Monday, July 19, 2021

General Hospital 7-19-21 Full episode

General Hospital 7-19-21 Full episode 19th July 2021


  1. I so hope that Nicholas figures out that Spencer is the one who is the stalker and he and Ava get back together and Ava gets Avery back with her.

  2. Hoping that Lenny can be cured and that he and Phyllis have a long life together.

  3. Praying that Lenny survives and him and Phyllis have a lot more years together and I want to see Trina's face when she finds out Victor is Spencer

  4. Good lord, Josslyn looked absolutely AMAZING in that bikini!

    Can't wait to see more!

  5. I love Lenny and Phyllis, but why must their life-and-death storyline depend on a white savior? Tired old trope.

  6. Spencer has become such a self-righteous arrogant bastard, I hate how he is playing with his dad's and Ava's life and their feelings and how he is using Avery to get what he wants, and still thinks that he is in the right doing what he's doing. I hope he is going to fall off his high horse and I hope he is going to fall hard. He makes me sick!

    I am glad that Sonny called Nina and that she is going to help, I really hope Lenny is going to make it!

    Not sure about Cam and Joss, I hope we are not going too many scenes of these two alone making out lol. I used to like Cam, but his recent acting made me kind of not like him. We will see :)

    1. Well, to be fair, Spencer has always been a self-righteous little prick. The only difference now is he's one on a much larger (physically) scale. lol

  7. Lenny "needs" Nina? Why? I mean they just met a few months ago. Lenny and Phyllis surely have friends and family of their own.

    1. Lenny needs Nina's money, in order to pay for cancer treatment. Even if you have insurance, you're on the hook for a percentage. We know that the Taino isn't making lots of extra money. Of course, 'Mike' has money, but he doesn't know it.
