Monday, November 15, 2021

General Hospital 11-15-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-15-21 Full episode 15th November 2021


  1. Not blaming the victim here but:
    Scott should have known better than to trust Victor. Now he is locked behind bars waiting for someone to free him while Victor walks away free thanks to Scott and the Guard. 🙄

    1. I kind of love Scott but he's not exactly the brightest bulb in the pack. lol

  2. Scott double crossed Ava. He tried to pull one over on Robert. Now Scott really messed up; his interference let Victor escape.

  3. valentin calling the stuff he has done "mistakes" is the biggest joke his evil are always calculated and self serving. and valentin calling victor the devil does that not make him the devils spawn, demon jr.

    so its official the man is curtis father, is curtis father a criminal, did he see something that put his life and family's life in danger, cause he said he had to go into hiding for his safety. Aunty stella will not like this man is back in curtis orbit she will rip him a new one. still think curtis father is linked to phyllis as brother
