Monday, July 5, 2021

General Hospital 7-5-21 Full episode

General Hospital 7-5-21 Full episode 5th July 2021


  1. Why? Why? Why? Do these shows have to be so predictable. Britt is probably pregnant and won't know who the Father is, Jason or Jax. On a side note she either owes Jax a new shirt or at least fix the buttons. 😂 Hope they both rub it in Carly and Jason's face.

    Lol, Ava reminds me of a worried parent who is so concerned about a missing or hurt kid but when they know they are fine get angry at them! lol

    Can't wait for Anna and Valentine tomorrow. 🔥

    1. This show was really good, especially Britt and Jasper. Jasper is so much better looking than Jason. On top of that, Jasper is not a criminal nor a murderer. Jasper is exactly right about Jason. Whenever Carly says jump, Jason asks how high. The thing of it is Jasper did the same thing; but, hopefully, Jasper has finally learned what Carly is really. If Britt ends up pregnant, it would be so much better if it is Jasper's child.

    2. Brit & Jax. Who the baby daddy? And grown ass folks don't use condoms, don't practice safe sex, wow, GH writers great SL. Not! So lame. And High income gutter rats.

    3. Jax told Britt so many TRUE FACTS today.

    4. britt cannot have children she is in early menopause, nina cannot have children because of the coma she too is in early menopause their womb is incapable of producing why does every hook have to end with a child

    5. I would think that Carly would be past menopause. On the other hand,, Britt is only 38.

    6. britt is a hoe...these characters jump from bed to bed without one thought about covid...AIDS....etc...disgusting

    7. some dad jax hoe dad

    8. I'm a little confused, was today's episode new or was it an ecore (repeat) ? Wasn't Sean released from Pentonville not long ago??

  2. Please get rid of the background put it in a bigger screen again thanks

  3. Who is Alexis Davis?

    A. An Advocate
    B. A Lawyer
    C. This Again?
    D. None of the above? 🤣

    And aww man I was rooting for Nicolas Bechtel to remain as Spencer 😭
    2 more years or so and he would have been 18 and more believable as Adult Spencer.
    Guess they couldn't wait and they SORASed him into a "boy toy" lol

    1. I loved the old Spencer to, however I do feel it was time for the character Spencer to return to the show!

  4. Sean should have kept his mouth shut. He probably just put Alexis more in harm's way and no telling what him telling Molly will do for her career.

  5. The show needs to bring Emma Drake back for Spencer or Spencer.

    1. actress is too young spencer is 21...girl playing emma is 14...still a child...damn new spencer is an improvement than that last rugrat

    2. New Spencer is 18. Brooklyn aka Emma is 15

    3. wrong unknown...the guy who is playing the new spencer is 21...the guy is 21 in real life..there is no way he is going to do love scenes with a young girl...nuff said.

  6. Jax and Britt make a great looking couple.

    1. Call em as I see them...what ever happened to dating someone before having sex with them? The characters on these shows are too a bad lesson to young viewers watching.

  7. Bob, thank you for the bottom video.

  8. i'm thinking this actor is spencer grown up now

  9. Spencer that Spencer is all grown up like Josslyn, Cam and Trina

    1. Yeah. It was ridiculous that they didn't SORAS him when they SORASed Joss and Cameron. I'm not a big fan of the practice, but if you're going to do it for two kids, then you should do it for the third one who is also supposed to be the same age.

    2. They never SORAS Joss. Eden McCoy been playing Joss since she was 11.

    3. Joss was like 3 or 4 when Jerry Jacks kidnapped her in 2012. I was just watching clips of it so I realized how little time has passed to her ha graduation. Definitely SORASed.

    4. So, I just googled it. Josslyn first appeared on screen in 2009, presumably as a baby. Eden McCoy is the SIXTH actress to play her (including a set of twins from 2009-2012). Also, she was first introduced in 2009; this is now 2021. If she hadn't been SORASed, that would make her......twelve. lol

    5. Eden McCoy first appeared on the show in 2015, so it could very well be that she has been playing her since she was eleven. She just had her eighteenth birthday. Doesn't mean the character hasn't been SORASed.

  10. Wow is Spencer Ava's stalker . and are Jax and Britt going to become a couple.what I'm seeing is the stalker has to be Spencer he said dad

    1. It's a new actor playing an older Spencer. General Hospital aged his character.

  11. Britt and Jack's as a couple is a welcome and great surprise.

  12. Emma definitely needs to come back. Spencer and Emma will make a great couple. Emma has performed at the Nurse's Ball, which is going to be coming up.

    1. emma is still 14...trina is a better fit..age wise

    2. Time to age Emma, just like allow the others.

    3. I remember when gh had classy black characters like Simone...the black doctor that she dated and Dara...and Mary Mae...the new black characters of today are all too stereotypical for me...I will say no more...don't want to offend anyone.

  13. The show was good today, especially Kax and Britt.

    1. Bob remove this woman. If it's so offensive to you Gina why do you keep watching it do you like it?

  14. If Nina and Sonny have sex, Nina might get pregnant and finally get to have a child of her own to raise.

  15. Replies
    1. No, a new episode was shown.

    2. Thank you for posting it here Bob! For some reason my local network ran a repeat instead of a new one that day!

  16. here these writers go again trying to rewrite Ava's past, trina should know Ava did kill someone Connie Falconeri and then framed someone for it, trina needs to stop hero worshipping Ava, she needs another role model;

    yeah britt jax does not know shit wow jax is really jealous of jason and sonny and how carly puts them over him. what a sap

    1. I also remember when her and Julian killed some man down on the docks. Someone who had wronged them in some way. I can't remember if it was Julian or Ava who pulled the trigger, but they were both involved.

    2. I am over this show saw my last episode on 7/5/ is too trashy with trashy characters...going cold turkey from this point on and do something better with my hour..soaps are done

    3. Yes. We don't need your"trashy" comments

  17. Over 7 months later still hearing about Dev and the diary.
