Tuesday, April 30, 2024

General Hospital 4-30-24 Full episode

General Hospital 4-30-24 Full episode 30th April 2024

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Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Listening to Jason tell Dex that Sonny used to be too smart to go after a cop caused me flashback to 2010. Both Sonny and Jason wanted to kill Dominic Perelli for being an undercover cop. After it was discovered that Dominic was Sonny's cop son, Dante; Jason tried to convince Sonny more than once to kill Dante because he knew too much.

  2. So glad to finally see Cody & Sasha get a kiss can't wait for more OH NO Chrissy is back tomorrow with this baby so sick of hearing about it think we all know she will decide to keep it at the end (back to court )

  3. tracy will try to seduce cody now that gregory cannot get it up....nina and drew are hot...they will fall in love...but poor jordan is left out in the cold....nina needs to seduce michael

  4. years ago i knew a man just like drew....he hated me....but yet he could not stay out of my bed or on the floor rocking it with me each time we met up...he hated me...but loved how i could rock it with him....drew and nina are the best part of the show....just like scotty and heather years ago

  5. Such a great show today! I am really liking Nina and Drew together. They are so humerous together and have charisma.
    Drew helping Nina and Willow to have a good Mother/Daughter relationship is so wonderful! Finally a kiss between Sasha and Cody. It was nice to have Nina confide in Maxie, even on accident. Maxie will want the best for Nina.

    1. agree with you susie...thank goodness the new writers are making willow less hateful towards her mother....great to see nice willow

  6. So.. can the Q's look forward to a steady diet of casseroles and tetrazzini dishes from now on? lol
    It was a bit of a breath of fresh air though when Sasha landed that kiss on Cody. I think kids or no kids in the house (especially a house that size) Cosha, or maybe Sady?? ..are off to the races!

  7. Well, we are not getting Jake's bar back in PC so we get "The Brown Dog"bar instead
    With having Jason back in PC a bar was necessary. The name is blah BUT it's a new set and I'm sure that it will serve it's purpose.

    Jason was patient with Dex and got him to let his guard down. I'm glad that they both realize that Sonny has changed.
    I'm interested to see how Dex gets used in the PCPD.

    Jason and Ana working together is cool.
    They are putting the pieces together...

    I do think that Ana and Valentin are suppressing their personal feelings even though professionally they are at odds.

    I do NOT like Natalia... she is way too arrogant and rude for me. Being an overprotecive mom/ manager doesn't give her the right to hurl insults whenever she wants. Maxie handled her well and maintained her professionalism. I doubt if Tracy will put up with Natalia's nonsense.

    I think that Willow will do well as a spokesperson . We need to see her outside of the guesthouse and the hospital.

    I see that they tried to make Sasha look less pretty today and toned down her look. But I liked her earrings today!
    I'm not sure why Sasha & Cody are acting like teenagers. They need a REAL storyline

    I'm pretty sure that Nina and Drew will continue to screw around.. but the next time needs to be in an actual bed.
    Maxie was so funny with her advice 😆

    1. I also can't wait for Tracy to set Natalia straight, she will not suffer that attitude! I don't think it's possible for Sasha to not look amazing, but they were definitely giving her a different vibe today. I'm reserving judgment in the hopes that this gives those two something meaningful to do, something is always going down at the Q's. Bring Valentin, or Cyrus back into that sphere, to mix things up and get Sasha fired up.

    2. how do you keep identifying the name of these eatery thought that was the bar where esme met oz, carly olivia had that bar fight with austin cousin

      and if you listen to natalie she makes a good point about brooklyn

  8. OK, at this point, Nina and Drew are just hilarious, Nina acting all innocent schoolgirl afterwards, when SHE is the one persistently instigating their intimacy... Fine, you two have at it, seems to be doing you both some good right now and you have more chemistry with each other than you had with either of your exes, that's for sure. Not sure it was meant to be funny, but now I'm entertained, hahahaha... Drew to Willow, "I'm no angel", line of the episode after she nearly walked in on him doing the naughty on the floor with her Mom, super LOL. Yeah, you're no angel Drew! Can't believe Nina just blurted that out to Maxie, OMG, that poor girl gets the rough end of every story, right after being interrogated by Natalia, can Maxie just get a break?

    Valentin and Anna, still fanning flames, those two need to leave each other alone but that will never happen, and now I'm here for it. They had good scenes today. Make Valentin exciting as a character again. And Anna playing the double agent as well as ever, good, get her back on track.

    Cody's look after Sasha said she didn't want him to feel crowded, ha, girl, he wants to be crowded with you...glad they finally kissed. Cody, we were "horsing around", and in front of her ex, Michael, boy this is all kinds of weird. It looked like Olivia might fire Sasha there after Leo's comment, lol! She "earned" it, she cooked one meal!!! This whole "make Sasha the cook" storyline is just so weird. And how happy she is about it. I can't believe a supermodel is the cook now. What a 180, I'll reserve judgment in the hopes they take it somewhere interesting, not just the stables with Cody. ;)

    1. why would michael care that sasha is with cody, sasha was with his cousin brando he did not care, they have both moved on why should that be awkward

    2. brando was not michaels cousin....sonny is not michaels dad...for gosh sakes michael is blond and blue eyed....michael looks nothing like sonny...but kristina and dante do...they are more latino looking...i wish the new writers would make it clear that sonny is not michaels dad

    3. I'm just saying it's WEIRD for Sasha to live in the house/ on property with Michael and Willow, as a servant. There's a lot of history there, I'm glad they're all moving past it but even Chase is back in that house close to getting married again, this time to Brooklynn. I know it's Soapland, but man it's all weird, at least to me. Chase/Brooklynn, Sasha/Cody, Michael/Willow, all under the same roof, man that's a lot of baggage. Sasha can see whoever she wants, I'm just not on board with this joining the Q staff thing for her yet. Stealing moments with Cody while the casserole for Michael's family bakes, I just don't know. I wish they hadn't stripped her of all her earthly possessions, she paid a hefty price for being kind to Gladys, and then leaving Deception. I wish better than this for her. Maybe she'll convince me cooking is her true passion, but it's still all outta left field for me.

  9. the person who has to clean up drew office feel sorry for them that floor is yuck lol

    olivia jelly over sasha all of sudden being a great cook lol

    that god awful woman gladys really messed with sasha finance she sold brando garage that could have generated an income for sasha then she stole from the girl, thought deception was going to pay her shares even though it wasnt that big of a pay out

    well well charlotte is back at switzerland boarding school the place where victor manchurian candidate the kid yikes, so instead if valentine try to parent his kid he sent her away so he can play international arms dealer wake lulu up she needs to mother her child charlotte

    anna better not fall for valentine seductions or whatever that was he knows anna is on to him so he is working anna, trying to distract her throw her off his trail, anna better not fall for that man valentine bull crap

    oh my god willow how many times does nina have to hurt you before you completely cut that obsessive witch out of your life, oh willow you give nina an inch watch her take a mile nina will be back to harassing that girl all because willow gave that woman a little bit of grace

    blaze mother is not wrong about brooklyn the only reason brooklyn is still at deception is to help maxie get that company, she is all about music or so she says, blaze mother has a legitimate reason to be concerned about brooklyn

    so after everything willow did to become a nurse she is just walking away from that profession why

    1. and the manipulation of willow via drew so nina can score points with willow

      can nina just let willow come to her does this woman have to work every situation to try to be in willow life when will that woman nina learn better yet when will willow learn

      and hate that maxie is back to rah rah enabling nina crap

      yes anna valentine sent you to the metro court to get shot along with sonny
