Thursday, July 29, 2021

General Hospital 7-29-21 Full episode

General Hospital 7-29-21 Full episode 29th July 2021


  1. oh, so glad the comments are back. Thanks, Bob!

  2. American currently living in The Philippines. Thank you. I have religiously watched this since I was a kid and use it to connect with my mom in The U.S . Thanks .

  3. Josslyn and Cameron are annoying. They both have been for a while.

    1. Gladys & horribly selfish hypocrit Nina are annoying.

      I think Cameron & Joslyn make an adorable strong couple together & they always care and try to offer help to others while dealing with their own life situations. They are fun to watch with their friends.

    2. Cameron was annoying even as a little boy. Unfortunately, Josslyn is becoming more like her mother.

    3. Most annoying? I, too, am going with Gladys and Nina. But for good measure, throw "Auntie" Stella in there, too. I also find the whole Sonny/Mike/Nina storyline annoying AF, too. I'm kinda getting into this Peter thing, though. The Finn/Elizabeth angst about what to do with him was starting to wear thin for me, but things just got a lot more interesting.

  4. I actually wish that Brook Lynn would come clean with Valentin. He is going to end up being so hurt when he finds out, but the longer it drags out, the worse it will be. I think after the initial shock, he will understand why it was done and will be dedicated to protecting the baby and making sure she gets safely back to Maxie.

  5. I don't remember Olivia giving Leo to Brook Lynn. Could somebody please refresh my memory?

    1. Olivia didn't give Leo to BrookLynn.

    2. She said she did in this episode. I'll see if I can find it.

    3. At about the 6:15 mark, Olivia is praising Brook Lynn's mothering skills and said it reminds her of why she trusted her with Leo when he was a newborn. So.....not sure what she meant by that. Maybe she just meant that she trusted Brook Lynn to be AROUND Leo when he was a newborn? I remember her not wanting Julian to know about Leo at first, so I thought it might have had something to do with that.

    4. Remember after she gave birth, she gave her son to brooklyn and claimed the kid died because she did not want julian to have a relationship with him because of his mob life, just like she kept dante away from sonny.

    5. didn't see your comment unknown it was because of julian

  6. How many times are they gonna post the same flashback Dante/Sam July 4th kiss?
    This is like the 7TH TIME they flashbacked that same kiss! Get a new scene or don't show that same, regurgitated scene 100 times lol

  7. nicholas makes me sick hayden left town and violet because of him, he is one of the questionable people she associated with. I can't wait for hayden to get back to port charles to knock down nicholas a peg or many.

    1. yeah dante you are the only one who is not fooled by valentin so called
      "good guy" act
