Friday, July 23, 2021

General Hospital 7-23-21 Full episode

General Hospital 7-23-21 Full episode 23rd July 2021

1 comment:

  1. Alexis calling the man who put a hit out on hayden a son of a bitch, that is so nicholas no offense to Laura.

    elizabeth and her skewed morals again wanting to bring everyone in her mess. she is always like jason is the worse but when that woman wants jason to clean up her crap he is first person she runs to and jason being jason he would always help.

    oh my goodness with monica carly is the reason AJ was a screw up these people in that town love to make carly the reason for everything that is wrong in their lives, nina blaming carly for the fact she is keeping sonny a secret or for the horror nelle was, ava for her very being, monica really i know these two have history but really, sam for the reason she left jason she broke up with the man but it was carly fault, elizabeth has always wanted jason to be a version of a person she want but it was carly who ended her and jason. i never
