Tuesday, April 23, 2024

General Hospital 4-23-24 Full episode

General Hospital 4-23-24 Full episode 23rd April 2024

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  1. Tracy was the best today! She was hilarious!🤣

    I don't feel bad for Kristina. You could have stayed in your corner and kept your mouth shut but you didn't.
    You like to actively look for problems.
    And yes, Joss is annoying but she did drop it this time and said "my bad"... you were the one who couldn't drop it this time.

    Spinelli: "I played this playlist at a Bar Mitzvah"
    Maxie "Yeah I'm gonna need to see that playlist"

    1. Tracy is always gold! Maxie and Spinelli are so cute, get back together already!!! Kristina is always the one stirring the pot and then getting mad about it getting mixed...less screentime for that character would be wonderful, since they have so many awesome cast members who we rarely see!

  2. Thanks Bob...Skipped right through this boring episode. No interest in this wedding...

  3. I hope willow don't try it again with Nina it's waste of time and she's goin to hurt willow

  4. Drew got in line for finesse twice, lol, whatever weird dude. Jordan is such an absolute champ of an ex to Curtis, she deserves so much better. Do NOT put her with this crazy Drew, NNNNNnnnnnooooooo!!!!!!!!! Let that notion die immediately.

    All these phenomenally talented and beautiful people. But all terrible dancers, lol, guess we all have an Achilles heel! :) Blame it on the alcohol...

    Kristina, you're going to keep getting what you deserve from Josselyn, girl, just leave her alone!!! I love how she's always the one starting stuff and then getting mad about the confrontations. A chip off the old Nina block, no wonder they get along so well.

    1. the dancing was ridiculous lol

      want to ignore that kristina girl but she makes it hard too every time she opens her mouth by starting something she cannot handle everyone is having a good time josslyn was willing to let it go but no kristina had to be self righteous i think i am always right brat that she that things she likes to throw in josslyn face

      hate all this wedding crap but surprise i like this episode

    2. The wedding itself is overrated, but it's pushing along some other storylines I like! :)

  5. I am getting so sick of this wedding garbage, let’s get it over with! Also, why is Kristina such a bitch and looking for trouble with confronting Joss. She needs to act like an adult! If she loses her sister’s baby, it is her fault and no one else's. She needs to quit being such a loser and finally realize Sonny isn’t that nice of a guy, after all he never did marry her mother.

  6. So good not seeing Nina, Sonny, Sam or Portia! Jordan & Drew please no! Anna needed to stay home, such a hypocrite. Kristina is another issue, leave it alone for Gods sake. Sonny is no hero. Spinelli, Maxi & the whole bridal party was cute with Tracy as always, the star of the show.

  7. I love seeing NEW sets so Aunt Stella meeting up with the girls at a new restaurant was nicely done.
    I think the name was Gurf or Surf???

    GH has stepped it up with eatery spots.
    Long gone are the days where EVERY conversation happened at the Metro Court OR Kellie's / Bobbie's and I'm glad.

    Normally, I'm not into Bachelor/ Bachelorette parties BUT I must say that the writers did a healthy balance.
    The girls just focused on having fun for the most part THEN threw the Joss and Kristin's heated conversation in for drama.

    While the guys party was more conservative and more dialogue was used to push/ maintain storylines.

    I DON'T think that Dante is ready to leave desk duty... he was just in the ICU 5 minutes ago. Dante did give Dex solid advice on what to expect.
    I don't think that Dex is going to... make it ..like someone is likely going to take him out. But if he stays, then I'm here for it.

    I DON'T think that the writers are even trying to put Drew and Jordan together.

    I think that they arer just bonding as professional friends due to similar problems. Both of them "secretly" want their ex-spouses back PLUS Drew and Curtis are friends.

    In my opinion Jordan looks like a freaking supermodel and needs to be paired with someone on her level / someone new.
    Let Drew have Nina... or someone new.

    Of course Kristina gets more screen time than necessary PLUS she is causing drama. I'm starting to think that one of the writers is a friend or family member of this actress because there is NO way that she should be in so many scenes.

    1. I am not a fan of them sticking Kristina into every story either. Isn't she supposed to be super busy with that center opening? Did she just punt that? And Jordan deserves MUCH better than this iteration of Drew. She can make chemistry happen with anyone, get her someone awesome GH!!!!

    2. they need to free drew from nina she will ruin yet another favorites of mine please someone save drew

    3. was trying to see figure out the name of the restuarant looking around at walls door where did you see the name and kelly now bobbies is a port charles landmark just like the grill was that bar was awesome people would always be getting into fights there too bad they blew it up

    4. Lol, they would have to pivot Drew back to his old self for me to get on board with him and Jordan. Old Drew would have been super fun for her, this Drew needs some serious counseling. :) Jake's was a great bar! I wonder if they'll ever rebuild it.

  8. Tuesday's episode has been taken down. Also, on DOOL, I can't sign in to comment on missing episodes over there. All I get is a page of HTML. 😢

  9. PS - I've tried on different browsers and devices. I'm wondering how others can comment.

  10. aunt stella you are aunt stella all day every day

    a new cafe, restaurant

    ned is back and fighting with drew, would rather see drew trying to take control of elq fighting with the quartermaines than any scenes having to do with nina

    spinelli as the stripper lol what they dont know what the guy is working under that shirt lol

    is jordan getting hotter everytime she is in an episode those jeans girls says it all

    we want jordan with drew we want jordan with drew we want jordan with drew

    the police do not trust dex cannot blame them they think he is a sonny mole those side eyes if looks could kill

    are these people huffing paint chase is too good for brooklyn, brooklyn is the one who is lucky to have a decent guy like chase even give her the time of day lest of all marry her run chase run

    how drunk are these woman at this party lol and they cannot dance

    1. They all got way wasted on those Brooklyn chasers, lol! I WANT THAT DRINK! ;) And yeah, Brooklyn is the one getting lucky here. She is beautiful, but selfish and always getting into trouble and pushing boundaries. Chase is a good guy who would sacrifice anything personally for the people he loves, and ridiculously handsome to boot.

  11. This marriage is definitely leading to Chillow reunion and I'm here for it.
