Friday, November 5, 2021

General Hospital 11-5-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-5-21 Full episode 5th November 2021


  1. ava calling anyone a hypocrite even though that person is sonny is hypocritical in itself, ava and nicholas are proven terrible parents avery under the parentage of nicholas and ava yikes, nicholas cannot handle his own child they need avery to play house

    now spencer has shown he wants to be independent and self reliant he should drop esme like a hot potato and he should work towards finding a way to get trina to trust him

    elizabeth taking about what nina did to sonny when she did the same thing to drew lol oh them in that town they all live in glass houses did not like what elizabeth did and definitely do not like nina and her psychotic actions

    why does esme so badly want to take cameron and josslyn to a cabin in the middle of nowhere don't do it she will kill y'all

    1. Ava is at least aware of her failings Sonny and Carly are the worst parents ever.

  2. Sonny is an unscrupulous, murdering, thieving gangster. He needs to be in prison for his multitude of crimes.

  3. I've always liked the Elizabeth character from back when she was a teenager running around with Lucky and Emily Q. but after her conversation with Carly I have to wonder if the writers ever watch this show. If they wanted a conversation between those two they could have written something where Elizabeth talked about finding true love with Franco and that made her realize how much she regretted keeping "Jake's" identity from him or better yet she could have said something about being so in love with Jason that she would have done anything to keep him. That comment could have lead Carly to start to realize that there was more to Sonny and Nina in Nixon Falls. Elizabeth wishing punishment on Nina for something she herself has done is just hypocrisy. Writers, learn the history!

  4. Thanks Bob for making sure GH video is posted after someone removed it. I so appreciate this as I am running a little behind on GH, so making sure it is posted means a lot.
