Friday, June 25, 2021

General Hospital 6-25-21 Full episode

General Hospital 6-25-21 Full episode 25th June 2021

There was no new episode today. The next new episode will be on Monday.

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. What did they preempt today's episode for?! A repeat of the Voting episode? 🤔 I was looking forward to Vanna. 😑 Now I have to wait until Monday... 🙄

    Thanks any way, Bob!

    1. Derek Chauvin was sentenced for his murder of George Floyd today

    2. Another feminist storyline on gh fucking television set went straight to Grit TV where I can see some real men and not these fucking whining women.

    3. And by the way I am all for Derek Chauvin...he should have gotten off scoot free

    4. I totally agree with you Gina!!

    5. Robyn...thank you...I am black but only ghetto blacks are for this george floyd nonsense...the man was a career criminal and dangerous...ask the pregnant woman whom he threatened..damn black people are getting on my last nerve

    6. To all the people who think that the cop who killed George Floyd was right shame on you all! My brother Jerry was white and on 2-23-1990 in front of his very pregnant wife and 3 babies he was beaten to death only to find out that they had the wrong house. It doesn't matter what they are because they are human beings and no one deserves to die like that NO ONE. Perhaps if it was someone to whom you loved you'd get it however you're all too biased and stupid to see what truly matters and that is no one has the right to take a life NO ONE. Because my brothers only son Matthew who was 2 when he watched his hero/daddy murdered he never got over it and committed suicide. Those of us left behind are also killed because it takes away everything from your soul out. Not that you are smart enough to realize that mind you. 🤬🤬

    7. THany you for so perfectly telling these idiots !
      And I'm very very saddened to here what your family and your child nephews & his wife had to go thru & see that happen to there beloved parent& to have to be without a dad growing up in this world because of it. & also taking your brother away from you & your poor parents pain also !

  2. Well l hope he wins his appeal

    1. I hope he wins also so sad the democrats think criminals and drug attacks are !!!!!I’ll be nice
      Set him free Floyd was a life long criminal drug attack tried killing a pregnant woman and her unborn child but they give Floyd’s family millions

    2. Yes, because murdering a man for 9 1/2 minutes on video while that man calls for his dead mama is so much better. Chauvin is a murderer and he got what he deserved. NO ONE gets to play judge, jury, and executioner. Especially when the victim's only crime at the time he was stopped for was passing a fake $20 bll - something which he may not have even known. So sick of you nasty racists. And this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with a man who was murdered. Now hoping for justice for Brionna, Ahmaud, and all the rest.

    3. George Floyd got what he men should stop their criminal behavior..and pull their pants up

    4. @robyn Dow web,,, I hope that pig gets raped in prison....

  3. They didnt show GH because of George Floyd court BS! Can we just get over him!

    1. Sorry bitch ass mf!!
      Could u just get over it if someone murdered your loved one?? Idiot!!

    2. Sorry piece of shit. Could u just get over it if someone murdered ur loved one? Idiot!!

    3. "Can we just get over him!"

      Nope! Never.

      Nor should we get over the murders of so many others - Brionna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and so many others too many to list here.

      Fucking racists who think we should just "get over it" and who seem to think a man being murdered for 9 1/2 minutes on video is less important than finding out if Willow and Michael are going to live happily ever after, when will Maxie get her baby back, and whether or not Sonny/Mike gets his memory back before he sleeps with Nina.

      Disgusting people.

    4. Gina,, you are a great Patriot!! I Agree with everything you've commented!

    5. Thank you least I know one smart person with common sense is on here.

    6. Ruh roh. "gina" is talking to herself again. Too funny. lololol

  4. Congratulations General Hospital for winning Best Drama Series!!! 🕺 💃

  5. seriously this is unbelieveable...has anyone else noticed that the nasty comments are from unknown posters...excepct for Gina....Bob can you please find a way to remove these sick nasty very sad and horrible people from viewing the videos you post

    1. I agree with you. Eliminate the negative, thoughtless,inhuman comments.
      Or i will flood you all with love and peace.

  6. Dear Bob, First, thank you for all you do posting the soaps. Secondly, I really would appreciate if you will automatically disable racists from your site. This is a site supposedly for fans of the four soaps and not for the pathetic have no life would not have the balls or guts to confront a person of color mano a mano, with out guns, KKK/maga entourage,yes you gina and robyn, and whoever else, are probably meth heads,on welfare, tax cheating whores who can't spell higher education, have others think for them because they are stupid, are child molesters and having sex with their mommies,daddies, siblings.Bascially, losers who don't work. Who are criminals sucking on the government's tits. Sad that they are taking up good God given air, while others are trapped probably dead in that condo.

    1. 👍👍 Gina!! Have you ever checked out, on YouTube, the Conservative Twins? They are the sexy black Twins ever!! Check em out!!

  7. So glad when the next episode airs so we have something else to discuss besides "gina's" multiple personalities.

    1. Janis
      AND --- the hate arguements from racists & people that think Murdering and other police brutality is ok

      No one no matter who they are profession race, gender, color, prisoner etc..... should never be killed !

  8. THANK YOU BOB you are awesome for doing these episodes for us looking forward to Monday's episode

  9. Gina. You're still N to me. You will never be equal to my race. However thanks for the support N
