Tuesday, November 2, 2021

General Hospital 11-2-21 Full episode

General Hospital 11-2-21 Full episode 2nd November 2021


  1. Peter sucks!!! SO tired of the writers giving him glory and victory! I am taking a break from GH. So disappointing. I will watch Vanna and that's it. 😞

    1. Same about Carly and all of the gangsters, including Spinelli.

  2. I agree with Celeste so tired of Peter always getting one over on everybody 😡😡😡

  3. Right Celeste like he's actually Caesar Faizon or something

  4. Nikolas is right. Hayden knows he had her shot and she’s over it. Sean didn’t have to plead guilty when he knew he didn’t shoot her. He says he chose to because he was there to shoot someone else. So why is he after Nikolas now?

    1. Because nicholas is a piece of crap, nicholas may think all of this is not relevant but its important to shawn who had six years to dewell on it, and was denied patrol how many times

      yes hayden knew and so did elizabeth and i think the only reason hayden did not say anything was because she found out elizabeth was her sister, nicholas after getting away with shooting hayden then after he recruited her to get his inheritance back did her dirty by making her leave her daughter due to the fact he threaten her to leave port charles after she came to port charles to help the son of bitch, thats gratitude for you.

      yes shawn pleaded guilty because he thought he shoot hayden and wanted to take responsibility, so the guy is loyal to a fault and did not rat sonny out, after it was found out nicholas put that hit out on hayden shawn was told he did not shoot hayden by drew and sam but decided to stay in prison because of guilt about his shooting jordan husband, he felt he need to pay for what he did at the time i remember he had PTSD, all of that is on shawn but that still does not negate the fact that nicholas is the one that put the hit out on hayden to help elizabeth hide the drew/jason was alive, that maybe old news but it still matters, the dude recently wanted to buy a prison to keep shawn there, he tried to blackmail his aunt to forget about his role in the hit, he owes hayden for taking two years away from her daughter

      Had nicholas had his way he would have found a way to keep shawn in that prison.

      nicholas likes throw everyones crimes, wrongs in their face but he does not face his own, the man want spencer to pay for what he did to ava but he feels he should not have to take account for anything he does. why should spencer listen to anything that man says, lead by example you dip shit nicholas

    2. Who is the new mystery guy? Why is he so concerned about Curtis?

    3. There's speculation that it's his father, but that's almost too easy. Could be, I guess. But I'm not totally on board with that yet.

    4. Hayden may or may not be over Nicholas being her shooter, But I bet Hayden isn't over Nicholas forcing Hayden to leave her daughter Violet.

  5. Also why didn’t Jason shoot the gun out of Drew’s hand then shoot Peter?!

  6. i am confused about how gladys and valentin are related i just watched yesterday episode and she mentioned that, how are these two family or was she just lying to austin

    i ask cause in this town practically everyone is related so there could be a connection

    1. I had to stop and think about it, too. I'm guessing through Spencer, whose mother was Sonny's sister.

  7. yeah trina is back, so into spencer and trina she will bring out the best in him and set him right but esme will come for trina if she tries to take her man is esme voldemort trina cannot speak her name she will just appear lol

    damn lisel with her words to britt if i die i want it to be in your arms, my heart

    harmony and alexis this could be the start of a beautiful friendship

    why does esme want to go to a cabin with joslyn and cameron was she planning on murdering them, everything she does says is suspect

    i know people hate peter but i kinda like him at times

    now the new drew kinda looks like jason, they actually look like they can play twins.

    shawn and alexis do not take anything from nicholas them strings are not worth it.

  8. Sean was a gangster who murdered people for Sonny. He should have been in prison before he was and Sonny should have been in prison, too. Jason murder, too. All of the gangsters should be in prison .

  9. Why is it just the gangsters who should be in prison ???? There’s plenty of people in port Charles committing crimes of murder and equally bad crimes why are they any different because there so called gangsters , the Mob ? At least there taking out bad people although it is horrible when innocent people get caught up in the crossfire!

  10. Thanks Bob, once again that Peter is still going to be around, get rid of him, tired of him.
