Tuesday, November 23, 2021

General Hospital 11-23-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-23-21 Full episode 23rd November 2021


  1. They let Steve Burton (Jason) go from the show because he wouldn't bow down and take the jab, despite medical and religious exemptions. If he's not welcomed back we need to stand for him and stop watching. Stand with "Jason"! Stand with Freedom!

    1. Yeah that’s real messed up how they did Jason…They tryna force that vaccine on people he did right by not taking it..

    2. GH's ratings are going to drop because of this. I hope so because the show sucks. There's so many characters i wish GH would get rid of but Jason didn't have to be one of them.

    3. You know what I've been a fan of Jay's for about 2 years they've had some ups and some Downs they say Steve Burton do a white power sign up but you know what I'm black to tell the truth that hurts but I'm Pro black as well and he should be Pro his race nothing wrong with that with that being said I agree with the majority about this vaccine I refuse to take it as well I'm a 58 year old black man in just two weeks ago I tested positive for covid-19 and I am going through pure hell with my body it had just recently had a hip replacement covid is that making it any better but that's my right not to be injected with some foreign substance that I have no idea what it is because the government wants to tell me that's what I need to do or that's what my job tells me that's what I need to do in order to keep my job in order to keep being able to go to the grocery store and buy my groceries because I am a citizen of the United States and I have rights that the government should not be able to take from us so for those of you who decide to stand with Steve Burton I'm standing with Steve Burton to I don't know nothing about this man except for I know he's a tremendous actor and he deserves better I stand with Jason

    4. I'm the guy who said let stand with Jason I'm not afraid to hide my name my name is Robert Taylor I live in East Saint Louis Illinois and once again I'm saying that I stand with Steve Burton and Ingo on this covid-19 thing it's making me suffer like hell but we have to stand together if we don't stand the government is going to do as they please with us

    5. No, I've hated the character since 2012 so won't miss Jason Steve has every right to choose not get vaccinated just like abc has every right to set policy for the people they pay. If this is how you feel I honestly hope you follow through and just not watch that's your choice.

    6. I am never going to get that vaccine...because it does not work...it fades away in six months and you have to get it again and again! I am not going to continue to put that shit in my body...screw Biden!

    7. I am glad that by getting rid of Steve Burton...it does break up that Carly, Soony, Jason show domination trio....which is a good thing. Girl who plays Carly and guy who plays Sonny...I wish to hell that the two of you had also refused the vaccination...then the show would be free from all three of you!

  2. Was this General Hospital policy or AMC policy?

  3. Ingo and Steve can go be carriers elsewhere. I'm delighted that the powers that be honor science.

    1. Janice they're not honoring science cuz Colin Powell was fully vaccinated over the last year as presidential staff he still tested positive and he still died from the virus I am currently living with this virus in my body it hurts it hurts like hell and I'm fighting it you have no idea until it hits you or your family and it has hit my family and I'm still not taking this vaccine because it's science has not proven anything to me the only thing that science has proven his they are experimenting with us we are guinea pigs for something that they don't know what they're dealing with and 5 years down the line you going to hear commercials if you took the moderna covid-19 vaccine you can sue the moderna Corporation or if you took the Pfizer vaccine and you are having these symptoms you can now sue the Pfizer Corporation and then Johnson & Johnson is already got enough on their table but yet there's going to be a commercial I'm sure five or six years from now they'll be a commercial saying hi if took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine there is conversation that is allowed for you but you know what by that time the only thing that will be left is our families and I think our families would rather us be here they need to be dead because we took these vaccines so wake up people this vaccine is killing people because it is a source of population control in you don't even understand that they're kind of reducing the population of America because there's not enough food cows pigs animals to sustain the life of all the humans that are living on this planet and people have drawn a blind eye to it because they feel like you can take this shot and be all right you can take this shot and go across the country you can take this shot and leave the country but as soon as you get to one of these other countries you going to be treated just like a dog because you have that card Nick Carr says you're a guinea pig just remember that I stand with Steve Burton and Ingo hey my name is Robert Taylor

    2. Hahaha........I see someone is spending a little too much time watching Newsmax, FOX, and Infowars. Oh, as for Colin Powell? He was already compromised. He had multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that hurts the body’s ability to fight infecton. He was also 84 years old. Nobody has said you can't still get covid with the vaccine. Or that you won't die. Especially when you have other conditions. But your odds for survival are a lot greater if you are vaccinated. It's like the flu shot, which I get every year. It is possible to still get the flu, but chances are, if I did, I would be less likely to become seriously ill with it or to even die from it. You know what? If it weren't for all you anti-vaxxers potentially killing off innocent people you come into contact with, I'd say, "go for it." Go ahead and get covid and potentially join the almost 3/4 of a million people who have already died from it in this country alone. But your stupidity and ignorance puts others at risk. I have no patience or time for any of you.

    3. You are so right. I got the vaccinations and the Booster shot and the flu shot every year. The Covid vaccinations help keep others safer.

    4. Hi everyone , as far as you all talking about people who aren’t getting vaccinated who are you to judge what we do with our body , and as far as spreading it , we’ll there saying that people who are vaccinated are spreading it too , probably more since some think they don’t have to wear a mask because they are which is bs , I had Covid last December for almost the whole month and I was taking medications to suppress my immune system and although it was a hell month I survived thanks be to god , they do not know what there doing like someone said it just an experiment, my nieces friends in-laws one died and the other there not sure if she’s going to make it and both are fully vaccinated , also read people who have gotten it they don’t think if they got vaccinated it would make a difference, my personal opinion is that people vaccinated or not that are getting are people who never had it , but it’s not like something we wear for safety or clothing at work it’s something put into our bodies and I believe we should have the rt do do it or not , just like people with mental illness have Rts not to take there medication , not a good example but it’s the truth , god bless everyone

    5. Janis the transgender is on the air!

    6. Joe November my name again is Robert Taylor and I have not listened to any Infowars remember this Fox News none of this crap these are facts and you hit the nail right on the head this is population control it's a man-made thing to control the population here on this planet they're trying to get rid of a number people so did the food on the planet is sub stainable in other countries as the president Trump said s******* countries they could care less about them people over there dying this is where a lot of the variants are the strongest over in Africa Ethiopia India Afghanistan these places where they could care less about those people's survival pissed right now the survival of the human race and the top 1% is in control of this virus you can bet that Bill Gates will never catch the Coronavirus Jeff Bezos will never catch the Coronavirus many of these rich Chinese Russians will catch covid-19 you want to know why because they have the true vaccine to keep them from Catching this they know exactly what it is and they know how to get rid of it this is a planned out think and if you're too stupid to realize that that's what's going on did this is becoming the New World Order I feel for you the only person who's going to win here with all of this has nothing to do with science the one person the perfect person there's only one perfect person in this world you all know who he is and if you don't believe in him the less your lost for sure because he will rule this planet for a thousand years but he's going to take out everything that is wrong with this planet in roulette God is the only person this going to stop this virus and the evil that is on the face of the surface of this planet love you guys don't believe in God and you can't follow God's rules Ben may he have mercy on your soul but I big guy to forgive me for all of my sins and may he have mercy upon my soul I believe he died and Rose from his death for our sins on this planet and if you out here are too stupid to realize that and accept that he is your savior when you are Beyond and you are a follower of Lucifer and you will burn in the pits of hell I pray no one ever gets this virus I've been through a couple of weeks of pure hell is very painful play with my faith in God he's going to help me get through this and only through his faith I wear my mask I stay safe and I suggest that you all wear your mask and stay safe until our heavenly father besides time for him to step in and destroy the evil that is upon this Earth God bless you all

  4. On every Hollywood production, you have to be vaccinated. And those who think fox news folks aren't vaccinated, think again. It is mandated. tucker carlson, fox and friends, hannity all want that murdoch check and they are vaccinated.they don't give a damn what you folks do. They are not paying your bills. Mr. Mortgage. Mr. Car note. Mr. Day care. Mr. Whatever don't give a damn whether you are vaccinated or not when those bills hit every month. Don't have his money when he comes a knocking

    1. Exactly. I was listening to a news segment today that was talking about first responders refusing to take the vaccine, even though they have to be vaccinated against Hep B as terms of their employment. Our kids have to be vaccinated to attend school. My son had to make sure his vaccinations were all up to date before the university he went to would let him attend classes. People just need to get the goddamn shot. Protect not only themselves, but their family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and community.

  5. It would be a nice change, if for once GH would have a happy, drama free child birth. Seems like there has been drama with all the child births, the last few years. With that said, the acting by the actors that play Brando, Gladys and Sasha were top notch. With good support from Nina, Elizabeth and the doctor. The Maxie baby story line gets dumber every episode. Now I guess we will have Chase back at the Q house with Michael and Willow, again.

    1. That's what I was saying the other day. I was thrilled that Sasha actually made it to the hospital and didn't have the baby in that storeroom (delivered by Gladys - lol). But they STILL had to turn it into a life and death drama, even in the hospital. Sheesh.......very few births have complications. It's enough to scare young women off from ever having babies. lol

  6. I personally have been fully vaccinated as well as my husband against Covid 19. So has my son, his wife, my siblings, and my soon to be 88 yo Mother, our family don't live in the same state, but Covid affects all people, the young,the elderly, in every state and country in the world. As stated above, our children have to be vaccinated in order to go to public schools. The vaccinations have stopped the spread of many diseases that leave children crippled, deathly ill, and death like small pox, measles, mumps, and polio among other childhood diseases. Are the vaccines perfect? No they are not for some people, but neither is childbirth. When you are going to have a baby one of the things that you have to sign before hand is your informed consent. One of the risks in that informed consent is death. Some people can't have vaccines when they have allergies to something in the Covid vaccines. That is why they also have...
    Some people may be at risk for an adverse reaction because of an allergy to one of the vaccine components or a medical condition. This is referred to as a medical exemption. Some people may decline vaccination because of a sincerely held religious belief. This is referred to as a religious exemption. ...exemptions to the Covid 19 vaccines. I read they denied Steve Burton's exemptions, both, religious and medical, although I have never seen anything in detail as to why they were denied. That was an odd key missing in every article I have read.
    I will miss both SB and Ingo/Jax on GH. I will watch GH and see how it is without those two actors, then I'll decide if I want to continue to watch it. That will be my choice too.

  7. Valentin is a strategic thinker, when he fed Brook Lynn to a predator to obtain her ELQ shares, he should have expected blowback! Also, his interest in ELQ was only because he wanted to punish Michael for trying to protect Sasha in that whole fake daughter scam. All of my sympathy is for Charlotte but I could see that Valentin was genuinely crushed.

  8. I'm actually glad Jason is gone. The character really didn't have much interesting lined up - especially after the failed marriage to Carly. No one wanted Britt to take him back after the way he treated her. All his character had to look forward to was many more years of being Sonny's sycophant and Carly's doormat and toady. You know - just more of the same. The only one I really feel bad for is Monica, having to bury her son - again.

    1. It will be a happy and sad time for Monica, Getting Drew back but losing Jason. Since they wont be able to find Jason's body there wont be one to bury. So there will probably have a memorial service for Jason.

    2. Not an actual "burial" of a body, but the people of PC seem to like burying empty coffins. Look at Morgan. In fact, I think there is still an empty casket and headstone for Sonny in the local cemetery.

      But, yeah, hopefully Monica can memorialize him in some other way. I can also kind of see her thinking that if he returned from the dead before, he'll do it again, and maybe not acknowledging his "death" at all. After all, she got Drew back, too, and didn't AJ also come back from the dead once? lol

    3. I do not miss Jason. He was Carly's doormat and a criminal. Britt can do a lot better than him.

  9. My fellow GH fans I too am appaled by what they did to Steve Burton (Jason) and I have started a petition on Mr Burton's behalf. Please join me by letting our voices be heard by signing the petition at following link:


    1. LMAO

      You can present all the petitions you want, but he still refused to abide by the conditions of his employment. You and I wouldn't get away with that with our employers; why should he?

      ABC/Disney did the right thing - for the safety of all the rest of their employees.

    2. Ever heard of 'little' document called US Constitution and what it stands for and more importantly, the Bill of rights?

    3. And where does it say in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that you can defy employer directives? Employers of private companies can pretty much make their own rules - as long as those rules don't involve discrimination based on race, religion, etc. And as far as Steve Burton all of a sudden popping up with some "religious exemption," you don't find the timing to be a little suspect? In fact, I believe most religious leaders ARE encouraging their believers to get vaccinate. Sorry, you lose. Again.

    4. In fact, some states, like my own, are "right to work" states, where your employer doesn't even have to HAVE a reason to fire you. I'm not sure if that applies in the Burton case, but I don't think for one minute he, or any of his fans, have a leg to stand on. No matter how many petitions you file or how many ignorant anti-vaxxers you get to sign them.

    5. i am all for steve burton not being fired but if he has to get the vaccine to stay in the role just do it. if he has to get his ass tested every two minutes then do it. i love the character of jason and i was excited to see how he and britt would be in a relationship, how he and drew would grow as brothers. just get the shot and come back i took the vaccine and i am fine, i know people who have been vaccinated for over a year now and they too are fine. true people do have bad reactions to the vaccine but that is to be excepted nothing is a 100% guarantee everyone is different. but i want this pandemic to be over and people need to take the responsibility to help end this nightmare that has lasted for two years now.

      i want my life back and you no vaxxers are the ones keeping this pandemic alive and going. and the thing that pisses me off about this no vaxxers they are same people that would tell a woman what she should do with her body, she not get an abortion she should live her life this way but to get a vaccine to set the world right again they have a problem of well ce la vie,

      janis i agree with everything you say get them

  10. I didn't 'lose' as you put; I'm just stating the obvious - which is not based on brainwashing by TV and news outlets - fact:the so-called 'covid' is not something that is contageous - it's just a flu that someone behind the shadows decided to make a profit from. The Constitution and the part I'm referring to has to do with one's freedom and right to preserve one's own health and all that; and also, freedom of religion and religious choices. The employers, which you named are in the US, are they not? And as such they are OBLIGED to work within the US Constitution so the Bill of Rights should appeal to them as well. As for the timing, why not? I have no intention on getting on the whole bandwagon cause I don't let mass hysteria steaming from manipulative mainstream media form my opinion. If I was SB I'd sue ABC for wrongfull termination mixed with civil rights before Supreme court. And of course, we should boycott GH untill they come to their senses.

  11. And besides, if you wanna troll, maybe you should visit one of those mainstream media sites where there's lots of people who obviously share your opinion and views. Thank God I'm not one of them

    1. Are you seriously calling ME a troll? Haha.....I've been posting comments about GH to this blog for probably as long as it's been around - or pretty close to it. You, however, just "happened" to show up......today. So, who's the "troll?" Go away.

  12. Again i dont feel an ounce of empathy sympathy for valentin the man has done far worse to get what he want who the hell is he to act like brooklyn is the monster here.

    nina is such a piece of dog shit, she is angry at carly and jax for suspecting nelle was "her child" vomit and not telling her, but she knew valentin was not lousie father and she kept that from him, them pots love calling the kettle black. carly and jax thought they were protecting nina feels just like that bitch nina was protecting lousie and maxie from peter and valentin feels.

    they finally show the human side of gladys, i felt for her in this episode

    1. Especially, when you think about it, what Brook Lynn (and Maxie) did to him - letting him believe he is the father of Bailey/Louise - is really no worse that what he did to Nina, by hiring Sasha to pose as HER daughter. In fact, it's probably worse. Granted, Brook Lynn had an ulterior motive by wanting to get his voting shares back, but the ultimate goal, and why it has gone as long as it has, has been to keep the baby safe from Peter. His fraud with Sasha was purely selfish on his part.
