ooh poor nicholas aunt alexis isn't as grateful and beholden to you as you hoped, now that alexis is out of prison she can consult spencer on his pending court case, she lost her licence so she can't represent him right but she can still help

    spencer did the right thing turning his back on nicholas, nicholas is the one who turned his back on the kid first he threw the kid out and said spencer was dead to him, i want spencer to thrive and prove everyone wrong, he can make something of himself without the cassadine name.

    who owns kelly now, i remember that mike sonny father, spencer grandfather worked at the diner or owned it, does sonny still own kelly's or was it sold to someone else

    so is emse going to try to get cameron and trina together so spencer will stop focusing on trina

    1. brad has ties to the mob whaaat new background for brad cooper, the mob lady seems quite influential herself she cannot make deals with whomever to get brad out of prison, and why would anyone want to go after brad, he did his time, he lost lucas he lost wiley, he lost his freedom why would anyone want to bring any harm to brad, michael is not petty like that right

      sonny has a problem with brad hurting michael wiley but is willing to forgive and forget what nina did to him which affected michael and wiley it partically the same thing

      Give Brad his freedom and leave him alone

    2. I seem to remember way back some time ago hints being dropped that Brad had some mob connection through his father. Kind of surprising that the writers would connect that dot now - since they have such selective memories when it comes other past story lines.

    3. The Wu family is a historic mob family in port Charles going back to the 80's they hinted at the connection early on but they didn't explore it I really hope they do.

    4. Brad said many times his biological family was in the mob

  8. Let Brad out he has done no worse than anyone else in PC

    1. Less, actually. Way less. lol

    2. Agree! So crazy that they don’t think Ms Wu did them a Huge favor by saving Michael’s mom! And Jason, but no that’s not important. What’s important is brad, who is not a threat, getting out on parole!

  9. why is there decanter in the dungeon where drew and jason are being held, do these cassindines toast each other while the torture their captivies

    1. Lol 😀
      I thought that was weird seeing a chrystal serving set ready for entertaining down in a dungeon with a couple of wine racks with bottles full of cobwebs. They're so rich you would think they would have a fancy clean wine cellar room separate from the dungeon !!! Lol

  10. Thanks Bob for posting GH daily,

  11. Hi Bob, can you please upload new video for this ep. None of videos work for me.
