Monday, June 28, 2021

General Hospital 6-28-21 Full episode

General Hospital 6-28-21 Full episode 28th June 2021


  1. I could be wrong but I have a feeling that Austin is Novack. Why else does he want to know all about Jason? Unless it has to do with Michael and the Quartermaines. 🤔

    1. My Thoughts Exactly I think Austin is behind the Bombing of the warehouse...cuz Brick mentioned .. I could be someone else

    2. Hot Damn! Carly is finally going to get Jason...they will get married and Carly will insist that they make the marriage look real by having sex....I don't blame Carly...Jason would have to consummate the marriage with me also if we got married...carly only wants what he is giving to those other sluts...and when she marries him...sam...and britt had better stay back...finally they are doing a good storyline with carly even though I can't stand her...but this should be interesting and when sonny comes back to find her and jason together....yes! he will leave her for nina!

    3. Nina and Sonny together ❤

  2. So Ava is the one who gave them that dumb idea, Ava I love you girl, but why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut. Nina get over yourself and spill the truth

    1. So is this where GH is going. Have Jason and Carly get married for a united mob front. Then have the desperate and despicable and pathetic and pyschotic whore nina take this as her sign to marry sonny.

    2. that is not a dumb idea..carly has ALWAYS wanted jason and now she is going to get him!

    3. VB was just about to comment that same thing about ava, why would anyone especially Carly and Jason take Ava advise the woman's life is a dumbster fire that has never been put out it just keeps raging, she makes one bad decision after the next. i was shocked they even listened to her

    4. I don't even think Ava was trying to give them advice, she was just talking

    5. Koyasha
      True, she was just talking. She was very concerned about the stalker that wants to keep her away from Nicholas.

  3. Criminal, despicable, hurtful, selfish, user Carly has never been supportive of Jason being married or in a relationship with anyone nor if Jasper Jacks having another woman even when Sonny was there. Can't she just be taken off the show or be put in prison so the 3 men could have a life?

  4. Sasha and Brando are BORING.

  5. The show today was really boring.

    1. I found it a vrry touching & sweet episode from at least 3 to 4 story lines ! It was interesting And the love & care everyone showed all the other characters was a refreshing episode.

    2. I think it was a great sweet refreshing change to have once in awhile. everyone being kind & caring to one another who need it. These can be interesting and very enjoyable to watch also. We don't really have to have a arguement or violence everyday.
      It's good to have variety of emotions.
      Our real world is losing this. It's very rare now in the last decade for people to be caring, considerate & not ignore someone these days for years now actually.

  6. Do I see what I see Carly and Jason are going to get married and why doesn't Gladys back off on Sasha.and isn't it strange that nobody has mentioned that Austin looks like Franco

    1. I think everybody on this forum has at least one time questioned why GH would recast Roger Howarth as a new character so shortly after Franco's death. And it was nearly unwatchable today when he was talking with Scotty trying to act like they had just met, uggh!

    2. Vincenzo Ridente
      Gladys is very jealous of her. She never wants any Woman having her son's

    3. exactly people scotty was franco's father they had a close relationship he is suppose to still be grieving when he saw austin approach him there should have been a reaction, my grandfather died a couple years ago i sometimes see his face in people on tv in real life that look like him it can be jarring.

  7. Jason is a Quartermaine. He needs to be with Sam or Britt. He could become a Security Guard or a Policeman. After all, the Jordan is Dirty and the Mayor is Dirty.

  8. mac needs to be police chief and ned really won the election for mayor...spencer cheated for laura...but I like the idea of Jason and Carly being married...she has ALWAYS wanted that man! Jason is really the only man that she wants..women everywhere should relate to all know that there is one man who you really want to be with...but you settled for others since you could not have him...don't lie to yourself

    1. Mac or Anna should be Commissioner. Ned should be Maypr.

    2. mac should be commissioner...period...enough of these women with power

  9. the show has gone feminist after the metoo stuff that is why they have women running port charles...they are afraid of the feminists watching the show...damn the feminists..I prefer having men in charge

  10. Jason should not get married to beady eyed, ugly, old Carly, just because she has always wanted him.

  11. Laura Wright is a great actress, if not one of the best on daytime. She’s over 50 and looks more beautiful than women half her age. Maybe you should post a picture of yourself next to Laura when you are or were 50 and see how well you’ve held up. Nice Steve Burton can have an actress his age and not just a young one that just stands there and looks cute. Btw, Laura has Wes Ramsey and you have who, “Unknown” ???

    1. ❤❤❤
      Ty for saying that she is one of the cast members with the best acting skills !!! And I always thought she is one of the beautiful actress also.

    2. Laura wright is a very well paid actress. She has money for human hair wigs which I'm sure she wears and she also has money to have work done if you know what I mean

    3. By the way 50 years old is not ancient

    4. oh my God, I didn't know she was dating Wes. It's so weird because I hated him so much as "Peter". To me this is Carly and Peter dating :D

    5. Pretty sure they have a child which is why Donna had to be written in

  12. Thank you Kay! People are always talking crap about gh and yet they still watch , these are all actors and actresses they are characters on a show , they might be the best person ever in real life but you don’t know and probably never will , so how can you talk bad about someone you don’t know and she is a good actress ! Thank you Bob much appreciated! 😊

  13. sasha can hold her own against smother mother glady's, who would have thought sasha got sass she was funny as hell

    Does Ava think jason offered his help for her he did that because of Avery.

  14. Guess what? Mac will NEVER be police Commissioner again. So Get OVER IT.

  15. Hi why was the episode from 6/28/2021 taken off?
