Tuesday, November 30, 2021

General Hospital 11-30-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-30-21 Full episode 30th November 2021


  1. They actually is morning the person who plays Jason Morgan's role we all know he'll be back if the protocol is good and then again it could be replacement we'll see

  2. Sam, makes no sense to me. She was ready to move on from Jason, due to his line of work. How she could no longer handle the worry about him dying, how he would risk his life to save others. How it could be dangerous for her and the kids. But here she is with Dante, whose job has the same risks, just from a law enforcement point of view. Every time he goes to work there is a chance, he may not come home. Also police officers and their families can be targets.

    1. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding and you win so hypocritical you hit the nail right on the head how could you leave a man figures out and get shot it they have people angry with him may come home follow him home or try to hurt his loved ones in the same manner like you said just on the opposite side lol gangster cop same situation Nancy Jean Wright in bed with him the day she finds out her baby daddy is dead while his son is upstairs sleeping not knowing his father's gone

    2. truth sam loves danger she thrives on it but she is allowed to grieve the father of her child, the man she was in love with for so long

    3. They're twisting the knife they stuck in Jasam. Their pairing is still so icky to me. His dad got her pregnant and Leo is brother to them both.

    4. Ewh your right. Sam and Dante is borderline incest. The hypocrisy of Sam saying she protected her kids from Jason/Sonny's dangerous life when she went to jail (not by mob association) and was a con who could of been killed by any of her marks and her kids targeted even NOW as payback. Her stupid injection filled face needs to be written off. Annoying AF

    5. They always had a sister together too !
      They have 2 siblings :
      First Christina is their sister
      Next Leo their brother,is born.
      Sooo wrong to make them a couple !!!

  3. that would have been so awesome if drew and jason had come home to monica the brothers at her door choops

    come back jason

    is austin for real didn't olivia invite him to diner, and so did tj at portia friends doctor thanksgiving eyeroll this guy

    come back jason

  4. It's really shitty they fired Steve Burton (Jason) because he didn't get the vaccine (JAB). You can't have A JOB IF YOU DON'T GET THE JAB. That's very sad😢

  5. I am watching Today's episode and had to vent. Spencer is such a spoiled brat. Yelling because Valentin showed up at Alexis's. 🙄

  6. Haven't watched today's episode but seeing the comments about Sam... ugh feelings already ha
    I hope today isn't another full Sam+Dante show 🙄
    I have such a hard time sitting through there scenes. She talks like she's got a full time drunken slurr going on
    So annoying
    Can hardly hear the two of them when there scenes are together.
    Is gh making them whisper so it seems like there more connected and intense love story or something ?!??

    LOVE Jason (Steve) can't believe he got canned due to vax

    World is so stupid with its whole Freeeeedom RawRawRaw
    But oh wait, that's just to make you feel like yiu have freedom, really when it comes down to it were the ones that get final say. On everything
    Even how many kids you can have
    How many vax we have to have how many ppl we can have in our homes t once blablablah

    I'm not against vaccines by any means, it's what have kept humanity healthy and safe to today. BUT, I am DEF PRO self choice 💪
    I love you and will love you weather your pro Vax' or not.
    I'll care for yiu and help yiu and your neighbour out weather ur vaxed or not vaxed
    I really could care less. I wish ppl would just stop being SO judgey towards ppl who are anti vax'rs
    You don't see anti vax going around judging Vaxd ppl
    I always see Vaxd ppl publicly verbally judging any and everyone whose anti

    It's just all a bunch of KraZZZY
