Friday, April 26, 2024

General Hospital 4-26-24 Full episode

General Hospital 4-26-24 Full episode 26th April 2024

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  1. all these people coming down on Sonny needs to take a look in their own closet

  2. What's with Laura now Sonny is the bad guy and Cyrus is the saint

    1. sonny murdered aj quartermaine....sonny is no saint

  3. That dress did nothing for Carly so sick of hearing about this baby that Crissy is carrying wait until time for it to be born then all H will break lose because Crissy will want to keep it (back to court )

    1. I agree about that dress that Carly had on, only the color was flattering but it certainly made her bottom half look really fat. Kristina is another matter, the world and GH should not be centered around her and this baby. But we all know how self-centered this character is and if she doesn’t lose the baby through her own antics, there is probably going to be a custody battle coming up because she just loves drama in her life, it is never simple and she never can finish anything she starts out to do.

    2. general hospital never brings up the fact that jason and heather webber are cousins...which makes jason related to esme and her baby ace...i guess they do not know the shows history

  4. I agree with Rich. Why is everbody coming down on Sonny? Sonny is no worse than any of them. Laura is acting funny because it was her brother who met with Sonny's hands, and he is worse than Sonny. Anna...Sonny had his bodyguards protecting her during her delimma. What's her problem?

    1. Well, definitely Sonny is not a good guy, but Cyrus is much worse, Cyrus killed a lot of innocent people and usually Sonny only target certain people.

  5. There something I need tell sonny he does not own city of port charles ny it belongs to me now the city. whole city of New York and western new york I control of the city not sonny Corinthos as Maurice benard.

  6. This episode would've been great.... on a Tuesday or something but not a Friday.
    Granted, I do like the pacing of the storylines by the writers but my interest level in most storylines are low. Mainly because they are putting backburner storylines/characters on the front burner

    So beautiful Sasha is giving up her lucrative job at Deception which lowered her income to the point where she can't afford her luxury apartment.
    Only to work as a live-in chef at the Q Mansion (after 1 shepherds pie dish) just to be closer to Cody the stablehand. REALLY???

    The same overcrowded Q mansion where her ex Michael lives (on the same grounds).
    Talk about ridiculous & awkward.
    I don't think that the writers know what to do with Sasha... so they chose this direction. Sasha & Cody are NOT teenagers. They are wasting her character.

    WHAT was the point of having Sonny convince her to stay in PC?
    And WHERE is Chase & Brooklyn gonna live???

    I "get" that some viewers don't like the mobster crime element on GH....
    BUT factually if it wasn't for the mobster component then GH would be just like the other soaps.... The action is why GH has a broader fan base and remains the ONLY soap on ABC. GH had a nice balance.

    If the writers are going t make GH like Y&R ... super slow pacing, constant dialogue about the SAME tired interpersonal relationships with ZERO action.. then the ratings will go down.

    Cut back on the Kristina crap for starters.
    Make the main drama front burner again.
    Let us see MORE of the better actors like Valentin, Ava, Cyrus, Ana, Tracy & Aunt Stella along with Sonny, Jason &....Carly
    (I guess)
    THIS is what lures viewers and keeps them engaged.

    Characters like Olivia, Felicia, Sam, Molly and Kristina only make me roll my eyes from instant boredom. IF GH focuses too much on these type of characters then many viewers are going to mentally check out.
    The purpose of the show is to entertain us NOT to bore us.

    They need to step it up for May Sweeps😡

    1. Agree! Need more spicy stories with Valentin, Ava, Cyrus, and I love, Tracy, Sonny, Jason, Carly. As much as I dislike where this is going with Sonny and Ava and Sonny and Pikeman, and Sonny and Jason, it is interesting and exciting to watch where it will go next.

    2. You're right, this was definitely not a Friday episode. I hope they get into the swing of things and bring back the real cliffhangers. The mob stuff was good for that, it just needs to be used correctly to forward more storylines at the hospital, then maybe fans wouldn't come to resent it so much. And 100%, Kristina needs to not be the focal point of every episode, that's ridiculous, there are much better actors and stories right now. Tracy and Gregory are always a highlight, brilliant acting. More of those real friendships, trials, and tribulations.

  7. Ava listening behind the wall to what everything Sonny and Laura are saying, why does she always spy on people. That is the only thing I agree with Nina, but To blame her for Nina’s bad choices is not right. Nina is finally getting everything she deserves and she should start blaming herself.

    1. that will be the day nina taking responsibility for her own miserable existence never will happen and now they drew kissing nina butt vomit completely ignoring who nina is

  8. Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alexis when Molly brings up Kristina's name, ugh. :') And that's her daughter, hahaha, that's how annoying she is lately...her own mother doesn't want to talk about her. Or to her, lol!

    What a 180 they're working with Sasha, really, she's always loved cooking and will be working at the Quartermaines like Cody??? The Q's are set to have the most beautiful staff in history. And no real rabble-rousers around the house anymore to take advantage, lol...

    And that 180 with Laura vs. Sonny happened quick, boy her forgiveness found a limit in a hurry. Not a good time for her and Anna to be turning on him, soon he will be solidly in Ava's clutches. I just don't get her angle yet, is it really just about power for her?

    1. why that was an eye roller all of a sudden sasha is an amazing cook ok sure lol

  9. yeah it was about time they had a nurse or someone to look after gregory not to take the guy agency away but at this point it is necessary

    that line never gets old especially coming from tracy its monica house alan gave it to her

    what now sasha is a fabulous amazing cook that skill just manifested out of nowhere lol whatever get it girl everyone in that town are great at whatever they do why not sasha

    isnt cyrus the one that ordered julian to put that bomb at the floating rib the resulted in lulu being in a coma what is wrong with laura. again dont mind she want sonny to pay for his crimes but cyrus, esme, heather, ava she is willing to overlook their crimes and make excuses for them, nicholas is in prison and she is still making excuses for the things he did

    when laura wanted sonny help with victor she sure did not mind he was a gangster nor did she care about the way he would have taken care of victor the same goes for anna

    cyrus is playing laura and she is once again falling for it, cyrus is getting everything he wants

    1. adding to the people laura overlooks their crimes, valentin, charlotte
