Friday, July 9, 2021

General Hospital 7-9-21 Full episode

General Hospital 7-9-21 Full episode 9th July 2021


  1. Carly is such a horrible person, like dang. There was honestly no point for her to talk to Britt, lying to her about how Jason and her confessed their feelings to each other, they’re gonna be together forever, she’s gonna go around respecting the same lies eventually she’ll end up believing it’s true, falling in love with Jason. Watch on Monday, she’ll tell Jason “you’re my best friend, I didn’t want to lose you, I just wanted to protect you, I’m doing this for us and our family, after sonny died, things just got so hard, you’re all I have left”, and once again Jason’s gonna forgive her.

    On second though, Nina can go ahead and keep sonny away for as long as she can, and Carly and Jason can stay miserable together for the rest of their lives, Britt deserves more, until Jason grow a pair and put that controlling obsessive best friend of his in her place, he doesn’t deserve to be with Britt

    Now when sonny end up back in PC and regain his memories, I still want him to have feelings for Nina, yeah get mad that she kept him away from family, but eventually love wins it all, and want to be with her instead of Carly, Jason once he grow a pair can be with Britt

    Then Carly will be left all by herself, the hell is wrong with this woman

    1. I agree. My heart broke for Britt when he told her he was marrying Carly. I've been in her shoes before. And I cannot stand Carly! She is so abrasive and loud and selfish and demanding! I want to also see her end up alone!

    2. I want to revisit your comment on Monday! Let's see how close to script you are. I agree with everything you said... I like Nina and Sonny....

    3. VB,

      I couldn't have said it better. Here I was thinking that Carly was going to actually be honest with Britt just to help her. Carly did it because Jason told her he told Britt he would still be there for her, besides being a hateful person. I was never into Nina keeping Sonny away but now I hope she keeps him away a long time and then when he comes home he stays with Nina just so Carly can feel as horrible as she made Britt feel. I also hope Carly loses Jason forever! Carly is a wicked and selfish person. She is a Britch NOT Britt. How evil!

      And you are right Jason will forgive her as usual. He will never grow a pair because he allowed Carly to castrate him long ago! Not happy with him either. Poor Britt. I felt so bad for her. I can't watch them torture her any more I am going to fast forward their scenes. The cruelty and deception is too hard to watch.

      Nothing against Terry but with everything Britt is going through I hope she keeps her title as Chief of Staff. But probably won't happen.... 🙄How much more heartache can she take?

    4. I hope Britt is retained as Chief of Staff. At very least, Jason could go to the Chairman of the Board, his mother, and convince Monica to retain Britt as Chief of Staff.

    5. Honestly it is horrible what Carly said but she wasn’t being vindictive she was being Carly with her impulses , she reacts when she’s threatened and she needs to make her marriage to Jason seem legit for her family and I’m sure some selfishness for herself that’s why Jason always calls her on her shit because she doesn’t think first sometimes I wonder if her character is the one that’s bipolar because she’s so impulsive Carly is her own worst enemy but at the end of the day I don’t think it comes from a vindicated place , she is definitely not like her character was one she first came to the show she was pretty much like Nell but learned for the most part from her mistakes she doesn’t do the revenge and payback thing anymore but still not an excuse , I like Britt with Jason but u all need to remember your just feeling bad because of her disease all if not mist of the characters on this show have skeletons in there closet just saying ! Thank you Bob ! Have a good weekend ! 😊

    6. yeah Michelle agree with you, carly only told Britt that because she does not want Britt to hold to any hope that jason is available. got to make that fake marriage look legit can't have jason eye loving another woman, i love carly they can never make me hate her, but Britt and Jason will end up together that is fact.

    7. Britt is going to Sleep with Sonny when he returns 😆 🤣 😂

    8. I have recently stopped watching gh for many reasons. The main reason being is that this show like all the others don't care about gay characters...sure they like Terry because he is now a woman. Why can't they give a storyline to Felix...he and Jax...yes ...Jax could be best friends... Jax could hire him to be a medical consultant at one of his companies and the two of them could be platonic friends who end up having adventures together...yes and Jax would still have his I said he and Felix could still be platonic buddies. Unfortunately these shows do not think outside of the box when it comes to gay male characters. Felix was friends with Michael...Patrick and AJ in the past ....but unfortunately the writers failed to continue with the friendships. Why do the gay male characters on these shows only hang out with women and other gay men? I am a gay male (I prefer the term ...male who likes other males...don't care for labels) and I have no female friends and only hang out with straight men...we go to the movies sports etc....and the relationships are platonic. So it is possible for gay men and straight men to be friends. When gh decides to think outside of the box...maybe I will watch again.

    9. Agreed I'd actually have compassion for Carly if she wasn't aware of how intrusive and selfish she is but she openly admits it regrets it does it again, I think she said what she did to Britt for two reasons to sure up her business plan but also did you see how she freaked when Jason wouldn't tell her what secret bonded him to Britt any time she senses that any one could threaten her strangle hold on him she loses her mind. Having said that I started hating Jason a long time ago he's not Carly's victim he indulges and forgives all her crappy behavior so why should she improve you usually only do that if you're going to lose someone unless you change and she's not going to. I'm glad Liz and Sam bonded because frankly watching them fight over Jason was like seeing two women plan tug of war with a giant bag of garbage they both deserved better.

  2. At least, Jax FINALLY knows what Carly is and FINALLY told her what she is.

  3. Oh my gosh Can't stand Carly she thinks her S&&T don't stink wish Britt would have knocked her lights out at least Jax finally figured her out and hope Jason does too NOW I hope Sonny never comes back to her he deserves better than Carly

  4. Agree with everyone's sentiments about Carly! 😡 I too wish Britt would have knocked her out but she was too hurt. Oh, I cant wait for Carly to get hers. It has to be coming at some point. I never hated her character until now. Wicked to the core!

    1. I have nothing against terry either but I just don’t like her attitude towards Britt
      I get that she’s Liz friend, but her animosity towards Britt is not needed, there’s history Britt, Liz, and other employees at Gh who’s been here for a while, she just heard everyone hating on Britt and decide to hop on the train.

      She was barely onscreen when Britt came back to gh, today was probably the first time they interacted with each other, Britt treated all of her employees nice except for the ones she have history with and as a petty person, I would’ve done the same, i would want to get rid of everyone I know hates me and would give me a hard time

      She doesn’t take a second to get to know her and see how she change and almost died for the hospital, she just want to be COS

      Britt deserve to keep her job, she protected the hospital and PC from Cyrus when she didn’t have to, she could’ve easily decide to work with him and administer the drugs to the patients but she didn’t, the woman almost lost her life for the hospital the quatermaine seems so proud of, but none of them want to admit Britt played a huge part in it, they just want to keep hating and hating

      Idk Portia‘s problem either, I didn’t like her when she first came to PC because of the way she treated Ava when she was just looking after her daughter, she just go for whatever other people were saying about her, and I don’t remember Britt treating her bad either

      In port Charles if you’re not a Spencer, quatermaine, or corinthos or love by someone important from one of these family, people automatically assume the worst of you
      (I know there are other characters in the show with notable last names, but they barely get a storyline cause the show mostly revolve around sonny and Carly nowadays, and they barely have any relatives left in port Charles)

    2. I'm sick of this mess with Carly too! She has gotten on my last nerve! She has always wanted Jason! I hope they don't let this wedding happen because Brit and Jason are good together. Carly can go back to Fern Cliff at this point!

    3. Fern Cliff would be a fantastic solution for Carly. Then she couldn't be doing any of the horrible things.

  5. Im thinking they're going to do the whole Sonny is back reveal at the Wedding

    1. That would be nice and considering the way weddings got on this show... But, I think GH is teasing us because Maurice is tired of playing Sonny and likes playing Mike. I think it won't be for awhile, but fingers crossed 🤞

  6. Hehehe.....

    Maybe he can come as Nina's plus one.

  7. Jason needs to talk to his mother and make sure that bread gets to retain the Brett gets to retain the chief of staff job. Britt nearly lost her life because she was working was working to keep drugs out of drugs out of the hospital. I don't see anybody else who works at the hospital almost get killed trying to keep the hospital drug free.

  8. why was Uri valentin bodyguard looking lustfully at monica what was up with that omg lol

    wow Alexis is going to be released from prison soon classic really thought she would spend three years at Pentonville. upside Shawn may be out of there soon, finally

    Elizabeth and a very skewed morals strike again Finn should have gone to the police as soon as she cured Chase now things are going to get much more worse for him, his guilt will eat him alive.

    man aunty Stella has really done a full circle reboot when it comes to jordan damn

    Tj and molly always puts a smile on my face. get to making them babies that was mentioned

    is austin a pediatrician cause i hope he becomes louise doctor

    1. People love painting carly as the villian, i don't think she was trying to hurt Britt, quite the opposite she was blunt with her words to help britt move on from jason so it will hurt less.

      to some carly can never do anything right she will always be judged by her past she is made to reminded by that all the time, but Ava, Valentin, Elizabeth, nicolas, jax, sam bascially every other character on this show when they do their horrors it just erased from their stories. will always be on my girl side

      still want jason and britt together damn you writers

    2. Carly has done as bad as Britt can't stand her and hope Jason figures it out soon he deserves better than Carly Love Jason & Britt and hope Sonny NEVER takes her back

    3. I was wondering about the Yurij/Monica thing, as well! That was kind of creepy lol

  9. Carly has her reasons. She's actually trying to help Britt let go in Carly's weird way. It's not like Jason told Britt the reason, so it's either that or lie. Britt has already proven she can't handle a relationship with Jason anyway, which is a pity. First thing she did was jump into bed with Jax. I can't wait for that relationship to go south because Jax is the worst rebound guy. You think you're getting prince charming, but in reality you're getting self-righteous controlling clingy dude. I really don't understand why it's not obvious to these characters what Carly and Jason are doing. Michael is the only one who had any sense and could see right through the incredibly obvious and not even a drop creative plan.

    1. I don't think that anyone who isn't involved with the mob has any idea about this whole thing, how Jason would have to ged rid of Carly to show no weakness or whatever. Something like that doesn't cross a "normal" person's mind.

    2. @Koyasha,...none of these characters are that normal. Sam lived in the mob world for over a decade and she's a PI. It should be obvious to at least her.

  10. Fern Cliff is where Carly should be so she won't be doing any of the horrible things she does.

  11. Auntie needs to just STFU. Seriously. I have grown children and I wouldn't dream of inserting myself into their lives the way that annoying busybody does. Do everyone a favor and send her meddling ass back to England.

  12. Watching Carly twist the knife in Britt reminded me of the old saying 'the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner.'

    Once Finn decided not to report an ACCIDENT of a ESCAPING FUGITIVE, he should have used some of the hundreds of chemicals found in a hospital and his medical knowledge to Walter White the corpse.

  13. In the words of the iconic character Mister Senor Love Daddy, on Carly, "Time Out!" What's with all the hate? Hate the GH writers. Every character on the show has done dirt, except Willow and Wiley.
    And to those who want nina with sonny, cocaine,meth, oxycodone, are helluva drugs. nina is a pyschotic pathetic trick no better than her equally pyschotic pathetic con artist murderous trick daughter, nelle. nina cut ava's baby out of her womb& tried to pass it off as hers. Now she so desperate for love/good roll in the sheets, she knowingly goes after a married man with children & a grandchild who has amnesia. Ho is pathetic.
    And she is supposed to be an educated strong businesswoman? Please.
    As for Ava, she killed Connie in cold blood and is responsible for Morgan's death.
    Britt, no saint, tried to keep a baby that wasn't hers, team tagged with what's his face in prison, knew who Wiley real daddy was and kept quiet, and did all manner of dirt.
    Monica,never too old get your freak on.
    Don't get the hate of Porshia.
    As for Stella, an aunt myself, stay out grown folks business.but GH writers have decided that the two older Black female characters, this includes phyllis, are only good for being busy Bodies. Also protraying Lenny as "angry".

  14. Instead of standing there looking dumb, Jason should take Carly to Britt and make Carly tell him what she said to Britt. When Carly finally tells the truth, Jason should tell her to go to hell. Jason should tell her that he is is that he is getting out of the mob business business and if she has any sense she will too. Jason should tell her that he is going to do whatever it takes to try to win Britt back. If Carly gets into trouble with the mob, Carly should call the Police, not Jason.

    1. Good fantasy, but you know that is never gonna happen, right?😀

  15. Christmas 🎄 in July on GH closing credits.
    Beautiful scene with Sean and TJ

  16. Jason looking dumb and kind of sick may just be because he has been with beautiful, vibrant, exciting women, including the 2 mother of his 2 sons. Now he is stuck with UGLY Carly who does HORRIBLE THINGS.

  17. Carly's motive was not vindictive to Britt. She sees how much Britt and Jason are hurting and wanted to help Britt move on because she is the only one in this 3 way that is unaware of the facts. Telling Britt the truth will make everyone more vulnerable to the other mob family. Jason and Sonny are mobsters and there is no simply walking away. Given the circumstances, they made the right decision.

    1. Finally! Someone who gets it. The mob life is a whole different world with its own set of rules. People love to blame Carly for all of his past failed relationships, but in reality Jason knows exactly what he is and the women who fall in love with him only like the idea of him not, the reality. Carly and Jason are the only ones who are able to accept him for what he is. Other women like the things that make him Jason (good listener, compassionate, loyal, protector..good in bed) but can't deal with his darker side. When everyone thought Drew was Jason, both Carly and Sonny backed away and let him live his live with Sam. That is proof that neither of them are forcing Jason to do anything. Everyone has this romanticized idea that he's just some confused soul being controlled by Carly. But Jason is his own man and does what he wants at all times...including choosing to trust Carly. He told Britt that he does what he does because he's good at it. That's Jason. He could never be a cop because he's not a rule guy. He's a follow your gut not matter what guy.

  18. Jason and/or Sonny could become enforcers of the law rid Port Charles of the criminal mobsters. Both surely must have more than plenty of illegal money. At least Jason has skills that can be used to enforce the law.

  19. *clears throat* 🗣 FCK Jax FCK Nina I LOVE Carly Jason need not to be wit Britt the fck is a jABrItt foh #isaidwtfisaid ANNNND Carly gone beat the FCK outta Nina oh BTW Nelle is NOT Nina's daughter Willow is

  20. what's with the Christmas music at the end?

  21. Why wouldn't Finn and Elisabeth have IMMEDIATELY asked Jason for help with the body? Makes zero sense writers (who I do realise aren't reading this)... if you know an expert you call him.

  22. I was about to say that auntie should mind her own business, and she should, but she kind of has a point. However, I want to see Curtis with Porchia mostly because that other actess is annoying as this character (loved the original one).

  23. Why is Sam being so rude to Austin?!

  24. I have never liked Sam or Carly. But I really think Carly DID say all that to hurt Britt. Not to help her. She is mean and selfish. I hope Britt keeps her job and not rude Terry. I hope Jason secretly tells Britt the truth and stays with her when he can, he obviously cares for her. UGH Carly literally ruins everyone's life.

    1. I agree with you about Carly saying those things to deliberately hurt Britt. She's like a dog marking its territory when it comes to the men in her life. Possessive, jealous, and territorial. Always has been.

  25. Thanks Bob for spending your time making GH available so that I can watch GH anytime I want, Thanks so much.

  26. Hi! Is there a new blog somewhere. Iam 2 months behind and starting on this episode I can't watch anything.

    1. Now the deleted videos have been replaced. But there is another blog with old episodes. The link to it is on the page "episodes 2012-2021" at the top under the image of the characters.
