Friday, June 4, 2021

General Hospital 6-4-21 Full episode

General Hospital 6-4-21 Full episode 4th June 2021


  1. GH was the shiznit today. Like Michael and Willow, but their sl could have been delayed.Just wasting good story flow So, who is at the window creeping? A not dead nelle. Again? Please no.

    1. I think it's actually Austin at the Window. Did you notice how Austin stared at the sign in the Hospital that read Michael Corinthos Head Injury floor or memorial or something like that? I think Austin is connected to them some how or maybe even the Quartermanes. I noticed he avoided saying his last name when in the room with Finn and others.

      I could be wrong but its my thoughts for now. I hope Roger's new character isn't a creep. Maybe just scoping things out the way Duke's son (forget his name) did with Anna before introducing himself to her. Of course ti could be anyone...

    2. cyrus brought it on today...great acting...give this man an emmy glad he lived...but how will he ever get out of this mess?

    3. poor one remembers him and he is walking around town with that dumb smile on his face

    4. cyrus looked like linda blair in the Exorcist when he was looking at curtis on the floor...the same way that linda looked at the dead priest..very scary this man can act

    5. I did notice Austin staring at the sign, but I thought he was looking at "neonatal intensive care"

    6. I still don't understand how michael and willow are doing all out sex scenes during covid....are these two lovers in real life...also the same could be said of jason and britt..are these actors just nasty whores?

    7. It grossed me out with Michael and Willow on Friday! They just look uncomfortable together!
      Not liking the name calling some people are using when describing some of the female characters.
      The men are whoring around and no one are calling them names!

    8. I think it is Austin as well. I think he has a connection to the Quartermanes. I think he is long lost relative.

    9. Carly is the bigges TRAMP EVER ON GH!

  2. Brooklyn better watch out for crazy ass Charlotte. She may feed that baby to the dogs. Don't forget her reaction when Valentin told her she would her a sibling.

    1. I just read yesterday that the little actress who plays Charlotte goot in a pretty nasty bicycle accident, breaking both arms, among other injuries. We probably woon't be seeing her for awhile anyway. Unless they use a temporary fill in. Of course, they could write her injuries into the show - like she fell off her pony Snowflake or something (I think that's her pretend pony's name)..

    2. Sorry about the extra o's in the above post. My laptop, for some reason, has decided it really, really likes o's. I try to proofread everything before posting, but I don't always catch all of them. lol

    3. omg unknown this is one of the reason i am not down with valentin being a father figure to baby lou, the man help raise two people and both are psychos, charlotte is spoiled and entitled and he helped shape peter into the person he was, i hope this story line ends soon and maxi get her baby back soon very soon

  3. Ok Curtis should have had a Bullet vest on, Hope he learned his lesson. "Don't worry he's in Police custody, he isn't going anywhere." Carly should have said... "Yeah.. So was Jason.." and COUNTLESS OTHERS...

  4. As Dante told him, Jason lost his touch when he tried to shoot Cyrus earlier. Cyrus, also could not manage to shoot Jason. Now Jordan could only shoot Cyrus in the leg.

    1. brook lyn will try to keep that baby

    2. Bunch of incompetent shooters in Port Charles lol

  5. great exciting show today, Thanks again for posting the show

  6. I'm glad Cyrus is in custody but I hope Curtis doesn't die and was that staring at Willow and Michael through the window can it be Austin.and isn't it strange how nobody mentioned how much Austin looks like Franco not even Elizabeth

  7. carly is ugly and I hope peter kills willow

  8. Favorite moment, Jordan busting into that house like some bad-ass 80s action hero. Loved that! Curtis was an idiot for putting his gun down like he was dealing with someone rational...Cyrus was clearly on height of a breakdown.

    I don't care what anyone says, will always adore Carly and Jason's relationship. So sweet and compassionate. I was confused by Liesel to day, because not too long ago she was warning Britt about Jason. That being said, I Jason and Britt are cute and I hope that develops into something real.

    I disagree with Liz...I think telling Max the truth would be a good idea. However, from the writers' point of view...I understand why it's best not to include her.

    I wonder who was watching Michael and Willow at the end. I believe Chase is in the perhaps it's one of his parents, or someone else who can blow their cover. Maybe it's Sasha... but even that seems odd.

    Jax is super annoying, and I honesty have no use for him. Valentine is growing on me with each passing day.

    1. agreed about jax had to roll my eyes when i saw him today the first thought judgmental jax is back to criticize everyone cause hes soo good and perfect and everyone else are flawed people

    2. Yup, they've really ruined his character...or maybe I just never noticed how infuriating he is.

    3. I think it's Jax outside the window and will blackmail Michael some how to get Nina visitation with Wiley LOVE JASON & BRITT TOGETHER THANKS BOB !!!!

    4. The troll (probably Gina) is using my name to post her deranged and racist thoughts. She has an extra space in her reply. For those who've seen me post here for the past few years... I'm sure you can tell that's not me. For those who are new, please pay those posts no mind. She's desperate for a reaction and clearly can't stand not being noticed, which is why she's decided to target me. I barely knew her name when someone else mentioned her and I asked who they were referring to, and now she's having a bit of a tantrum.

    5. This is the real QueenT...those of you that know me know that I do not like tarts like carly or sluts like willow...nuff said

  9. It’s pretty clear Gina hates black people. Willow should get capped tho for breaking Chase’s heart. Hope he ends up with Brook Lynn, she’s fine af.
    Wish Jason coulda nailed Cyrus with a 1080 NacSwap, but tbh, I feel bad for Cyrus being the unloved, exiled child. Would have been nice to see him redeem himself since Peter failed to do so. Love seeing folks do a clean 180 on their life for the better.

  10. Peter is dead. You are judgmental. Remember it's not real, it's a tv soap

  11. I'm sorry, I just can't deal with the new Roger Howarth role. I know GH is a scripted fictional show, and these are actors playing characters, etc, but bringing RH back, and NO one sees Franco right in front of them is inSANE! At least when Michael Easton (Hamilton Finn) came back from his previous GH role as Silas Clay everyone he made contact with was doing the whole..dumbfounded look, you bare a remarkable likeness to..etc etc. for a while at least, but this sh#t with "NOT" Franco just aint workin!

  12. Thank you Bob.

    People: stop whining about the character Roger Howarth portrays and just be glad he is still on the show. Grow up and get over the changes, life is changeable and that is a real thing.

    Carly and Jason are the real super couple on General Hospital.... they are and always have been a couple, and there is no denying that. They always come together in triumph, and they love each other in a way that few people are ever lucky enough to experience.

    1. I agree...people need to give Roger and his new role a chance. Change is always uncomfortable but can be very rewarding.

  13. Ugh. Sex talk between a mother and a daughter (Liesl and Britt)? Do mothers and daughters really do that? I only had sons (five of them) and I'm extremely close to them - (the two youngest especially) - but some topics are just off limits. lol

    1. Yeah, I have some friends who habe that kind of relationship with their mother. Definitely NOT me and my mom.

    2. My mom passed away when I was still in high school, but pretty sure if she had been around when I was an adult, that is not what we would have talked about.

    3. Thank you. It was a very long time ago but she missed so much - like grandchildren. My youngest granddaughter (her great granddaughter) has my mom's antique upright piano in her home and I spend some time picking out songs with her when I babysit. Something my mother would have loved to do with HER grandchildren and never got the chance. But life goes on and I'm glad we've managed to keep this piano in the family to pass on.

  14. JFC, Curtis! He did TWO stupid things during that stand off. I really like the character (and I think the actor is hot), but TWO bonehead decisions during ONE event? Tsk, tsk, Curtis. Seems like running a nightclub really might be a good career move for you after all.

    Also, what is that thing around Austin's neck? Is that some new backwoods hiker fashion statement I don't know about? I spend quite a bit of time in the woods. Do I need one, too?

    And whoever is peeping on Willow and Michael? I don't think it's Austin. But whatever happened to closing the curtains or whatever? That gate house (which I never even knew existed until recently) is on the same property that houses any number of people who come and go. Anybody from the main house might have had a reason to drop by. Seems like, even in the heat of passion, they might have closed the curtains first. lol

  15. Thank you for airing this for some reason it didn't tape yesterday and I was a wreck

  16. jax nina is missing all of wiley growing up i say good, hope she never gets to be in that kid's life, and she wasn't there for the first few years of his life so what does it matter and who cares the woman is busy lying and manipulating an amnesiac the same things she said she was leaving port charles to get away from

    Did Austin see brooklyn in the woods, did he see maxi give brooklyn her baby please let it be so, please let him be the kind of person that remembers every face he sees include a new born baby.

    i still see austin as franco it gonna take a while for this austin character to stick my brain

    i can't with valentin being around baby lou aaahhahahah

    oh curtis, is jordan gonna steal a body part from cyrus like the did with ryan for jordan lol

    who will be the new villian they got rid of both this week

    1. and i can't with brooklyn using baby lou as a damn pawn for shares stock in ELQ

  17. peter is not dead and that whore willow needs to die

  18. I think the first unknown who is calling people judgmental is taking the show more serious than anyone else..sounds to me like someone is in love with these whorish actors

  19. Please nobody get mad at me as I am only asking a question 😊
    Since when did Trina care about Curtis so much? She is always putting him down and yelling at him for something so why is she screaming at him to live? like she has this great relationship with him. 🤔

    1. Why would anyone get mad at you for that question? Trina has been very apologetic toward Curtis and Jordan ever since she learned that Taggart was alive. Now that he's hurt, I'm sure she's just feeling guilty for all of the times she was mean to him.

  20. Thanks. 😊 Makes sense.
