Tuesday, May 30, 2023

General Hospital 5-30-23 Full episode

General Hospital 5-30-23 Full episode 30th May 2023

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

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  1. Replies
    1. Hahahahaha! Such a brown noser!

    2. Some of us just appreciate folks who do nice things for others just because!

    3. another brown noser here thank you bob for the repost appreciate it

  2. Of course perfect timing Jocelyn walking in when Carly was telling Michael about the deal the feds made to turn Sonny in.and what's go to happen if Trina turns out to be Curtis's daughter

  3. They could have made that will reading much better, disappointed with that. :( And Michael should totally sweep in to save Carly with that dirt...go drama go! Maybe Joss will, lol. Hate to think about Drew being away from Scout again, boo to that. Also hated to see how easily Nina was working Olivia, come on girl! Can't wait for all the results (Trina and Willow) to come in!!!

    1. I was half expecting for Olivia to have a vision of Nina's phone conversation with Tad, I mean Martin. What ever happened to her visions?

    2. Guess Heather's potion just wore off! Olivia has definitely lost her touch if Nina's able to manipulate her so easily...

    3. They're going to ruin the Olivia character if they continue down this road. And we don't need another one falling for Nina's bullshit manipulations. I also hate how Olivia is treating Ned. He's her husband, who she supposedly loves, yet she's not willing to give him even the slightest benefit of the doubt. And I could see Nina reinforcing that. After all, the longer the heat is on Ned, the longer she will get away with what she did.

    4. @ Janis... I agree with everything you said. Olivia is way smarter than this. However, the writers seem determined to ruin some of the best characters for the sake of pushing contrived plot lines. Olivia would never trust Nina for a second, let alone have such a deeply personal conversation with her. Also... Olivia is supposed to have street smarts and yeah... her instincts would have her supporting and believing her boyfriend. Does she know who she married? It's one thing to ask us (the audience) to believe that Nina shouldn't be the prime suspect, it's a whole other thing to ask us to believe that someone like Olivia wouldn't at least be suspicious of Nina and motives.

      When Spencer corrected the Lawyer and said that's "Mayor Collins" -- I remembered that he's the one who rigged the election for her to win. Then I remembered... "oh yeah, Spencer was a kid genius." I like this actor, but I miss the nerdy Spencer and I'd rather see that side of him than the brutish character whose constantly flexing his entitlement. I think GH is leaning on the good girl trying to save the bad boy trope... but we've kind of evolved from that dynamic and they need to find a way to be more original.

    5. Yeah, bring back clever Spencer! He has buffed up quite a bit in the role, but Spencer was always to smart (and suave) for his own good :)

    6. queen t....nina is very beautiful....I want her...and I hate carly

  4. What was that picture that ava got ?

    1. It looked like some weird gargoyle. Have no idea what it means connected to a true love. Hopefully it leads to a fun storyline!

  5. scout and drew all the yes daddy's girl that one, we dont get to see drew with his daughter enough

    watching nina lie and manipulate olivia that just turned my stomach what a horrible woman, now more than ever i want sonny to be the one that goes down for nina hateful revenge and we all with have to suffer her infamous saying that is not what i wanted to happen nina you vile woman you are the reason that olivia husband child and marriage is suffering and now nina is using olivia to work her friend what a bitch that is nina

    and why is olivia talking to nina at all about anything other than the metrocourt

    man how i want all the players sam carly drew michael, ned, yuck sonny not holding my breath, the entire quartermaine clan, in this sec thing to team up and take down nina, ,

    too much of sonny and carly in the same orbit together makes me nervous no sonny and carly reunion

    trina needs a place to stay josslyn extends her home does trina need to see spencer at carly's home not that carly would mind spencer is her friend courtney child and sonny nephew, girl can meet up with spencer anywhere in port charles, dex comes over to carly home since when

    miss victor and his antics victor with the jokes what is ava first true love lol what does the thing in the photo mean what is that in the photo a statue of a frog man, ava first true love is the monster that she is, herself

    did victor give valentin as his inheritance the middle finger an f u you rotten apple of my eye, this willing reading is hilarious omg what the what

    damn is portia over dramatic at times all the times

    1. why did alexis give spence the tarot card victor beaqueath to sam what makes alexis think sam does not want them lol

    2. Bwahahahahaha I hope it was the middle finger, that's hilarious!

    3. it looked like the statue middle finger from the time victor started talking and poured himself that drink was rolling with laughter victor was most villianous monster but damn did this guy have the best onliners

  6. janis you are a fool...nina is great
