Wednesday, June 23, 2021

General Hospital 6-23-21 Full episode

General Hospital 6-23-21 Full episode 23rd June 2021


  1. Will the September 2020 episodes be added back?.. I was just watching a couple days they are removed?!

    1. It is better to watch old episodes on another blog, the link to which is on the page "episodes 2012-2021". Then you will not have to wait for the replacement of deleted videos.

  2. Carly is always in the wrong place at wrong time wanted to see Jason & Britt kiss and now they are saying Carly & Jason are getting married BAD DECISION !!!! LOVE JASON & BRITT

    1. I was hoping they would kiss too but I had a feeling they would get interrupted. On the Two Week Spoilers Breakdown it 'says' that tomorrow 'Carly and Jason navigate the boundaries in their relationship'. I don't think Jason is very happy with Carly right now. In the preview tomorrow Carly angrily says to Jason, "How can/dare you say that to me."

      I am hoping the rumors of Carly and Jason marrying are false. It would be a huge mistake on GH's part. I would probably need a break from GH for awhile if they did that. Britt and Jason are a highlight for me. 95% of why I watch.

    2. Celeste, I agree the Jason and Britt flirting/ romance is very nice to see him smile looks like she would be a good partner she is no stranger to crime.

      Carly & Jason getting married nope!
      I don't see The story line headed that way, But you never know

  3. I was so happy that Chase is going to live now it comes out that he won't be able to walk again.and please let Britt and Jason get together they really belong that it's out that Chase can't walk is Willow going to stay married to him

  4. You mean to tell me that Britt's parents are Liesal and Faison, but she doesn't know how to throw a punch? Whoa, have to admit that Britt and Jason have some intense chemistry. Love the heavy flirting. She makes him blush and I like it! I'm actually hoping that Jason and Sam don't get back together, and that they can elevate the Britt and Jason thing.

    As for everyone thinking Carly is going to get in the way....give the woman some credit please. I think she's a little scared for Jason because she doesn't want another woman who can't handle the business to break his heart like Sam did. However, I think she'll warm up to Britt much faster than she did with Sam. People talk like Carly and Sonny are the ones who twisted Jason's arm to do what he does, but he's admitted a million times over that he can't walk away from the life. While Sonny would walk away if given the choice, I don't think Jason ever would which is why any woman who wants to be with him has to be okay with that.

    That was a very sweet moment between Carly and Elizabeth. I like when those two get along, and I'm glad they could talk about their grief with each other.

    Oh great, so now Willow is going to stay with Chase because he can't walk. It was one thing when it was a life and death situation, but Willow should definitely not stay with him out of pity, that will only cause Chase more pain in the long-run. Plus I wan to see a Chase and Brook-Lynne romance.

    1. Willow definitely needs to end this marriage ASAP. Chase is such a good guy and he doesn't deserve to be fooled like that (even though Willow has the best of intentions).

  5. I wish they would stop puching the critical race theory bullshit. GH is supposed to be entertaining, if they want to push their phony racism storyline, it will reflect in the ratings which could mean the end of GH... that would be sad

    1. GH, like many other shows, has historically addressed social and cultural issues. Like AIDS (think nurse's ball), alcoholism (think Alexis), drug addiction (think Sasha), and other diseases, like cancer, now Huntington's. Why shouldn't they address the issue of racial inequality in our court system? Something that is well documented? Only racists would have a problem with it and not the others.

    2. To the last Unknown...exactly. GH has been addressing controversial social issues for a long time. They took on AIDS with Stone during a time people were still heavily ignorant about it, and gave a prominent character HIV. GH is not gonna end due to a few racist viewers. Y'all don't have as much power as you think.

    3. @ QueenT - does anyone really think these racists are going to stop watching this show because of the Sean story line? lol

      I'm also guessing those two "unknowns" are the same person (aka gina).

    4. I don't know..but I'm going to exit out of this convo because I get a little uncomfortable talking to all Unknowns. No offense. But I usually think it's all the same people pretending to be different people.

    5. @ QueenT - I get that. I think that probably 90% of us "unknowns" are legit and are just here to watch the show and have a few conversations about it. The other 10% are more than likely one or two people who are here just to troll and to be assholes. Sad that they have to ruin it for the rest of us.

    6. It’s called awareness and apparently this country needs it , this country knows but chooses to hide behind ignorance, not possible anymore ! Just saying
      And Thank you Bob ! Much appreciated!

  6. So sick of Sonny and Nina storyline. Now there's Michael and Willow. I'm about 1/2 inch from turning this BS off. I wouldn't be wasting my time and getting mad.

  7. Funny, how someone thinks GH would end because someone doesn't like the story line
    You guys crack me up!

    Willow does need to end this soon, I see no reason to keep it up anymore.

    1. I agree! Is there even ONE storyline you're into? I'm about to revolt against the writters! We can change it if we try!!! Lol

  8. I hate this crap! General Hospital has proven to be nothing but a confused mess! What were the writters thinking about with Sonny and Nina?!?!? There's only so much to put on your viewers, and this with Jason and Britt and the Ludacris way they got rid of Peter and Cyrus is too much for us to get onboard with. We will riot online and enough with Maurice trying to defend the bullshit storyline NO ONE WATCHING, wants to watch. I'm about to BOYCOTT!

  9. I think its kind of ironic that Michael and Willow are doing the exact same thing Chase and Sasha did in terms of deciding what's best for Chase instead of being honest from the jump.

    1. Big difference is that Sasha and Chase were doing it to keep Wiley safe at the expense of their own happiness!

  10. Can that SKANK MOLLY do a scene where she is not forcing TJ to kiss her. We know they are a couple. But she does the same thing in every scene they do. I wish Ryan had killed her. She sucks

  11. I cant see the video for the 23Rd?

  12. sasha with the omg moment of realizing she will have to deal with brando's smother mother grandma, the look on her face was priceless

    love me some tj and molly they are just the cutes couple, i know molly and brando had a thing and they kept it a secret but tj brando bromance was so nice, brando and tj need a friend they can be that for each other

    what is with the kumbaya scenes, first liesel and anna, now carly and elizabeth
