Monday, January 22, 2024

General Hospital 1-22-24 Full episode

General Hospital 1-22-24 Full episode 22nd January 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Carly & Drew think they are hot stuff right now BUT Nina is coming back for them just like Esme is coming after Nik & Spencer can't wait for her to get Ace back !!!!!!

  2. Esme is as psycho as her mother. And yes Nina is as well. Im surprised Esme wasn't Ninas daughter. I say Carly deserves pay back, get it Carly. Drew on the other hand whatever, but Carly needs to shut her up. Nina is a menace to anyone who comes in contact with her.

  3. Bwahahahahahaha great slow clap by Nina--Cynthia, if you can go off the deep end like Michelle could with this character, you're going to shoot up to my "love to hate" favorite characters, bring back the spunky out-of-this-world crazy!!!

    Who would have thought that Drew would be pulling Carly back to the dark side, lol... Something is definitely up with that guy. Trying to control Scout, trying to control Carly, something is not right... Carly spent the shortest amount of time ever on the right track there, but it is more fun when she's being bad! Love her and Nina going head-to-head. A smart move by Carly would be pulling in Maxie part-time (she needs to make some moolah anyway!!!), that's the person that really oughtta head up Crimson. She's a natural. Doing all the work at Deception lately for no money, come on girl, you can do better!!! At minimum Maxie should be a consultant, that would help Carly enormously. Pay the girl!!!

    Another great head-to-head to watch is Esme and Spencer. Old Esme is coming roaring back, can't wait to see!

    Not so much with Scott and Tracy. He is so far out of his league there. And Lucy needs to stop sabotaging every one of her relationships, girl, it's time to settle down!!! You will never outfox Tracy, she's a shark.

  4. As someone in the publishing business for 25 years, yeah, you put a mobster hag and zero experience at anything in charge...Olivia ran the hotel, Carly never did much, and can't even cook as it has been referenced a hundred times, but runs a diner, her only work experience is wrecking peoples' lives by interfering and making trouble. But all of a sudden she can run a magazine. This is getting so frustrating lol

  5. Ok, I hated Carly and Drew but definitely hate Drew more right now. He took such pleasure in ousting Nina and so did Carly but at least she remembered she was trying to be better. She didn't plan to REALLY take over Crimson until Drew sucked up to her.


  6. General FanaticJanuary 24, 2024 at 5:54 AM
    this kid ace really has some terrible dna, heather and ryan, esme, the entire cassadine madness from nicholas hope this kid becomes the product of his nurturing rather than nature lol

    tracy plan with martin is working she planted doubt in his head about his relationship and a maybe lucy and scotty hook up lucy's actions arent really making her any less suspicious

    chase got his badge back they hardly have the guy doing detective work, all his does of late is be brooklyn side piece

    what nina did not put together the sec thing because of olivia, she and ava especially ava helped with that, what she heard from olivia conversation with drew was carly putting up her half of the metro court as collateral to buy into aurora

    oh look nina trying to ruin olivia and carly relationship, that woman loves throwing people under a bus yet she is looking for sympathy from olivia the same woman she was just bad mouthing

    this is the real nina sonny needs to see first hand how she can turn into a viper when cornered again if nina wants to be a villian for shit sake just be a flipping villian

    so nina is the only one allowed to be hurt playing victim wah wah weepy nina and do the hurting she is the only one allowed to get revenge and look once again shes blaming carly for drew firing her what a deluded psychopath make it stop no more nina no more nina no more nina no more nina, nina we are even but she still wants revenge some of us viewers want to get off the roller coaster of revenge that is the nina character make it stop no more nina

    what exactly did trina do to esme, and here we have it esme is more motivated by destorying trina life with spencer rather than ace, ace is what she uses to get spencer to fawn over her good move on spencer part nicholas aint no prize shit father and all around terrible human being but atleast he will put ace needs first as he once did with spencer,

    yes esme do the most reckless criminal stuff so they can get rid of you too

    no carly girl no dont stay at crimson give it to maxie, bobbies is your legacy dont stay there dont think you have to make drew happy by staying there

    spencer speaking truth to dante about sonny what you could have seen the hypocrisy all over dante face

    1. cant help it loving the power couple drew and carly are becoming

    2. Spencer had the BEST comeback for Dante, and it's so true, Dante gives Sonny a pass any time he can, can't help it. And Tracy won this "battle" with Lucy immediately, and so easily, like you said, just by planting that seed in Martin's head, and now Lucy is losing even more! Let it go Lucy, before this gets even worse for you!

  7. carley just getting pay back from what nina did stole her husband lied to carley childern before all that carley didnt reconize nina may be good at pay back nina has to deal what sonny micheal and willow this goin to be good hopefully put jason in the mix nine showed fear with jason to come back

  8. Thank you so much for sharing General Hospital Bob !!!

  9. So sick of Trina and Spencer, almost want Esme to get them! They almost make me want to puke, it is nauseating!!
