Friday, January 26, 2024

General Hospital 1-26-24 Full episode

General Hospital 1-26-24 Full episode 26th January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. it is a shame that this has become such a feminist show....i rarely watch it anymore....women in charge of everything....a female mayor....we all know laura was not elected....but that is never coming out....a female co mayor....a female hotel owner...a female law commissioner....a female news owner....trans woman in charge of gh along with another woman....a woman in charge of board at wonder the two main writers got fired....and they were men writing this feminist bs....maybe the new writers will balance the lead jobs between men and women....i know this feminist behavior is going on in california where women are in charge of everything and gh is filmed in california....but all of the viewers of this show do not live in california....some of us live in areas where men are in charge...the viewers on this site may not agree with what i am saying....but i do not care....this show has too many weak liberal men and feminist women on it...i do not want to watch a show about women ....i want to see strong men....these shows are nothing like they used to be years ago....they are all wonder gh ratings are far sonny is the only strong male character on this show....there i said it

  2. Laura did not take any responsibility talking with Anna about Valentin & Charlotte when she also knew! She even blamed the PCPD for Esme slipping between the cracks? Really Laura, you protected Esme, Charlotte & Valentin. WTH?

    1. Yeah, Laura had no right to throw them under Esme's bus, she's been protecting her from day one. Same with Charlotte. Laura was culpable in that too. She's gotten too soft with all her loved ones (cough, NIKOLAS).

  3. The heck was that guy just barging into a hotel room for...and man, when did Spencer get so studly, good grief. Down, cougar, Oh, don't cut Paris short over Esme, kids. Personally, I think she's going to track you down there!!! Psycho in Paris, lol.

    And man, was feeling the chemistry between Valentin and Nina today, what a troublesome duo they could be! They are a great pair, always were, till Valentin took it too far. Time for forgiveness? And is Sonny really over there looking all jealous? Geez.

    Oh, squeeeeeee, to Brick and Jordan, lol, love seeing her smile like that! Whether it's just flirting or turns into more, girl, have some fun!

    1. i know right noone answers after this guy supposedly knocked so he just let himself into an occupied room who does that and spencer or trina should have locked that door now they will

  4. Spencer needs to stop that smacky type of kissing. Its overdone. Its not normal. Now Nina & Valentin are on a mission. I hope Ava & Sonny go to the Island & rekindle a relationship.

    1. Don't think Spencer really likes kissing Trina and YES hope Nina & Valentin get together ( friends or lovers ) and PC won't know what hit that town ( Carly & Drew needs to go DOWN )

  5. Can anyone tell me , How do I watch the 2021 episodes everyone is asking for it

    1. I will add a link to a new blog with old episodes to the episodes 2012-2021 page. Videos will appear on it gradually starting in 2023. The link will appear when the page title changes to "episodes 2012-2023". Many videos have been corrupted, so I need more time to find these episodes.

  6. ava please nina took over carly half of the metro court and she applauded that and even helped nina get sonny now shes all shocked that drew got rid of nina at crimson, why would any employer want a disloyal, distrusting employee any where near their business

    of course nina runs to yet another enabler valentine to validate her one person war she is fighting in her head, this woman always needs someone to tell her its ok for her to go on the revenge path not one of her enablers talks her down

    and ava is still being stalked and they had to make it about sonny just everything have to lead back to sonny

    what where is this story going wasnt it mentioned that curtis shooting, the failed hit on anna and sonny was done by that rogue wsb guy who was ran down had that evidence of brennan thought all of that was resolved and why did anna not tell jordan about that wsb takedown of her, and why is the fbi involved in investigating the wsb this shooting and now the purchase of windemere is part of it , brennan is back of course he is not done and was it cyrus along with the warden working with brennan they did send the fbi to the docks when those pikeman coffee shipment came in, only gh can make a storyline convoluted

    well paris is for lovers geesh trina and spencer caught that love bug fast lol

    hahahaha laura calling mac out for leaving his job unattended when she recently went all over europe looking for nicholas and how many other times has she just left her job for the deputy mayor to do

    what the writers remembered anna has a blood disorder been awhile since they mention her phlebotomy

    did finn law suit just get interesting was zoning out until they said that man was coming after hospital for money it was plot for financial gain

  7. Yeah, this WSB-Anna-Pikeman-Sonny storyline has been a mess. Still haven't told us anything about this female West Coast mob boss that was supposed to be a part of it too. I think the writers are as lost as we are, lol... And enabling aside, I'm glad about Nina hitting it off with Valentin again, they're a much better match and will cause trouble for everyone! Yeah, I can't believe anyone was surprised about Drew firing Nina, she got him sent to prison, lol, of course he doesn't want to work with her. She should just start a rival magazine, let the all-out war never end!!! And Laura has been accidentally hilariously hypocritical lately, I also laughed when she was talking about Mac being absent, girl, Jordan's been doing your job so you could traipse all over the world after Nikolas!!! :) Before then, she left Viktor's corrupt deputy mayor in charge of a bunch of stuff too. And you're right, they really could have played this lawsuit storyline a lot better, it really could have been interesting and in the actual vein of the show, General Hospital. Nice link to Aurora there too, just should have linked this all better, sooner. Silly writers.
